Emergency Services - Funding [SB-1092]
Increasing the motor vehicle registration emergency medical system surcharge to $40.00 per year for certain motor vehicles; altering certain provisions of law related to the Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund, including provisions related to the contents and sources of the funding and the determination of eligibility for disbursements; requiring the Governor, beginning in fiscal year 2026, to include an annual appropriation of at least $16,500,000 to the Senator William H. Amoss Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance Fund; etc.
SB-1092: Emergency Services - Funding
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 719 on 05/16/2024
Vehicle Laws - Bus Lane Obstruction - Monitoring Systems Expansion and Workgroup (Better Bus Service Act of 2024) [SB-943]
Prohibiting a person from parking or standing certain vehicles in a dedicated bus lane; making statewide the authority of a local jurisdiction to use, in accordance with certain standards and procedures, a bus lane monitoring system to enforce the prohibition against driving, standing, or parking a motor vehicle in a designated bus lane; and establishing the Workgroup on Curb Space Management.
SB-943: Vehicle Laws - Bus Lane Obstruction - Monitoring Systems Expansion and Workgroup (Better Bus Service Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 751 on 05/16/2024
Motor Vehicles - Off-Highway Vehicles - Clarifications and Revisions [HB-972]
Clarifying and harmonizing certain provisions of law governing off-highway recreational vehicles and other similar off-highway motor vehicles; repealing the exception for certain off-highway recreational vehicles to the requirement to obtain a motor vehicle certificate of title; requiring a motor vehicle dealer that sells off-highway recreational vehicles to provide certain electronic motor vehicle titling services; authorizing a local jurisdiction to enforce the Maryland Vehicle Law for violations within its jurisdiction; etc.
HB-972: Motor Vehicles - Off-Highway Vehicles - Clarifications and Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Regina Boyce
Hearing 3/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/20/2024
Vehicle Laws - Lanes of Travel - Slower Traffic and Overtaking and Passing (Highway Left Lane Safety Act) [SB-768]
Expanding to every roadway in the State the requirement that the driver of a vehicle traveling slower than the general speed of traffic drive the vehicle in the right-hand lanes if practicable as determined by the driver; and providing that, on a roadway that has three or more lanes for traffic moving in the same direction with a posted maximum speed limit of 55 miles per hour or more, the far left lane may be used only for overtaking and passing another vehicle in a certain manner and under certain circumstances.
SB-768: Vehicle Laws - Lanes of Travel - Slower Traffic and Overtaking and Passing (Highway Left Lane Safety Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. William Folden
First Reading Judicial Proceedings on 02/01/2024
Motor Vehicles - School Buses - Seat Belts [SB-724]
Prohibiting certain persons from allowing pupils to stand in a school bus while the school bus is in motion; requiring that school buses purchased after October 1, 2024, be equipped with seat belts that are accessible to passengers; requiring school buses in operation on October 1, 2024, to have seat belts installed that are accessible to passengers for every seat on the bus on or before October 1, 2026; prohibiting a person from operating a school bus unless the person and each occupant are restrained by a seat belt; etc.
SB-724: Motor Vehicles - School Buses - Seat Belts
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/01/2024
Vehicle Laws - Automated Enforcement Citations and Notices - Mailing Addresses [SB-672]
Requiring that citations and notices issued as a result of automated enforcement under the Maryland Vehicle Law be sent to the current mailing address on file with the Administration or if a mailing address is not available, the current residential address on file with the Administration.
Vehicle Laws - Slow Moving Vehicles - Right-Hand Lane [HB-737]
Repealing a certain provision of law that applies the requirement that slow moving vehicles drive in the right-hand lane or lanes only to certain highways in certain geographic areas; and altering the standards under which the State Highway Administration is required to inform drivers of the requirement.
HB-737: Vehicle Laws - Slow Moving Vehicles - Right-Hand Lane
Summary of House Bill 737:
This bill aims to change the laws regarding slow-moving vehicles on Maryland roadways. It repeals a provision that limited the requirement for slow-moving vehicles to only certain highways in specific areas. The State Highway Administration will now be responsible for informing drivers of the requirement to drive in the right-hand lane if they are going significantly slower than the speed limit or the flow of traffic. This change applies to all roads, except when passing another vehicle or preparing for a left turn.
Effective Date: October 1, 2024
Sponsored by: Rep. Edith Patterson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 577 on 05/09/2024
Education - Transporting Students and Jobs That Require Driving - Authorization and Requirements (Drivers Education for Good Jobs Act of 2024) [SB-566]
Authorizing a county board of education to authorize a certain employee to transport a public school student in a vehicle if the driver meets certain requirements; and requiring, on or before December 31, 2024, the Career and Technical Education Committee to establish a certain pathway for students to prepare for a career that requires driving skills and a driver's license and establish an annual goal for the number of students who obtain certain licenses before they graduate high school.
SB-566: Education - Transporting Students and Jobs That Require Driving - Authorization and Requirements (Drivers Education for Good Jobs Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Watson
First Reading Education, Energy, And The Environment on 01/25/2024
You have voted SB-566: Education - Transporting Students and Jobs That Require Driving - Authorization and Requirements (Drivers Education for Good Jobs Act of 2024).
St. Mary's County - Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts [HB-653]
Establishing an exception to motor vehicle registration requirements under certain circumstances for golf carts in certain areas in St. Mary's County; authorizing the St. Mary's County Board of Commissioners to designate certain county highways where the maximum posted speed limit does not exceed 30 miles per hour on which a person may operate a golf cart; and requiring a person who operates a golf card to have a valid driver's license, drive only between dawn and dusk, and equip the vehicle with certain lighting devices.
HB-653: St. Mary's County - Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Third Reading Passed (122-0) on 03/18/2024
Vehicle Laws - Protective Headgear Requirement - Exception (In Remembrance of Gary "Pappy" Boward) [HB-639]
Establishing an exception to the prohibition against operating or riding on a motorcycle without certain protective headgear for an individual at least 21 years of age who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least 2 years or has completed a certain motorcycle safety course and for the individual's passenger.
HB-639: Vehicle Laws - Protective Headgear Requirement - Exception (In Remembrance of Gary "Pappy" Boward)
Sponsored by: Rep. William Wivell
Hearing 2/15 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/26/2024
Street Racing and Exhibition Driving – Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties [HB-601]
Altering certain penalties and points assessments for certain motor vehicle violations related to participation in a race or speed contest; prohibiting a person from engaging in exhibition driving on any highway or private property that is used for driving by the public; establishing certain affirmative defenses to a certain charge of exhibition driving; etc.
HB-601: Street Racing and Exhibition Driving – Prohibited Acts, Enforcement, and Penalties
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 569 on 05/09/2024
Vehicle Laws - Protective Headgear Requirement - Exception (In Remembrance of Gary "Pappy" Boward) [SB-503]
Establishing an exception to the prohibition against operating or riding on a motorcycle without certain protective headgear for an individual at least 21 years of age who has been licensed to operate a motorcycle for at least 2 years or has completed a certain motorcycle safety course and for the individual's passenger.
SB-503: Vehicle Laws - Protective Headgear Requirement - Exception (In Remembrance of Gary "Pappy" Boward)
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay
Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2024
Motor Vehicles - Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Revisions (Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024) [HB-513]
Altering the distribution of revenue from civil fines collected through the use of work zone speed control systems; altering the highways on which a work zone speed control system may be used; clarifying that a system operator does not need to be present when a work zone speed control system is in use; altering the maximum penalty for a civil citation issued as a result of an image from a work zone speed control system; requiring the State Highway Administration to make a certain report; etc.
HB-513: Motor Vehicles - Work Zone Speed Control Systems - Revisions (Maryland Road Worker Protection Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 17 on 04/09/2024