Maryland Fair Scheduling Act [HB-431]
Requiring an employer who employs individuals in a food service facility or retail establishment to pay certain employees at a certain rate of pay for certain shifts of work, except under certain circumstances; and providing that certain employees employed in a food service facility or retail establishment have the right to decline to work hours that occur during the 11 hours following the end of a shift; etc.
HB-431: Maryland Fair Scheduling Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Foley
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/01/2022
Employment of Minors - Opportunities for Work [SB-420]
Requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, subject to a certain limitation, to release certain personal information of a minor who has a work permit to employers and apprenticeship sponsors, educational programs and institutions, and local workforce development boards that have requested and have registered with the Department for the purpose of receiving the information.
SB-420: Employment of Minors - Opportunities for Work
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/27/2022
Labor and Employment – Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program – Establishment (Time to Care Act of 2022) [SB-275]
Establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program in the Maryland Department of Labor to provide benefits to individuals who take leave from employment for certain purposes; establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund; requiring, beginning October 1, 2023, certain employees, employers, and self-employed individuals to contribute to the Fund; requiring the Secretary to establish the total rate of contribution and the percentages of the total rate of contribution to be paid by certain employees and employers; etc.
SB-275: Labor and Employment – Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program – Establishment (Time to Care Act of 2022)
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Gubernatorial Veto Override (legislative Date: 4/8/2022) - Chapter 48 on 04/09/2022
State Board of Architects - Sunset Extension [SB-199]
Continuing the State Board of Architects in accordance with the provisions of the Maryland Program Evaluation Act (sunset law) by extending to July 1, 2025, the termination provisions relating to certain statutory and regulatory authority of the Board.
SB-199: State Board of Architects - Sunset Extension
Sponsored by: Sen.
House Conference Committee Appointed (delegates Qi, Charkoudian And Pippy) on 04/11/2022
Labor and Employment - Hiring - Education Requirements (Give Me A Chance - Job Opportunities Act of 2022) [SB-66]
Prohibiting an employer from developing or implementing an application or hiring process that uses an applicant's or employee's lack of achievement of a certain level of education in employment decisions unless a minimum educational qualification is required to obtain an occupational license; authorizing an employer to inquire as to an applicant's academic achievement after an initial offer of employment, but may not rescind the offer based on the applicant's response; providing certain penalties under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-66: Labor and Employment - Hiring - Education Requirements (Give Me A Chance - Job Opportunities Act of 2022)
Sponsored by: Sen. Obie Patterson
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 02/14/2022
Discrimination in Employment - Reasonable Accommodations for Applicants With Disabilities [HB-78]
Prohibiting an employer from failing or refusing to make a certain accommodation for the known disability of an applicant for employment; and establishing that an employer is not required to accommodate an applicant for employment's disability if the accommodation would cause undue hardship on the conduct of the employer's business.
HB-78: Discrimination in Employment - Reasonable Accommodations for Applicants With Disabilities
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Rogers
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 325 on 05/12/2022
Labor and Employment – Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program – Establishment (Time to Care Act of 2022) [HB-8]
Establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program in the Maryland Department of Labor to provide certain benefits to individuals who take leave from employment for certain purposes; establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; requiring, beginning January 1, 2023, certain employees, employers, and self-employed individuals to contribute to the Fund in a certain manner; etc.
HB-8: Labor and Employment – Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program – Establishment (Time to Care Act of 2022)
Sponsored by: Rep. Kriselda Valderrama
Hearing Canceled on 01/25/2022
Labor and Employment – General Contractor Liability – Applicability [SB-947]
Clarifying that a certain provision of law governing a general contractor's liability for unpaid wages owed to employees of a subcontractor applies only to general contractors on a project for construction services under a contract entered into after September 30, 2018.
SB-947: Labor and Employment – General Contractor Liability – Applicability
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Hershey
First Reading Senate Rules on 02/24/2021
Maryland Wage and Hour Law and Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law - Revisions (Maryland Wage Protection Act) [SB-848]
Requiring that a certain summary that certain employers are required to keep conspicuously posted in certain places of employment include certain antiretaliation provisions; prohibiting certain employers from taking certain actions under the Maryland Wage and Hour Law and the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law; prohibiting certain employers from discriminating against certain employees under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-848: Maryland Wage and Hour Law and Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law - Revisions (Maryland Wage Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing Canceled on 02/16/2021
Labor and Employment – Traditional Trade Apprenticeship Fund [SB-903]
Establishing the Traditional Trade Apprenticeship Fund in the Maryland Department of Labor as a special, nonlapsing fund; specifying the purpose of the Fund; requiring the Secretary of Labor to administer the Fund; specifying the contents of the Fund; requiring the Director of Apprenticeship and Training to distribute grants of up to $50,000 per participant for a certain purpose; requiring the Director to establish application criteria for programs receiving grants from the Fund; etc.
SB-903: Labor and Employment – Traditional Trade Apprenticeship Fund
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing Canceled on 02/16/2021
Maryland Wage and Hour Law and Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law – Antiretaliation Provisions [SB-912]
Prohibiting certain employers from taking certain actions under the Maryland Wage and Hour Law and the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law; prohibiting certain employers from discriminating against certain employees under certain circumstances; altering the list of acts that constitute adverse action under a certain provision of law to include a reduction in work hours or other unfavorable schedule changes and the reporting of the suspected citizenship or immigration status of an employee; etc.
SB-912: Maryland Wage and Hour Law and Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law – Antiretaliation Provisions
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing Canceled on 02/16/2021
Post-Crisis Jobs Act of 2021 [SB-894]
Authorizing certain applicants to complete certain education or training requirements through a certain digital learning program; requiring the Department of Labor to provide to the chief elected official of a county demographic data and the addresses, occupations, and last known employers of unemployment insurance recipients in the county; establishing the Digital Learning Conversion Grant Program, the Basic Numeracy and Literacy Skills Grant Program, and the Recruitment of High Growth Industries Workers Grant Program; etc.
SB-894: Post-Crisis Jobs Act of 2021
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Third Reading Passed (47-0) on 04/02/2021