Dental Hygienist Advanced Prac Permit [SB-68]
An Act relating to the practice of dental hygiene; establishing an advanced practice permit; prohibiting unfair discrimination under group health insurance against a dental hygienist who holds an advanced practice permit; and relating to medical assistance for dental hygiene services.
SB-68: Dental Hygienist Advanced Prac Permit
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Giessel
L&c Rpt Cs 4dp New Title on 03/13/2020
Medicaid Coverage Of Lic. Counselors [SB-134]
An Act relating to medical assistance reimbursement for the services of licensed professional counselors; and providing for an effective date.
SB-134: Medicaid Coverage Of Lic. Counselors
Sponsored by: Rep. Geran Tarr
Leg Finance Appropriation Message 4/3/20 on 05/19/2020
SJR-35: A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to establish the Task Force on Services for Persons with Brain Injuries.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gerald Neal
Posted In Committee on 03/17/2020
You have voted SJR-35: A JOINT RESOLUTION directing the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to establish the Task Force on Services for Persons with Brain Injuries..
AN ACT relating to voter registration. [HB-81]
Amend KRS 116.0455 to provide that each application for a motor vehicle driver's license shall be a simultaneous application for voter registration unless declined by the applicant; amend KRS 116.048 to provide that each application filed through a designated voter registration agency shall be a simultaneous application for voter registration unless declined by the applicant.
HB-81: AN ACT relating to voter registration.
Sponsored by: Rep. George Brown
Introduced In House on 01/07/2020
Relating To Overpayments. [SB-1415]
Establishes unspecified time limits in which the Director of Human Services (DHS) can recover Medicaid overpayments made to providers and DHS can recover public assistance overpayments made to recipients, under certain circumstances.
SB-1415: Relating To Overpayments.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Relating To Health. [HB-284]
Requires the DHS to compile information regarding employers with employees who receive public assistance and to submit an annual report to the Legislature on the 50 employers with the highest number of employees receiving public assistance. Requires DLIR to share employment data with DHS. (HB284 HD1)
HB-284: Relating To Health.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Nishimoto
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Relating To Overpayments. [HB-659]
Establishes unspecified time limits in which the Director of Human Services (DHS) can recover Medicaid overpayments made to providers and DHS can recover public assistance overpayments made to recipients, under certain circumstances.
HB-659: Relating To Overpayments.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Mizuno
Carried Over To 2020 Regular Session. on 12/01/2019
Approp: Supplemental Op.; Fund; Amending [SB-168]
An Act making supplemental appropriations and other appropriations; making an appropriation to capitalize a fund; amending appropriations; and providing for an effective date.
SB-168: Approp: Supplemental Op.; Fund; Amending
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/31/2018
Approp:supp Ops;capital;funds;amending [HB-321]
An Act making supplemental appropriations, capital appropriations, and other appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; amending appropriations; and providing for an effective date.
HB-321: Approp:supp Ops;capital;funds;amending
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Effective Date(s) Of Law 03/28/18 on 03/28/2018
Med. Assistance Work Requirement [HB-356]
An Act requiring the Department of Health and Social Services to apply for a waiver to establish work requirements for certain adults who are eligible for the state medical assistance program.
HB-356: Med. Assistance Work Requirement
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Kopp
Cosponsor(s): Reinbold on 03/14/2018
Med. Assistance/food Stamps;work/time Req [HB-362]
An Act relating to a work requirement for the state medical assistance program; prohibiting the Department of Health and Social Services from requesting, accepting, or attempting to renew or extend a waiver of work requirements or time limits for an able-bodied adult, without dependents, in the food stamp program; and providing for an effective date.
HB-362: Med. Assistance/food Stamps;work/time Req
Sponsored by: Rep. David Eastman
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/21/2018
Criminal Law;parole;probation;sentencing [HB-311]
An Act relating to criminal law and procedure; relating to controlled substances; relating to victims of criminal offenses; relating to probation; relating to sentencing; relating to treatment program credit for time spent toward service of a sentence of imprisonment; relating to the Violent Crimes Compensation Board; relating to permanent fund dividends; relating to electronic monitoring; relating to penalties for violating municipal ordinances; relating to parole; relating to community work service; relating to revocation, termination, suspension,
HB-311: Criminal Law;parole;probation;sentencing
Sponsored by: Rep. Gabrielle LeDoux
Cosponsor(s): Eastman on 04/18/2018
Med. Assistance Work Requirement [SB-193]
An Act requiring the Department of Health and Social Services to apply for a waiver to establish work requirements for certain adults who are eligible for the state medical assistance program.
SB-193: Med. Assistance Work Requirement
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Kopp
Cross Sponsor(s): Kopp on 05/04/2018
Criminal Law;parole;probation;sentencing [SB-127]
An Act relating to criminal law and procedure; relating to controlled substances; relating to victims of criminal offenses; relating to probation; relating to sentencing; relating to treatment program credit for time spent toward service of a sentence of imprisonment; relating to the Violent Crimes Compensation Board; relating to permanent fund dividends; relating to electronic monitoring; relating to penalties for violating municipal ordinances; relating to parole; relating to community work service; relating to revocation, termination, suspension,
SB-127: Criminal Law;parole;probation;sentencing
Sponsored by: Sen. David Wilson
In Accordance With Ur 48(b) Moved To Finance on 04/09/2018
Medicaid: Behavioral Health Coverage [SB-169]
An Act relating to the definition of 'direct supervision' for purposes of medical assistance coverage of behavioral health clinic services.
SB-169: Medicaid: Behavioral Health Coverage
Sponsored by: Rep. Charisse Millett
Awaiting Transmittal To Gov on 05/07/2018
SB-194: Public assistance, additional requirements for TANF and SNAP benefits, termination of benefits for certain benefits, review of certain EBT card purchases required
Sponsored by: Sen. Arthur Orr
Read For The First Time And Referred To The Senate Committee On Fiscal Responsibility And Economic Development on 02/16/2017
You have voted SB-194: Public assistance, additional requirements for TANF and SNAP benefits, termination of benefits for certain benefits, review of certain EBT card purchases required.