State Citizens Review Board for Children - Penalties for Unauthorized Disclosure of Child Protection Case Information [SB-79]
Repealing the authority of the Special Secretary for Children, Youth, and Families to impose a civil penalty on members of the State Citizens Review Board for Children and the Board's designees and staff for unauthorized disclosure of specified child protection case information; and authorizing the Secretary of Human Resources to impose a civil penalty of up to $500 on members of the Board and the Board's designees and staff for unauthorized disclosure of specified child protection case information.
SB-79: State Citizens Review Board for Children - Penalties for Unauthorized Disclosure of Child Protection Case Information
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 45 on 04/12/2016
You have voted SB-72: Citizens Committee for the Enhancement of Communities Surrounding Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport - Membership.
State Board of Physicians - Admissibility of Board Records - Workers' Compensation Commission [SB-441]
Providing that a specified provision of law relating to the admissibility of State Board of Physicians proceedings, records, files, and orders in civil and criminal actions does not apply to any proceeding before the Workers' Compensation Commission or any proceeding related to an appeal of a decision of the Commission to a circuit court.
SB-441: State Board of Physicians - Admissibility of Board Records - Workers' Compensation Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Hearing 2/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/16/2016
Maryland Nurse Practice Act - Peer Review and Advisory Committees and Penalties [SB-393]
Repealing the requirement that the State Board of Nursing appoint specified peer review committees; authorizing the Board to appoint peer advisory committees to provide the Board with expert advice related to the practice of nursing by advance practice nurses; providing that a member of a peer advisory committee is entitled to receive compensation, as determined by the Board, and reimbursement for expenses under the Standard State Travel Regulations, as provided in the State budget; etc.
SB-393: Maryland Nurse Practice Act - Peer Review and Advisory Committees and Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 199 on 04/26/2016
Prince George's County Regional Medical Center Act of 2016 [SB-324]
Requiring that in specified fiscal years specified amounts be provided to the University of Maryland Medical System Corporation to support the transition of the Prince George's County Regional Medical Center to operation as a participating institution of the University of Maryland Medical Corporation; requiring that State and Prince George's County funds be used only to increase access to critical health care services and to improve the quality of the services provided; making the Act subject to specified contingencies; etc.
SB-324: Prince George's County Regional Medical Center Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(b) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 13 on 04/05/2016
State Retirement and Pension System - Board of Trustees - Designee Appointments and Fiduciary Duties [SB-321]
Authorizing the Secretary of Budget and Management, the State Comptroller, and the State Treasurer to each appoint their respective deputies to serve as designees on the Board of Trustees for the State Retirement and Pension System; and altering a specified defined term to provide for specified fiduciary duties of members of specified committees established by the Board.
SB-321: State Retirement and Pension System - Board of Trustees - Designee Appointments and Fiduciary Duties
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Peters
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 64 on 04/12/2016
Maryland Anesthesiologists Assistants Act [SB-30]
Requiring the State Board of Physicians to adopt regulations for the licensure of anesthesiologist assistants and the practice of anesthesia care by anesthesiologist assistants; establishing the Anesthesiologist Assistants Advisory Committee within the Board; providing for the scope of practice for medical acts delegated to an anesthesiologist assistant under specified circumstances; requiring anesthesiologist assistants to execute a specified delegation agreement; etc.
SB-30: Maryland Anesthesiologists Assistants Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Hearing 2/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2016
State Board of Dental Examiners - Ownership, Management, and Operation of a Dental Practice [SB-228]
Requiring a dental practice to be owned, managed, and operated by a licensed dentist, subject to specified exceptions; authorizing unlicensed persons to take specified actions; authorizing the State Board of Dental Examiners to issue a cease and desist order for specified violations; altering the penalties for the unauthorized practice of dentistry; etc.
SB-228: State Board of Dental Examiners - Ownership, Management, and Operation of a Dental Practice
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Hearing 2/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/19/2016
State Board of Physicians - Distribution of Fees by Comptroller - Loan Assistance Repayment for Physicians and Physician Assistants [SB-217]
Altering the circumstances under which the Comptroller is required to distribute fees received from the State Board of Physicians to the Office of Student Financial Assistance to be used to make grants under the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Physicians and Physician Assistants in fiscal years 2017 and 2018; repealing specified provisions of law that require the Comptroller to distribute specified fees to the Health Personnel Shortage Incentive Grant Program under specified circumstances etc.
SB-217: State Board of Physicians - Distribution of Fees by Comptroller - Loan Assistance Repayment for Physicians and Physician Assistants
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 178 on 04/26/2016
You have voted SB-217: State Board of Physicians - Distribution of Fees by Comptroller - Loan Assistance Repayment for Physicians and Physician Assistants.
Health Occupations - State Board of Environmental Health Specialists - Sunset Extension and Revisions [SB-200]
Continuing the State Board of Environmental Health Specialists in accordance with the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act by extending to July 1, 2027, the termination provisions related to the authority of the Board; requiring the Board, by January 1, 2017, to adopt specified regulations regarding continuing education; requiring the Board to monitor the Long Term Environmental Health Workforce Work Group's activities for improving the recruitment and retention of environmental health specialists; etc.
SB-200: Health Occupations - State Board of Environmental Health Specialists - Sunset Extension and Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 359 on 05/10/2016
Health Care Facilities - Closures or Partial Closures of Hospitals - County Board of Health Approval [SB-12]
Prohibiting a person proposing to close or partially close a hospital that receives State and county funding from closing or partially closing the hospital except under specified circumstances; requiring the county board of health for the county in which the hospital is located to hold a public hearing at a location within 5 miles of the hospital and within 30 days of receiving notice of the proposed closure or partial closure; requiring the board of health to consider specified factors; etc.
SB-12: Health Care Facilities - Closures or Partial Closures of Hospitals - County Board of Health Approval
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 2/24 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/24/2016
Health Occupations Boards - Criminal History Records Checks - Required [SB-109]
Requiring specified applicants and licensees of the Board of Examiners for Audiologists, Hearing Aid Dispensers, and Speech-Language Pathologists, the Board of Examiners of Nursing Home Administrators, the Board of Occupational Therapy Practice, and the Board of Podiatric Medical Examiners to submit to a specified criminal history records check; authorizing specified health occupations boards to take specified actions against applicants and licensees who fail to submit the specified criminal history records check; etc.
SB-109: Health Occupations Boards - Criminal History Records Checks - Required
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 48 on 04/12/2016
SB-106: Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation - State Board of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Contractors - Authority of the Secretary
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 349 on 05/10/2016
You have voted SB-106: Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation - State Board of Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration Contractors - Authority of the Secretary.
State Government - Maryland Youth Advisory Council - Revisions [SB-103]
Altering the membership of the Maryland Youth Advisory Council; specifying that the members must be residents of the State; altering the factors that specified persons are required to consider in deciding which youths to nominate as members of the Council; altering the duties of the Council; altering the duties that the Governor's Office for Children has in relation to the Council; providing that the offices of the Senate President and Speaker of the House of Delegates shall serve as advisors to the Council; etc.
SB-103: State Government - Maryland Youth Advisory Council - Revisions
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 1/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/21/2016
Public Safety and Policing Workgroup - Recommendations [SB-1026]
Requiring a complaint against a law enforcement officer alleging brutality in the execution of the officer's duties to be signed under the penalty of perjury instead of before an official authorized to administer oaths; authorizing an individual who has a video recording to file a brutality complaint against a law enforcement officer; altering the time period within which a specified complaint against a law enforcement officer may be filed; etc.
SB-1026: Public Safety and Policing Workgroup - Recommendations
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/04/2016
Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Alterations [HB-760]
Altering the requirements for making a specified complaint against a law enforcement officer for a reason that may lead to a specified action; altering the individuals who may conduct a specified investigation, interrogation, or hearing against a specified law enforcement officer; requiring confidentiality of specified information under specified circumstances; providing for the suspension of a law enforcement officer's police powers during a specified investigation; etc.
HB-760: Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/21/2016
Law Enforcement Officers - Disciplinary Actions - Written Policy [HB-754]
Requiring a law enforcement agency to adopt by January 1, 2017, a written policy and procedure to govern specified disciplinary actions that may be taken against a law enforcement officer who is a member of the law enforcement agency; requiring each written policy to include specified information; requiring, under specified circumstances, a law enforcement officer to be disciplined in accordance with a specified policy and procedure; etc.
HB-754: Law Enforcement Officers - Disciplinary Actions - Written Policy
Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Glenn
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/07/2016
Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Hearing Board - Final Order [HB-674]
Altering the Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights to require that a hearing board issue a final order following a finding of guilt in an administrative hearing rather than provide findings and make recommendations; repealing specified exceptions authorizing a hearing board to issue a final order only under specified circumstances; repealing the requirement that a chief law enforcement officer issue a final order consistent with procedural requirements and within 30 days; etc.
HB-674: Law Enforcement Officers' Bill of Rights - Hearing Board - Final Order
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 02/29/2016