Private Sector Labor And Industry

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Families Serve Act of 2024 [SB-478]
Authorizing employers to grant a preference in hiring and promotion to spouses of eligible service members; and requiring the appointing authorities in the Executive Branch of State government to apply a credit of 10 points on any selection test for eligible spouses and veterans of certain uniformed services.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Approved By The Governor - Chapter 6 on 04/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Workplace Fraud and Prevailing Wage - Violations - Penalties and Referrals [SB-436]
Increasing a certain civil penalty and administrative penalty for employers knowingly failing to properly classify individuals as employees; and requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to refer to the Comptroller and the U.S. Department of Labor certain complaints that allege a violation of certain tax laws under certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Third Reading Passed (34-12) on 03/14/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Rent Court Workforce Solutions Pilot Program [HB-372]
Establishing the Rent Court Workforce Solutions Pilot Program in Montgomery County and Prince George's County to provide residential tenants who are facing eviction for a failure to pay rent with information on workforce development and employment opportunities; and requiring by January 1, 2026 and each January 1 thereafter, a designated organization to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the number of individuals that were connected to workforce development programs or employment opportunities through the Program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Vaughn Stewart Approved By The Governor - Chapter 294 on 04/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Wage Payment and Collection - Pay Stubs and Pay Statements - Required Information [HB-385]
Requiring that a notice containing certain information provided to an employee at the time of hiring be written; requiring that the statement regarding earnings required to be provided to employees by employers be written on the physical pay stub or online pay statement and include certain information; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to create and make available to an employer at no charge a pay stub template that may be used by an employer to comply with the Act; and establishing a certain administrative penalty.


Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill Approved By The Governor - Chapter 306 on 04/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Montgomery County and Prince George's County - Rent Court Workforce Solutions Pilot Program [SB-354]
Establishing the Rent Court Workforce Solutions Pilot Program in Montgomery County and Prince George's County to provide defendant tenants in failure to pay rent cases with workforce resources and information on workforce development, registered apprenticeships, and other employment opportunities; and requiring, by January 1, 2026, and each January 1 thereafter, a designated organization to report to the Governor and the General Assembly on the number of individuals that were connected to certain opportunities through the Program.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher Approved By The Governor - Chapter 295 on 04/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Workforce Development and Adult Learning – Leasing Training Program – Establishment [SB-91]
Establishing the Leasing Training Program in the Maryland Department of Labor to train, prepare, and connect job seekers with careers in the residential rental housing industry; requiring the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning to administer the Program and award annually $250,000 in grants to eligible designated partnerships; authorizing the Governor to include a $250,000 appropriation in the annual budget bill for each of fiscal years 2026, 2027, and 2028 for the Program; requiring a certain report by January 1 each year; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray Hearing 3/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/18/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Employment Standards, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage - Employer Adverse Actions - Prohibition [SB-233]
Prohibiting employers from taking or threatening to take adverse action against an employee because the employee takes certain actions regarding rights and responsibilities, complaints, investigations, proceedings, or hearings under certain provisions of law; and authorizing the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to investigate a violation of the Act on the Commissioner's own initiative or on receipt of a written complaint.


Sponsored by: Sen. Hearing 2/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/11/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Employment Standards, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage - Employer Adverse Actions and Enforcement [HB-136]
Prohibiting employers from taking or threatening to take adverse action against an employee because the employee takes certain actions regarding rights and responsibilities, complaints, investigations, proceedings, or hearings; authorizing the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, within 90 days after receipt of a written complaint, to investigate a violation and attempt to resolve the issue informally through mediation; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 207 on 04/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Workforce Development and Adult Learning - Leasing Training Program - Establishment [HB-11]
Establishing the Leasing Training Program in the Maryland Department of Labor to train, prepare, and connect job seekers with careers in the residential rental housing industry; requiring the Division of Workforce Development and Adult Learning to administer the Program and award $250,000 annually in grants to eligible designated partnerships; requiring the Governor to include $250,000 in the annual budget bill for each of fiscal years 2026, 2027, and 2028 for the program; requiring a certain report by January 1 each year; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jazz Lewis Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Wage Payment and Collection - Pay Stubs and Pay Statements - Required Information [SB-38]
Requiring that a notice of the pay rate, regular paydays, and leave benefits provided to an employee at the time of hiring be written; requiring that the statement regarding earnings required to be provided to employees by employers be written on the physical pay stub or online pay statement and include certain information; requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to create and make available to an employer at no charge a pay stub template that may be used by an employer to meet the requirements of the Act; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington Approved By The Governor - Chapter 305 on 04/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship Program Workgroup [SB-137]
Establishing the Registered Nurse Degree Apprenticeship Program Workgroup to study the feasibility of developing and implementing a registered nurse degree apprenticeship program in the State; and requiring the Workgroup, on or before April 1, 2025, to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor, the Senate Finance Committee, and the House Health and Government Operations Committee.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/24/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Payment of Minimum Wage - Tipped Employees [SB-160]
Specifying a certain tip credit amount that is in effect for certain time periods; prohibiting certain employers of tipped employees, beginning July 1, 2027, from including a tip credit amount as part of the employees' wages and requiring the employer to pay an employee at least the State minimum wage; and requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to establish the High Road Kitchen Program as a recognition program for restaurants that do not include the tip credit as part of certain employees' wages.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray Hearing 2/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/11/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Healthy Working Families Act - Railroad Employees - Unpaid Leave [HB-104]
Requiring a railroad employer to provide a railroad employee with unpaid earned sick and safe leave under the Healthy Working Families Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andrea Harrison Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/12/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Act - Civil Penalties - Alterations [HB-244]
Altering certain civil penalties for violations of the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Act; and requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to annually increase the maximum and minimum civil penalties, beginning in 2025, by the percentage increase, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers or a successor index published by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics.


Sponsored by: Rep. Approved By The Governor - Chapter 104 on 04/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Dorchester County - County Applicants - Polygraph Examinations [HB-1270]
Exempting applicants for employment as a paramedic or an emergency medical technician provider with Dorchester County, as a 9-1-1 Center dispatcher at the Dorchester County 9-1-1 Center, or as a correctional officer of the Dorchester County Detention Center from the prohibition on employers requiring or demanding that an individual submit to or take a polygraph examination as a condition of prospective employment.


Sponsored by: No sponsors First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/20/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Workplace Fraud and Prevailing Wage - Violations - Penalties and Referrals [HB-1261]
Establishing certain criminal penalties for employers knowingly failing to properly classify individuals as employees and contractors and subcontractors knowingly violating State prevailing wage laws; and requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to refer to the Comptroller certain complaints that allege a violation of certain tax laws under certain circumstances.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kriselda Valderrama Rereferred To Economic Matters on 03/06/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Payment of Minimum Wage - Tipped Employees [HB-1256]
Specifying a certain tip credit amount that is in effect for certain time periods; prohibiting certain employers of tipped employees, beginning July 1, 2027, from including a tip credit amount as part of the employees' wages and requiring employers to pay a wage that is at least equal to the State's minimum wage; and requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to establish the High Road Kitchen Program as a recognition program for restaurants that do not include the tip credit as part of certain employees' wages.


Sponsored by: Rep. Veronica Turner First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/16/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Maryland Construction Education and Innovation Fund - Funding - Alteration [SB-922]
Increasing the mandated appropriation that the Governor is required to include for the Maryland Construction Education and Innovation Fund in the annual budget bill from $250,000 to $625,000 for fiscal years 2025 through 2029.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Approved By The Governor - Chapter 493 on 05/08/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Maryland Healthy Working Families Act - Seasonal Temporary Workers [SB-902]
Increasing, from 106 to 120 days, the period during which an employer is not required to allow an employee to use earned sick and safe leave; altering the circumstances under which an employer is required to reinstate certain unused sick and safe leave; and altering the circumstances under which an employer is authorized to require an employee who uses earned sick and safe leave to provide certain verification.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza First Reading Senate Rules on 02/15/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Railroad Company – Movement of Freight – Required Crew [SB-915]
Prohibiting a train or light engine used in the movement of freight in the same rail corridor as a high-speed passenger or commuter train from being operated in the State unless it has at least two crew members; and establishing a penalty for a first offense of a $500 fine and for subsequent offenses within a 3-year period, a fine of $1,000 for each offense.


Sponsored by: Sen. Arthur Ellis Hearing 3/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/03/2023

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