Dhss Cent. Registry;license;bckground Chk [HB-162]
An Act relating to criminal and civil history requirements and a registry regarding certain licenses, certifications, appeals, and authorizations by the Department of Health and Social Services; and providing for an effective date.
HB-162: Dhss Cent. Registry;license;bckground Chk
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hss Rpt Cs(hss) Nt 4dp 2nr 1am on 02/21/2018
Dhss Cent. Registry;license;bckground Chk [SB-81]
An Act relating to criminal and civil history record checks and requirements; relating to licenses, certifications, appeals, and authorizations by the Department of Health and Social Services; relating to child protection information; and providing for an effective date.
SB-81: Dhss Cent. Registry;license;bckground Chk
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Effective Date(s) Of Law 7/25/18 on 07/25/2018
Repeal Dhss Cent. Registry Req; Licensing [HB-139]
An Act relating to the eligibility of individuals and entities to be licensed or paid by the Department of Health and Social Services for providing certain services; and repealing requirements related to the Department of Health and Social Service's centralized registry.
HB-139: Repeal Dhss Cent. Registry Req; Licensing
Sponsored by: Rep. Tammie Wilson
Cosponsor(s): Eastman on 03/01/2017
Income Tax; Pfd Payment/credit [HB-115]
An Act bearing the short title of the 'Education Funding Act'; relating to the taxation of income of individuals, partners, shareholders in S corporations, trusts, and estates; relating to a payment against the individual income tax from the permanent fund dividend disbursement; and repealing tax credits applied against the tax on individuals under the Alaska Net Income Tax Act.
HB-115: Income Tax; Pfd Payment/credit
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Permanently Filed In The (h) on 05/24/2017
Approp:supp; Cap; Reapprop; Amend; Repeal [SB-43]
An Act making supplemental appropriations, capital appropriations, and other appropriations; making reappropriations; amending appropriations; repealing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.
SB-43: Approp:supp; Cap; Reapprop; Amend; Repeal
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/01/2017
Approp:supp; Cap; Reapprop; Amend; Repeal [HB-95]
An Act making supplemental appropriations, capital appropriations, and other appropriations; making reappropriations; amending appropriations; repealing appropriations; and providing for an effective date.
HB-95: Approp:supp; Cap; Reapprop; Amend; Repeal
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/01/2017
Food Stamps & Child Support Services [HB-68]
An Act relating to disqualification from the food stamp program for refusal to cooperate with the child support services agency or for past due child support payments; relating to the duties of the Department of Health and Social Services; and relating to the duties of the child support services agency.
HB-68: Food Stamps & Child Support Services
Sponsored by: Rep. David Eastman
Cosponsor Removed: Millett on 05/05/2017
Food Stamps:work Requirements;time Limits [HB-67]
An Act prohibiting the Department of Health and Social Services from requesting, accepting, or attempting to renew or extend a waiver of work requirements or time limits for an able-bodied adult, without dependents, in the food stamp program.
HB-67: Food Stamps:work Requirements;time Limits
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Kopp
Cosponsor Removed: Millett on 05/05/2017
Criminal Law;parole;probation;sentencing [HB-254]
An Act relating to criminal law and procedure; relating to controlled substances; relating to victims of criminal offenses; relating to probation; relating to sentencing; relating to treatment program credit for time spent toward service of a sentence of imprisonment; relating to the Violent Crimes Compensation Board; relating to permanent fund dividends; relating to electronic monitoring; relating to penalties for violating municipal ordinances; relating to parole; relating to community work service; relating to revocation, termination, suspension,
HB-254: Criminal Law;parole;probation;sentencing
Sponsored by: Rep. DeLena Johnson
Cosponsor(s): Saddler on 04/20/2018
Income Tax; Pfd Tax Payment [SB-101]
An Act relating to the taxation of the income of individuals, partners, shareholders in S corporations, trusts, and estates; relating to a payment against the individual income tax from the permanent fund dividend disbursement; repealing tax credits applied against the tax on individuals under the Alaska Net Income Tax Act; and providing for an effective date.
SB-101: Income Tax; Pfd Tax Payment
Sponsored by: Sen. Tom Begich
Read The First Time - Referrals on 04/03/2017
Relating To Residency Requirements. [SB-1241]
Establishes residency requirements for eligibility for public assistance and state low-income housing, includes exemptions to requirements under certain circumstances.
SB-1241: Relating To Residency Requirements.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim
The Committee On Hou Deferred The Measure. on 02/09/2017
You have voted HB-681: Eliminates restrictions on eligibility for certain public assistance for persons with prior drug convictions (RE1 +$25,000 GF EX See Note).