Nursing Homes - Cost Reports [HB-933]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to review the cost reports and other data submitted by each nursing home that participates in the Maryland Medical Assistance Program; and requiring the Department to report the findings resulting from the review conducted under the Act to the Governor and certain committees of the General Assembly by October 1, 2025, and each October 1 thereafter through 2029.
HB-933: Nursing Homes - Cost Reports
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Referred Finance on 03/12/2025
Employment and Insurance Equality for Service Members Act [HB-895]
Establishing rules of interpretation related to the uniformed services; altering the rule of interpretation for "veteran"; and altering the application of certain provisions of law governing the regulation of business, economic development, insurance, and labor and employment to apply to all uniformed services, rather than only the armed forces.
HB-895: Employment and Insurance Equality for Service Members Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Rogers
Referred Finance Education, Energy, And The Environment on 02/26/2025
Workgroup on the Creation of a Data Dashboard for Public Work Contracts and Apprentices - Establishment [HB-850]
Requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to develop and maintain a data dashboard that includes certain information relating to contractors, subcontractors, employees, and apprentices working under public work contracts; requiring each contractor who is contracted under a public work contract to provide certain information to the Commissioner; requiring the Commissioner to update the data dashboard on a certain basis and post the data dashboard on the Maryland Department of Labor website; etc.
HB-850: Workgroup on the Creation of a Data Dashboard for Public Work Contracts and Apprentices - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Third Reading Passed (137-0) on 03/17/2025
Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - Employee Certification and Awareness Materials [HB-795]
Establishing requirements related to the certification of employment by public service employers under the federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program, including requirements regarding determinations of whether employees are full-time; and requiring the Student Loan Ombudsman in the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation to develop and disseminate information to increase awareness of and participation in the Program.
HB-795: Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program - Employee Certification and Awareness Materials
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Hearing 3/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/13/2025
Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Covered Individuals - Alternatively Qualified Individuals [HB-824]
Altering the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program to provide benefits, beginning July 1, 2027, to alternatively qualified individuals who care for or bond with a child under certain circumstances; altering the date that the Secretary of Labor is required to begin conducting certain cost analyses of the Program; and requiring that an employer allow an alternatively qualified individual who is receiving benefits under the Program to take certain unpaid leave from employment.
HB-824: Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Covered Individuals - Alternatively Qualified Individuals
Sponsored by: Rep. Vaughn Stewart
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 02/19/2025
SB-576: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Motion Recommit To Committee (senator Beidle) Adopted on 03/10/2025
You have voted SB-576: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act).
SB-494: Procurement Contracts and Public-Private Partnerships - Project Labor Agreements, Community Benefit Agreements, and Use of Registered Apprentices
Sponsored by: Sen. Arthur Ellis
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/05/2025
You have voted SB-494: Procurement Contracts and Public-Private Partnerships - Project Labor Agreements, Community Benefit Agreements, and Use of Registered Apprentices.
Registered Apprenticeship Investments for a Stronger Economy (RAISE) Act [HB-501]
Authorizing the State Board of Plumbing to waive the license examination requirement for a journey plumber license; authorizing the Secretary of Labor to waive the examination for certain licenses; altering the duties of the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council; repealing the Youth Apprenticeship Advisory Committee; establishing the Maryland Office of Registered Apprenticeship Development to market and advance the registered apprenticeship system throughout the State; etc.
HB-501: Registered Apprenticeship Investments for a Stronger Economy (RAISE) Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2025
Registered Apprenticeship Investments for a Stronger Economy (RAISE) Act [SB-431]
Authorizing the State Board of Plumbing to waive the license examination requirement for a journey plumber license; authorizing the Secretary of Labor to waive the examination for certain licenses; altering the duties of the Maryland Apprenticeship and Training Council; repealing the Youth Apprenticeship Advisory Committee; establishing the Maryland Office of Registered Apprenticeship Development to market and advance the registered apprenticeship system throughout the State; etc.
SB-431: Registered Apprenticeship Investments for a Stronger Economy (RAISE) Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Nancy King
Third Reading Passed (33-9) on 03/17/2025
Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Delay of Implementation [SB-355]
Altering, from July 1, 2025, to July 1, 2027, and from July 1, 2026, to July 1, 2028, the dates on which the payment of contributions and the submission of claims for benefits, respectively, are to begin under the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program.
SB-355: Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Delay of Implementation
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Hershey
Hearing 2/05 At 2:00 P.m. on 01/20/2025
Natural Gas - Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (Ratepayer Protection Act) [HB-419]
Altering the required contents of a certain plan that a gas company may file with the Public Service Commission for proposed eligible infrastructure replacement projects to include certain descriptions, demonstrations, analyses, and notifications; and altering the required findings of the Commission in considering whether to approve a certain infrastructure replacement plan.
HB-419: Natural Gas - Strategic Infrastructure Development and Enhancement (Ratepayer Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Robbyn Lewis
Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/06/2025
Employment and Insurance Equality for Service Members Act [SB-279]
Establishing rules of interpretation related to the uniformed services; altering the rule of interpretation for "veteran"; and altering the application of certain provisions of law governing the regulation of business, economic development, insurance, and labor and employment to apply to all uniformed services, rather than only the armed forces.
SB-279: Employment and Insurance Equality for Service Members Act
Sponsored by: Sen. J.B. Jennings
Referred Economic Matters on 03/13/2025
Davis Martinez Public Employee Safety and Health Act [HB-176]
Requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to appoint an Assistant Commissioner for Public Employees' Safety and Health; establishing the Public Employees' Safety and Health Unit in the Division of Labor and Industry to administer and enforce certain duties regarding the oversight of certain public bodies; altering the Maryland Occupational Safety and Health Act as it applies to certain public bodies; establishing and applying certain civil and criminal penalties to public bodies and persons in government; etc.
HB-176: Davis Martinez Public Employee Safety and Health Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Jared Solomon
Referred Finance on 03/17/2025
HB-233: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseline Pena-Melnyk
Referred Finance on 02/26/2025
You have voted HB-233: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act).