Law Enforcement Officer - Misdemeanor - Hearing and Emergency Suspension [HB-619]
Providing that a law enforcement officer who has been convicted of a misdemeanor with a potential for more than 1 year imprisonment is not entitled to a specified hearing on specified issues by a hearing board; and providing that, if a law enforcement officer is charged with a misdemeanor with a potential for more than 1 year imprisonment, the chief may impose an emergency suspension of police powers without pay.
HB-619: Law Enforcement Officer - Misdemeanor - Hearing and Emergency Suspension
Sponsored by: Rep. Curtis Anderson
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/21/2016
Maryland Nurse Practice Act - Peer Review and Advisory Committees and Penalties [HB-490]
Repealing the requirement that the State Board of Nursing appoint specified peer review committees; authorizing the Board to appoint peer advisory committees to provide the Board with expert advice related to the practice of nursing by advance practice nurses; providing that a member of a peer advisory committee is entitled to receive compensation, as determined by the Board, and reimbursement for specified expenses; altering the maximum amount of a specified civil fine the Board may impose; etc.
HB-490: Maryland Nurse Practice Act - Peer Review and Advisory Committees and Penalties
Sponsored by: Rep. Bonnie Cullison
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 200 on 04/26/2016
State Government - Maryland Youth Advisory Council - Revisions [HB-446]
Altering the membership of the Maryland Youth Advisory Council; specifying that the members must be residents of the State; altering the factors that specified persons are required to consider in deciding which youths to nominate as members of the Council; altering the duties of the Council; altering the duties that the Governor's Office for Children has in relation to the Council; etc.
HB-446: State Government - Maryland Youth Advisory Council - Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Bromwell
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 620 on 05/19/2016
State Retirement and Pension System - Board of Trustees - Designee Appointments and Fiduciary Duties [HB-381]
Authorizing the Secretary of Budget and Management, the State Comptroller, and the State Treasurer to each appoint their respective deputies to serve as designees on the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System; and altering a specified defined term to provide for specified fiduciary duties of members of specified committees established by the Board.
HB-381: State Retirement and Pension System - Board of Trustees - Designee Appointments and Fiduciary Duties
Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Barnes
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/27/2016
State Retirement and Pension System - Disability Retirement - Alterations [HB-38]
Authorizing the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System to require retirees who are under normal retirement age and are receiving a disability retirement allowance to undergo a medical examination if good cause exists; authorizing the Board of Trustees to suspend a disability retirement allowance if the Board finds that a disability retiree is no longer mentally or physically incapacitated for the further performance of the normal duties of the position of the retiree at the time of retirement; etc.
HB-38: State Retirement and Pension System - Disability Retirement - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Hearing 2/02 At 12:30 P.m. on 02/02/2016
Prince George's County Regional Medical Center Act of 2016 [HB-309]
Requiring that in specified fiscal years specified amounts be provided as an operating grant to the University of Maryland Medical System Corporation to be used to support the transition of the Prince George's County Regional Medical Center to a participating institution of the University of Maryland Medical System Corporation; requiring that State and Prince George's County funds be used to increase access to critical health care services, to improve the quality of the services provided, and to facilitate cost containment; etc.
HB-309: Prince George's County Regional Medical Center Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Rep. Tawanna Gaines
Hearing 3/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2016
You have voted HB-233: Citizens Committee for the Enhancement of Communities Surrounding Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport - Membership.
Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Hearing Board [HB-1579]
Repealing the provision allowing an alternative method for the formation of a hearing board under the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights when the alternative method has been agreed to in a specified exclusive collective bargaining agreement; repealing the provision under which findings of fact and the penalty determination of a hearing board are final when agreed to through exclusive collective bargaining; and providing for the prospective application of the Act.
HB-1579: Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Hearing Board
Sponsored by: Rep. Curtis Anderson
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/22/2016
State Board of Dental Examiners - Ownership, Management, and Operation of a Dental Practice [HB-1468]
Requiring a dental practice to be owned, managed, or operated by a licensed dentist; authorizing, under specified circumstances, an heir of a licensed dentist who was the owner of a dental practice to serve as an owner of the dental practice for up to 1 year; authorizing the State Board of Dental Examiners to extend the 1-year time period under specified circumstances; authorizing the Board to take specified action against specified applicants and licenses for accepting or tendering rebates or split fees; etc.
HB-1468: State Board of Dental Examiners - Ownership, Management, and Operation of a Dental Practice
Sponsored by: Sen. Antonio Hayes
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/07/2016
Criminal Procedure - Sentencing Review - Juvenile Offenders Sentenced as Adults [HB-1323]
Altering the number of applications for sentence review that a specified person may file under specified circumstances; authorizing a specified person to file a specified application for sentence review after having served 15 years of a 20-year sentence for a crime committed before the age of 18; requiring a specified review panel to hold a hearing for each application for review of sentence filed by a specified person; requiring a specified review panel to consider specified information; etc.
State Board of Dental Examiners - Ownership, Management, and Operation of a Dental Practice [HB-1283]
Requiring a dental practice to be owned, managed, and operated by a licensed dentist, subject to specified exceptions; authorizing unlicensed persons to take specified actions; authorizing the State Board of Dental Examiners to issue a cease and desist order for specified violations; altering the penalties for the unauthorized practice of dentistry; etc.
HB-1283: State Board of Dental Examiners - Ownership, Management, and Operation of a Dental Practice
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/07/2016
Baltimore City - Civilian Review Board [HB-1262]
Altering procedures for filing a complaint with the Baltimore City Civilian Review Board; repealing specified time limits on filing a complaint; authorizing a complainant to request that a complaint be confidential; providing that a specified report, under specified circumstances, remains subject to a specified review and specified recommendations by the Board; repealing a specified period of time within which the Board is required to submit a specified statement to the head of a specified law enforcement unit; etc.
HB-1262: Baltimore City - Civilian Review Board
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Third Reading Passed (138-0) on 03/21/2016
State Board of Physicians - Licensing Exemption - Physicians With Traveling Athletic and Sports Teams [HB-119]
Authorizing specified physicians, under specified circumstances, to practice medicine in the State without a license issued by the State Board of Physicians and without submitting to a criminal history records check while providing medical care to an athletic team's or a sports team's members, band members, cheerleading squad, mascot, coaches, and other staff; requiring that specified physicians can only provide medical care in the State for a maximum of 45 days in a calendar year; etc.
HB-119: State Board of Physicians - Licensing Exemption - Physicians With Traveling Athletic and Sports Teams
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 94 on 04/12/2016
State Board of Physicians - Admissibility of Board Records - Workers' Compensation Commission [HB-1160]
Providing that a specified provision of law relating to the admissibility of State Board of Physicians proceedings, records, files, and orders in civil and criminal actions does not apply to any proceeding before the Workers' Compensation Commission or any proceeding related to an appeal of a decision of the Commission to a circuit court.
HB-1160: State Board of Physicians - Admissibility of Board Records - Workers' Compensation Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Kriselda Valderrama
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/19/2016