Traumatic Brain Injury:program/medicaid [SB-219]
An Act establishing a traumatic or acquired brain injury program and registry within the Department of Health and Social Services; and relating to medical assistance coverage for traumatic or acquired brain injury services.
SB-219: Traumatic Brain Injury:program/medicaid
Sponsored by: Sen. Dennis Egan
Effective Date(s) Of Law 9/23/10 on 07/09/2010
Scholarships: Ak Scholars/grants/exchange [SB-174]
An Act relating to the Alaska scholars program administered by the Board of Regents of the University of Alaska and to scholarship information; repealing provisions related to University of Alaska scholarships; relating to the AlaskAdvantage Education Grant Program; and relating to professional student exchange program availability; and relating to exemptions from the conditions for loan repayment under the medical education program.
SB-174: Scholarships: Ak Scholars/grants/exchange
Sponsored by: Sen. Linda Menard
Rules To Calendar 4/13/2010 on 04/13/2010
Medical Assistance Eligibility [SB-13]
An Act relating to eligibility requirements for medical assistance for certain children and pregnant women; and providing for an effective date.
SB-13: Medical Assistance Eligibility
Sponsored by: Sen. William Wielechowski
Vetoed By Governor 6/4/10 on 07/09/2010
Approp: Energy Assistance [SB-116]
An Act making a special appropriation for energy assistance for Alaska residents; and providing for an effective date.
SB-116: Approp: Energy Assistance
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Effective Date(s) Of Law 5/22/09 on 08/05/2009
Foster Care/cina/education Of Homeless [SB-105]
An Act relating to continuing the secondary public education of a homeless student; relating to the purpose of certain laws as they relate to children; relating to tuition waivers, loans, and medical assistance for a child placed in out-of-home care by the state; relating to foster care; relating to children in need of aid; relating to foster care transition to independent living; and relating to juvenile programs and institutions.
SB-105: Foster Care/cina/education Of Homeless
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Ellis
Referred To Finance on 04/14/2009
Medicaid/ins For Cancer Clinical Trials [SB-10]
An Act requiring health care insurers to provide insurance coverage for medical care received by a patient during certain approved clinical trials designed to test and improve prevention, diagnosis, treatment, or palliation of cancer; directing the Department of Health and Social Services to provide Medicaid services to persons who participate in those clinical trials; and relating to experimental procedures under a state plan offered by the Comprehensive Health Insurance Association.
SB-10: Medicaid/ins For Cancer Clinical Trials
Sponsored by: Sen. Bettye Davis
Effective Date(s) Of Law 9/29/10 on 07/09/2010
Approp: Mental Health Budget [HB-83]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and capital expenses of the state's integrated comprehensive mental health program; and providing for an effective date.
HB-83: Approp: Mental Health Budget
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Effective Date(s) Of Law 7/1/09 on 08/05/2009
Medical Assistance Eligibility/premiums [HB-62]
An Act relating to eligibility requirements and premium requirements for medical assistance coverage for children; and providing for an effective date.
HB-62: Medical Assistance Eligibility/premiums
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Hawker
Prefile Released 1/16/09 on 01/20/2009
Medical Assistance Coverage [HB-61]
An Act relating to eligibility requirements for medical assistance for certain children, pregnant women, and disabled persons.
HB-61: Medical Assistance Coverage
Sponsored by: Rep. Max Gruenberg
Prefile Released 1/9/09 on 01/20/2009
Physician Shortages: Grants [HB-335]
An Act establishing a program and account for grants to support access to Medicare and primary health care services in shortage areas.
HB-335: Physician Shortages: Grants
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Kawasaki
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/10/2010
Traumatic Brain Injury:program/medicaid [HB-328]
An Act establishing a traumatic or acquired brain injury program and registry within the Department of Health and Social Services; and relating to medical assistance coverage for traumatic or acquired brain injury services.
HB-328: Traumatic Brain Injury:program/medicaid
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Tuck
Hss Rpt Cs(hss) 7nr on 03/19/2010
Supplemental/other Appropriations [HB-326]
An Act making supplemental appropriations and other appropriations; amending appropriations; repealing appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date.
HB-326: Supplemental/other Appropriations
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Effective Date(s) Of Law See Chapter on 07/09/2010
Approp: Mental Health Budget [HB-302]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and capital expenses of the state's integrated comprehensive mental health program; and providing for an effective date.
HB-302: Approp: Mental Health Budget
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Effective Date(s) Of Law 7/1/10 on 07/09/2010
Naturopaths [HB-282]
An Act relating to naturopaths and to the practice of naturopathy; establishing an Alaska Naturopathic Medical Board; authorizing medical assistance program coverage of naturopathic services; amending the definition of 'practice of medicine'; and providing for an effective date.
HB-282: Naturopaths
Sponsored by: Rep. Cathy Munoz
Referred To Finance on 04/09/2010