Safe Access for All (SAFE) Roads Act of 2022 [HB-656]
Requiring the Department of Transportation to recommend and implement certain design elements related to pedestrian and bicycle safety when developing certain projects; requiring the Governor, for fiscal year 2024, to include an appropriation in the annual budget bill for certain purposes; providing that it is the intent of the General Assembly that the Department maximize applications for and access to federal funding that is or may become available for infrastructure for pedestrian and bicycle safety; etc.
HB-656: Safe Access for All (SAFE) Roads Act of 2022
Sponsored by: Rep. Lorig Charkoudian
Favorable With Amendments Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/21/2022
Motor Vehicles - Speed Limits - Establishment and Enforcement [SB-520]
Authorizing Baltimore City, without performing an engineering and traffic investigation, to decrease or raise to a previously established level the maximum speed limit on a highway under its jurisdiction; and prohibiting a local jurisdiction from using a monitoring system to enforce speed limits on any portion of a highway for which the speed limit has been decreased without performing an engineering and traffic investigation.
SB-520: Motor Vehicles - Speed Limits - Establishment and Enforcement
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Washington
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 583 on 05/29/2022
St. Mary's County - Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts [HB-475]
Creating an exception from motor vehicle registration requirements for golf carts in St. Mary's County; authorizing the St. Mary's County Board of Commissioners to designate county highways that have a speed limit not greater than 35 miles per hour as highways on which a person may operate a golf cart; authorizing a person who operates a golf cart on a designated highway to only operate the golf cart with certain lighting devices, between dawn and dusk, and while staying as far right on the roadway as possible; etc.
HB-475: St. Mary's County - Motor Vehicle Registration - Exception for Golf Carts
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/14/2022
Vehicle Laws - Licenses and Permits - Prohibited Acts [SB-465]
Repealing a certain prohibition relating to licenses to drive and moped operator's permits; and prohibiting a person from engaging in any fraudulent or dishonest conduct in the examination or testing process for the issuance or renewal of a driver's license or moped operator's permit.
SB-465: Vehicle Laws - Licenses and Permits - Prohibited Acts
Sponsored by: Sen. Jill Carter
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 568 on 05/29/2022
Education – Jobs That Require Driving – Requirements (Drivers Education for Good Jobs Act of 2022) [SB-422]
Authorizing a county board of education to authorize a certain employee to transport a public school student in a vehicle; and requiring, on or before December 31, 2022, the Career and Technical Education Committee to establish a pathway for students to prepare for a career as a driver and an annual goal for the number of students who obtain the appropriate license for a career as a driver before they graduate high school.
SB-422: Education – Jobs That Require Driving – Requirements (Drivers Education for Good Jobs Act of 2022)
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Hearing 2/09 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/27/2022
Vehicle Laws - Driving in Right-Hand Lanes - Interstate Highways in Rural Areas [SB-416]
Requiring the driver of a vehicle traveling slower than the general speed of traffic on an interstate highway in a rural area to drive the vehicle in the right-hand lanes under certain circumstances; prohibiting the issuance of a citation for a violation of the Act; and requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to include information about the requirement in the State's driver education curriculum and to inform drivers of the requirement through certain signage.
SB-416: Vehicle Laws - Driving in Right-Hand Lanes - Interstate Highways in Rural Areas
Sponsored by: Sen. George Edwards
Third Reading Passed (47-0) on 04/08/2022
Primary and Secondary Schools – Bus Driver Wages – Study [SB-421]
Requiring the Governor's Workforce Development Board, on or before September 1, 2022, to evaluate, study, and identify certain issues relating to wages paid and benefits provided to certain bus drivers and report its findings to the governing body of each county and Baltimore City, each county board of education, including Baltimore City, the Governor, and the General Assembly.
SB-421: Primary and Secondary Schools – Bus Driver Wages – Study
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Senate Refuses Concur House Amendments on 04/08/2022
Motor Vehicles - Speed Limits - Establishment and Enforcement [HB-434]
Authorizing Baltimore City to decrease or raise to a previously established level the maximum speed limit on a highway under its jurisdiction without performing an engineering and traffic investigation; and prohibiting a local jurisdiction from using a speed monitoring system to enforce speed limits on any portion of a highway for which the speed limit has been decreased without performing an engineering and traffic investigation.
HB-434: Motor Vehicles - Speed Limits - Establishment and Enforcement
Sponsored by: Rep. Melissa Wells
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 582 on 05/29/2022
Vehicle Laws - Speed Limits - Establishment [HB-404]
Authorizing local authorities statewide to decrease the maximum speed limit to not less than a certain speed after performing an engineering and traffic investigation, subject to certain restrictions on the use of speed monitoring systems.
Vehicle Laws - School Bus Safety - Occupant Capacity [HB-283]
Requiring that a school bus be routed with the intent that the number of pupils on the bus does not exceed the manufacturer's rated seating capacity for the bus; and requiring that, if an emergency or a temporary situation causes the number of pupils to exceed the rated seating capacity, the situation be corrected within a reasonable period of time.
HB-283: Vehicle Laws - School Bus Safety - Occupant Capacity
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Hearing 3/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/15/2022
Department of Transportation – Vehicle Litter Reporting Program [SB-266]
Establishing the Vehicle Litter Reporting Program in the Department of Transportation; requiring the Program to operate a hotline to receive complaints of littering from motor vehicles and to send a letter to the registered motor vehicle owners about which the complaints of littering were received; and requiring the letter to state the negative impacts and costs of littering and that it is a crime punishable by certain penalties.
SB-266: Department of Transportation – Vehicle Litter Reporting Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 2/02 At 2:00 P.m. on 01/18/2022
Vehicle Laws - Driving in Right-Hand Lanes - Interstate Highways in Rural Areas [HB-222]
Requiring the driver of a vehicle traveling slower than the general speed of traffic on an interstate highway in a rural area to drive the vehicle in the right-hand lanes under certain circumstances; prohibiting the issuance of a citation for a violation of the Act; requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to include information about the requirement in the State's driver education curriculum and to inform drivers of the requirement through certain signage; etc.
HB-222: Vehicle Laws - Driving in Right-Hand Lanes - Interstate Highways in Rural Areas
Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 565 on 05/29/2022
Vehicle Laws – Licenses and Permits – Prohibited Acts [HB-206]
Repealing a certain prohibition relating to licenses to drive and moped operator's permits; and prohibiting a person from engaging in any fraudulent or dishonest conduct in the examination or testing process for the issuance or renewal of a driver's license or moped operator's permit.
HB-206: Vehicle Laws – Licenses and Permits – Prohibited Acts
Sponsored by: Rep. David Moon
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 567 on 05/29/2022
Automated Enforcement - Exclusion of Vehicle Rental Companies - Repeal and Notification Requirement [HB-230]
Repealing the exclusion of motor vehicle rental companies from enforcement provisions for motor vehicle violations that are recorded by automated enforcement systems; requiring an agency to provide certain notice to a motor vehicle rental company before issuing a citation for an alleged violation recorded by an automated enforcement system; requiring an agency to send a citation and other relevant notices related to automated enforcement to a motor vehicle rental company electronically in a certain manner; etc.
HB-230: Automated Enforcement - Exclusion of Vehicle Rental Companies - Repeal and Notification Requirement
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfred Carr
Hearing 3/30 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/23/2022
Vehicle Laws - Rear-Facing Child Safety Seats - Requirement [SB-176]
Requiring a person transporting a child under the age of 2 years in a motor vehicle to secure the child in a rear-facing child safety seat that complies with applicable federal regulations until the child reaches the manufacturer's weight or height limit for the child safety seat; providing that a person who violated the Act is subject to a written warning for a first violation; and providing that a judge may waive a certain fine for a violation of the Act under certain circumstances.
Anne Arundel County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Maryland Route 648 (Baltimore-Annapolis Boulevard) [SB-43]
Authorizing the placement and use of speed monitoring systems on Maryland Route 648 (Baltimore-Annapolis Boulevard) in Anne Arundel County between Hoyle Lane and Cypress Creek Road, subject to certain placement and signage requirements; and requiring that the fines collected by Anne Arundel County as a result of violations enforced by the speed monitoring systems be used to assist in covering the cost of speed reduction measures and roadway and pedestrian safety measures on that stretch of highway.
SB-43: Anne Arundel County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Maryland Route 648 (Baltimore-Annapolis Boulevard)
Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Reilly
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 02/08/2022
Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Hoopers Island and Taylors Island [SB-80]
Creating an exception to motor vehicle registration requirements for golf carts on Upper Hoopers Island, Middle Hoopers Island, and Taylors Island, in Dorchester County; providing that a person who operates a golf car on a highway in Upper Hoopers Island, Middle Hoopers Island, and Taylors Island may operate the golf cart only on highways on which the maximum speed does not exceed 30 miles per hour between dawn and dusk and only if the golf cart is equipped with certain lighting devices; requiring the operator to have a valid driver's license; etc.
SB-80: Motor Vehicle Registration - Exceptions for Golf Carts - Hoopers Island and Taylors Island
Sponsored by: Sen. Adelaide Eckardt
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 388 on 05/16/2022
Vehicle Laws - Plug-In Electric Drive Vehicles - Reserved Parking Spaces [SB-146]
Prohibiting a person from stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle that is not a plug-in electric drive vehicle plugged into charging equipment in a parking space that is designated by certain signage indicating for the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles only; requiring that a parking space for the use of plug-in electric drive vehicles be counted as part of the overall number of parking spaces for certain purposes; establishing a civil penalty of $100 for a violation of the Act; etc.