HB-2347: Allowing schools licensed to provide barber, cosmetology and related training to hold theory classes and clinical classes at different locations
Sponsored by: Rep. Martin Atkinson
Chapter 181, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017
You have voted HB-2347: Allowing schools licensed to provide barber, cosmetology and related training to hold theory classes and clinical classes at different locations.
Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal, etc. [HB-1453]
Dispensing of naloxone. Allows a person who is authorized by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to train individuals on the administration of naloxone for use in opioid overdose reversal and who is acting on behalf of an organization that provides services to individuals at risk of experiencing opioid overdose or training in the administration of naloxone for overdose reversal and that has obtained a controlled substances registration from the Board of Pharmacy pursuant to § 54.1-3423 to dispense naloxone to a person
HB-1453: Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0168) on 02/23/2017
Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal, etc. [SB-848]
Dispensing of naloxone. Allows a person who is authorized by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to train individuals on the administration of naloxone for use in opioid overdose reversal and who is acting on behalf of an organization that provides services to individuals at risk of experiencing opioid overdose or training in the administration of naloxone for overdose reversal and that has obtained a controlled substances registration from the Board of Pharmacy pursuant to § 54.1-3423 to dispense naloxone to a person
SB-848: Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer McClellan
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0055) on 02/20/2017
Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal, etc. [HB-1449]
Dispensing of naloxone. Allows a person who is authorized by the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services to train individuals on the administration of naloxone for use in opioid overdose reversal and who is acting on behalf of an organization that provides substance abuse treatment services to individuals at risk of experiencing opioid overdose or training in the administration of naloxone for overdose reversal and that has obtained a controlled substances registration from the Board of Pharmacy pursuant to ? 54.1-3423 to dispense
HB-1449: Naloxone; dispensing for use in opioid overdose reversal, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Murphy
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 02/07/2017
Marijuana; possession or distribution for medical purposes, affirmative defense for treatment. [SB-841]
Possession or distribution of marijuana for medical purposes; affirmative defense for treatment of certain conditions. Provides an affirmative defense to prosecution for possession of marijuana if a person has a valid written certification issued by a practitioner for cannabidiol oil or THC-A oil for treatment of, or to alleviate the symptoms of, cancer, human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, Tourette syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Crohn's disease, or complex regional pain syndrome. Under
SB-841: Marijuana; possession or distribution for medical purposes, affirmative defense for treatment.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lynwood Lewis
Stricken At The Request Of Patron In Courts Of Justice (14-y 0-n) on 01/30/2017
Relating to direct primary care [HB-2301]
The purpose of this bill is to permit individuals to enter into agreements, for direct primary care with an individual or other legal entity authorized to provide primary care services, outside of an insurance plan or outside of the Medicaid or Medicare program and pay for the care. The bill provides that a direct primary care membership agreement is not considered insurance and that a direct primary care provider is not required to obtain certain credentials or licensing. The bill prohibits the billing of third party providers for direct primary
HB-2301: Relating to direct primary care
Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Ellington
Chapter 175, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017
Prescription drugs; purpose of labeling. [HB-1424]
Labeling of prescription drugs; purpose. Requires pharmacists to include on any label placed on the container in which any drug dispensed pursuant to a prescription is placed the purpose for which the drug has been prescribed and requires written prescriptions issued by prescribers to include the purpose for which the drug is prescribed.
HB-1424: Prescription drugs; purpose of labeling.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Cole
Left In Health, Welfare And Institutions on 02/07/2017
HB-2302: Prohibiting chairmen of state political parties during or up to one year after the termination of their employment as chairmen of those political parties from registering as lobbyists
Sponsored by: Rep. Isaac Sponaugle
Filed For Introduction on 02/09/2017
You have voted HB-2302: Prohibiting chairmen of state political parties during or up to one year after the termination of their employment as chairmen of those political parties from registering as lobbyists.
Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, Board for; home inspections, required statement. [SB-812]
Board for Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors; home inspections; required statement related to the presence of yellow shaded corrugated stainless steel tubing. Provides that whenever a home inspector observes the presence of any shade of yellow shaded corrugated stainless steel tubing during an inspection of a home built prior to the adoption of the construction code effective in 2008, his observation must be included in the inspection report along with the following statement: "Manufacturers believe that this product is safer if properly bonded
SB-812: Asbestos, Lead, and Home Inspectors, Board for; home inspections, required statement.
Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Marsden
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0805) on 04/05/2017
Direct primary care agreements; the Commonwealth's insurance laws do not apply. [SB-800]
Direct primary care agreements. Provides that direct agreement between a patient, the patient's legal representative, or the patient's employer and a health care provider for ongoing primary care services in exchange for the payment of a monthly periodic fee is not health insurance or a health maintenance organization, if patients are not required to pay monthly periodic fees prior to initiation of the direct agreement coverage period. The measure also provides that a health care provider who participates in a direct primary care practice may participate
SB-800: Direct primary care agreements; the Commonwealth's insurance laws do not apply.
Sponsored by: Sen. Amanda Chase
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0831) on 04/26/2017
Relating generally to licensed surveyors [SB-192]
The purpose of this bill is to exempt licensed surveyors from liability for defamation or slander of title when performing their professional duties, except in the case of malicious intent.
SB-192: Relating generally to licensed surveyors
Sponsored by: Sen. Ryan Weld
Introduced In House on 03/17/2017
Companion animal; surgical sterilization program, penalty. [SB-799]
Companion animal surgical sterilization program; fund; penalty. Establishes a fund to reimburse participating veterinarians for the surgical sterilizations they perform on eligible cats or dogs. The bill requires that a surcharge of $5 per ton of pet food distributed in the Commonwealth be deposited in the fund and that such pet food be exempted from the existing litter tax. An animal will be eligible for sterilization under the program at no or reduced cost to its owner or caretaker if it is a feral or free-roaming cat or is owned by a low-income
Medical records; fee limits and penalty for failure to provide. [HB-1130]
Requests for medical records; fee limits and penalty for failure to provide. Provides that when documents are requested or subpoenaed, the requester or subpoenaing party has the option of specifying that the documents are to be produced by the health care provider in hard copy or electronic format, and where a requester makes no specification, the documents are to be produced in electronic format. The bill imposes a maximum cost to the requester of medical records requested in electronic format. Current law does not set a maximum cost or deadline
HB-1130: Medical records; fee limits and penalty for failure to provide.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Habeeb
Left In Courts Of Justice on 12/01/2016