HCR-96: Requests a study concerning the potential use of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits to cover certain Medicaid copayment requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Kirk Talbot
Read By Title, Under The Rules, Referred To The Committee On Health And Welfare. on 05/02/2016
You have voted HCR-96: Requests a study concerning the potential use of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program benefits to cover certain Medicaid copayment requirements.
SB-285: Public assistance, revised procedures and limitations required for various public assistance programs administered by the Human Resources Dept.
Sponsored by: Sen. Arthur Orr
Indefinitely Postponed on 04/28/2016
You have voted SB-285: Public assistance, revised procedures and limitations required for various public assistance programs administered by the Human Resources Dept..
HB-498: Public assistance, revised procedures and limitations required for various public assistance programs administered by the Human Resources Dept.
Sponsored by: Rep. Arnold Mooney
Read For The First Time And Referred To The House Of Representatives Committee On State Government on 04/05/2016
You have voted HB-498: Public assistance, revised procedures and limitations required for various public assistance programs administered by the Human Resources Dept..
SB-1038: Amends existing law to prohibit public assistance recipients from forgiving unpaid child support or accepting direct payment of child support.
Sponsored by: Sen.
Reported Printed; Referred To Health & Welfare on 02/04/2015
You have voted SB-1038: Amends existing law to prohibit public assistance recipients from forgiving unpaid child support or accepting direct payment of child support..
Omnibus Crim Law & Procedure; Corrections [SB-91]
An Act relating to civil in rem forfeiture actions; relating to criminal law and procedure; relating to controlled substances; relating to victims of criminal offenses; relating to probation; relating to sentencing; relating to treatment program credit for time spent toward service of a sentence of imprisonment; relating to the Violent Crimes Compensation Board; establishing a pretrial services program with pretrial services officers in the Department of Corrections; relating to permanent fund dividends; relating to electronic monitoring; relating
SB-91: Omnibus Crim Law & Procedure; Corrections
Sponsored by: Sen. Dennis Egan
Signed Into Law 7/11 Chapter 36 Sla 16 on 07/15/2016
Medical Assistance Coverage; Reform [SB-78]
An Act relating to medical assistance reform measures; relating to eligibility for medical assistance coverage; relating to medical assistance cost containment measures by the Department of Health and Social Services; and providing for an effective date.
SB-78: Medical Assistance Coverage; Reform
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Fn8: (dhs) on 04/11/2015
Medicaid Reform;telemedicine;drug Databas [SB-74]
An Act relating to diagnosis, treatment, and prescription of drugs without a physical examination by a physician; relating to the delivery of services by a licensed audiologist, speech-language pathologist, professional counselor, marriage and family therapist, psychologist, psychological associate, social worker, physical therapist, occupational therapist, and registered speech-language pathologist assistant by audio, video, or data communications; relating to the duties of the State Medical Board; relating to limitations of actions; establishing
SB-74: Medicaid Reform;telemedicine;drug Databas
Sponsored by: Sen. Dennis Egan
Fn61: (cc: Hb256/dhs) Transmitted To Governor 7/14/16 on 07/15/2016
Supplemental/capital/other Appropriations [SB-40]
An Act making supplemental appropriations, capital appropriations, and other appropriations; making reappropriations; amending appropriations; repealing appropriations; making appropriations to capitalize funds; and providing for an effective date.
SB-40: Supplemental/capital/other Appropriations
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/04/2015
Approp: Mental Health Budget [SB-28]
An Act making appropriations for the operating and capital expenses of the state's integrated comprehensive mental health program; and providing for an effective date.
SB-28: Approp: Mental Health Budget
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 01/21/2015
Recovery Of False Claims For State Funds [SB-211]
An Act relating to the limitation period to commence a false claims action; relating to recovery for false claims for state or municipal funds; and amending Rules 4, 24, and 46, Alaska Rules of Civil Procedure.
SB-211: Recovery Of False Claims For State Funds
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Read The First Time - Referrals on 04/01/2016
Dhss Cent. Registry; Licnse;bckground Chk [SB-151]
An Act relating to criminal and civil history requirements for individuals and entities licensed or certified by the Department of Health and Social Services; relating to the centralized registry for certain individuals or entities that are licensed or certified by the Department of Health and Social Services or are eligible to receive payment from certain programs of the department; and providing for an effective date.
SB-151: Dhss Cent. Registry; Licnse;bckground Chk
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Hss Rpt 2dp 1nr on 02/12/2016
Senior Benefits Prog. Eligibility [SB-147]
An Act relating to eligibility requirements of the Alaska senior benefits payment program; and providing for an effective date.
SB-147: Senior Benefits Prog. Eligibility
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Effective Date(s) Of Law 7/1/16 on 05/23/2016
Recovery Of Pub. Assist. Overpayments [SB-145]
An Act relating to benefits for public assistance programs administered by the Department of Health and Social Services; and providing for an effective date.
SB-145: Recovery Of Pub. Assist. Overpayments
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Fn3: (dhs) on 07/11/2016
Suspend Uniform Rules For Sb 91 [HCR-32]
Suspending Rules 24(c), 35, 41(b), and 42(e), Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature, concerning Senate Bill No. 91, relating to criminal law and procedure; relating to controlled substances; relating to immunity from prosecution for the crime of prostitution; relating to probation; relating to sentencing; establishing a pretrial services program with pretrial services officers in the Department of Corrections; relating to the publication of suspended entries of judgment on a publicly available Internet website; relating to permanent fund
HCR-32: Suspend Uniform Rules For Sb 91
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Permanently Filed 9/22 Legis Resolve 42 on 09/23/2016