Offenders released from correctional facility; mandatory reporting if before completion of sentence. [HB-2413]
Mandatory reporting of all offenders released from a local correctional facility or state correctional facility before the completion of the offender's sentence. Requires the Department of Corrections and all local correctional facilities to provide the Virginia State Crime Commission with the name, last known address, criminal history information, length of sentence incarcerated, reason for early release, and remaining time on such length of sentence for each offender in the custody of the Department or such local correctional facility. The bill
HB-2413: Offenders released from correctional facility; mandatory reporting if before completion of sentence.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ellen Campbell
Left In Appropriations on 02/07/2023
Investigation prior to release; input from the attorney for the Commonwealth. [HB-2321]
Investigation prior to release; input from the attorney for the Commonwealth. Provides that when the Parole Board is conducting the required investigation to determine if a prisoner will be released on parole the Board must notify the attorney for the Commonwealth in each jurisdiction in which an offense occurred for which the prisoner is incarcerated, and the attorney for the Commonwealth may submit his input to the Board regarding the impact that the release of the prisoner will have on the jurisdiction.
HB-2321: Investigation prior to release; input from the attorney for the Commonwealth.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ellen Campbell
Passed By Indefinitely In Rehabilitation And Social Services (9-y 6-n) on 02/10/2023
State correctional facilities; electronic communication systems, free telephone calls. [SB-1274]
Electronic communication systems within state correctional facilities; free telephone calls and communication services. Requires the Department of Corrections to provide telephone systems and web-based or electronic communications systems free of charge to any person, whether such person is initiating or receiving the communication. Electronic communication systems within state correctional facilities; free telephone calls and communication services. Requires the Department of Corrections to provide telephone systems and web-based or electronic
SB-1274: State correctional facilities; electronic communication systems, free telephone calls.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko
Tabled In Appropriations (11-y 10-n) on 02/13/2023
Parole Board; eligibility determinations, reports. [SB-1361]
Parole Board; eligibility determinations; reports. Removes provisions that exempted from the mandatory disclosure provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act the records of the Parole Board. The bill requires the Board to (i) adopt rules regarding parole eligibility as set forth in the bill; (ii) publish the statement of actions taken by the Board by the fifteenth day of each month; (iii) include in such statement individualized reasons for the granting or denial of parole and the vote of each member; (iv) conduct final deliberations and
SB-1361: Parole Board; eligibility determinations, reports.
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryce Reeves
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0806) on 05/12/2023
Autopsies; decedents in the custody of Department of Corrections. [SB-1276]
Autopsies; decedents in the custody of Department of Corrections. Requires, if a decedent is an inmate in the custody of the Department of Corrections, that an autopsy be performed by the Chief Medical Examiner, an Assistant Chief Medical Examiner, or a pathologist with whom the State Health Commissioner has entered into an agreement. The bill has a delayed effective date of January 1, 2024.
SB-1276: Autopsies; decedents in the custody of Department of Corrections.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Petersen
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0478) on 03/24/2023
Correctional facilities, local & regional; prov. of medical services. [SB-1379]
Local and regional correctional facilities; provision of medical services; waiver of sovereign immunity. Waives sovereign immunity for health care providers employed by localities or by local or regional correctional facilities to provide medical services to prisoners for a claim of wrongful death or injury resulting from a negligent or wrongful act or omission in the provision of such medical services. This bill is in response to Patterson v. City of Danville, 875 Va. S.E.2d 65 (2022).
SB-1379: Correctional facilities, local & regional; prov. of medical services.
Sponsored by: Sen. Creigh Deeds
Read Second Time on 02/07/2023
Parole Board; eligibility determinations, reports. [HB-2169]
Parole Board; eligibility determinations; reports. Removes provisions that exempted from the mandatory disclosure provisions of the Virginia Freedom of Information Act the records of the Parole Board. The bill requires the Board to (i) adopt rules regarding parole eligibility as set forth in the bill; (ii) publish the statement of actions taken by the Board by the fifteenth day of each month; (iii) include in such statement individualized reasons for the granting or denial of parole and the vote of each member; (iv) conduct final deliberations and
HB-2169: Parole Board; eligibility determinations, reports.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wren Williams
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0805) on 05/12/2023
Geriatric prisoners; conditional release, review hearings. [SB-1242]
Geriatric prisoners; conditional release; review hearings. Directs the Parole Board to review annually all petitions for geriatric conditional release. The bill provides that the Parole Board may, however, defer subsequent hearings for up to three years if an initial hearing was held and the petition for conditional release was denied. The bill also requires that, in situations in which a person who is otherwise eligible for parole under current law also files a petition for geriatric conditional release, the Parole Board conduct the reviews for
Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of postrelease supervision. [HB-2226]
Arrest and return of parolee or felon serving a period of postrelease supervision. Directs the circuit court of the sentencing jurisdiction to initiate proceedings against a felon serving a period of postrelease supervision upon a showing of a violation or probable violation of any of the terms or conditions of his release. Under current law, the Chairman or any member of the Parole Board initiates such proceedings.
HB-2226: Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of postrelease supervision.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Wampler
Left In Courts Of Justice on 02/07/2023
Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of postrelease supervision. [HB-2230]
Arrest and return of felon serving period of postrelease supervision. Provides that a revocation hearing for a supervision violation shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions regarding the revocation hearings for a suspended sentence or probation violation. Arrest and return of felon serving period of postrelease supervision. Provides that a revocation hearing for a supervision violation shall be conducted in accordance with the provisions regarding the revocation hearings for a suspended sentence or probation violation.
HB-2230: Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of postrelease supervision.
Sponsored by: Rep. William Wampler
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0618) on 03/26/2023
Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification. [HB-2249]
Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification. Requires the Department of Motor Vehicles to expedite, to the extent possible, the processing of an application submitted by a prisoner for a government-issued identification card, birth certificate, or Social Security card and the issuance of such identification and documents.
HB-2249: Prisoners; Department of Corrections-issued and jailer-issued identification.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Left In Appropriations on 02/07/2023
Correctional facilities, local; fees, report. [HB-2039]
Local correctional facilities; fees; report. Eliminates or caps certain fees charged to inmates in local correctional facilities and repeals provisions that allow a sheriff or jail superintendent to establish a deferred or installment payment agreement or contract with a collections agency when an inmate is unable to pay fees owed to the local correctional facility. The bill establishes the manner in which the balance of all accounts maintained for an inmate's use must be transferred to the inmate upon release.
Parole Board; decision requirements, annual reports. [SB-1247]
Parole Board; decision requirements; annual reports. Requires the Parole Board, prior to making any decision to grant discretionary parole to an inmate, to discuss and debate such decision at a meeting at which all Board members are present. The bill requires, in cases in which the Board grants discretionary parole to an inmate, each Board member to identify his reasoning for such decision at the time such member's vote is cast. The bill requires that parole review hearings include a live interview of the prisoner, which may be conducted in person
SB-1247: Parole Board; decision requirements, annual reports.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Failed To Report (defeated) In Rehabilitation And Social Services (6-y 9-n) on 01/20/2023
Corrections, Department of; operations and costs. [HB-1914]
Department of Corrections; operations and costs. Establishes a formula for determining the estimated appropriations in a fiscal impact statement of any bill that adds a new felony for which imprisonment or commitment is authorized. The bill also provides that the cost of goods and services sold in stores in state correctional facilities shall not exceed 10 percent of the cost of the typical market rate for such goods and services in major retail stores that are not affiliated with any correctional facility and that the Department shall not receive
HB-1914: Corrections, Department of; operations and costs.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Left In Public Safety on 02/07/2023
Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of postrelease supervision. [SB-1245]
Arrest and return of parolee or felon serving a period of postrelease supervision. Directs the circuit court of the sentencing jurisdiction to initiate proceedings against a felon serving a period of postrelease supervision upon a showing of a violation or probable violation of any of the terms or conditions of his release. Under current law, the Chairman or any member of the Parole Board initiates such proceedings.
SB-1245: Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of postrelease supervision.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Failed To Pass In Senate on 02/25/2023
Autopsies; decedents in the custody of Department of Corrections. [HB-1827]
Autopsies; decedents in the custody of Department of Corrections. Requires, if a decedent is an inmate in the custody of the Department of Corrections, that an autopsy be performed by the Chief Medical Examiner, an Assistant Chief Medical Examiner, or a pathologist with whom the State Health Commissioner has entered into an agreement. The bill has a delayed effective date of January 1, 2024.
HB-1827: Autopsies; decedents in the custody of Department of Corrections.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Cherry
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0477) on 03/24/2023
Investigation prior to release; input from the attorney for the Commonwealth. [SB-1015]
Investigation prior to release; input from the attorney for the Commonwealth. Provides that when the Parole Board is conducting the required investigation to determine if a prisoner will be released on parole the Board must notify the attorney for the Commonwealth in each jurisdiction in which an offense occurred for which the prisoner is incarcerated, and the attorney for the Commonwealth may submit his input to the Board regarding the impact that the release of the prisoner will have on the jurisdiction.
SB-1015: Investigation prior to release; input from the attorney for the Commonwealth.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Obenshain
Passed By Indefinitely In Rehabilitation And Social Services (9-y 6-n) on 01/20/2023
Court duties of sheriff; commitment hearings at locations other than a courthouse. [HB-1646]
Court duties of sheriff; commitment hearings at locations other than a courthouse. Allows a judge or special justice who conducts a commitment hearing at a location other than a courthouse to request that the sheriff of the appropriate jurisdiction provide a deputy to accompany the judge or special justice to such commitment hearing. The bill requires that, upon receiving such request, such sheriff shall provide a deputy to accompany such judge or special justice to such commitment hearing.
HB-1646: Court duties of sheriff; commitment hearings at locations other than a courthouse.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Anderson
Left In Public Safety on 02/07/2023
Jails, local; compensation for cost of incarceration as calculated in report. [SB-966]
Compensation of local jails for cost of incarceration. Requires the Department of Corrections to compensate local jails for the actual cost, based on the rate calculated in the Compensation Board's annual jail cost report, of incarcerating felons who should otherwise be confined in a state correctional facility. Current law provides for local jails to be compensated at the rate set forth in the general appropriation act.
SB-966: Jails, local; compensation for cost of incarceration as calculated in report.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mark Peake
Passed By Indefinitely In Finance And Appropriations (16-y 0-n) on 02/01/2023