Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Interstate 695 and Interstate 83 [SB-338]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to place and use not more than four speed monitoring systems on Interstate 695 and Interstate 83 in Baltimore County subject to notice requirements; requiring that fines collected in Baltimore County as a result of violations enforced by speed monitoring systems on Interstate 695 and Interstate 83 be used to recover costs and assist in covering the cost of roadway and safety improvements on Interstate 695 and Interstate 83 in Baltimore County; etc.
SB-338: Baltimore County - Speed Monitoring Systems - Interstate 695 and Interstate 83
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 3/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/18/2025
Motor Vehicles - Speed Monitoring Systems - Safety Corridors [HB-348]
Authorizing the State Highway Administration to use speed monitoring systems in areas determined to be of high risk to vulnerable road users and priority corridors in the Administration's Pedestrian Safety Action Plan; and requiring the Comptroller to distribute revenue from the civil fines collected from the use of certain monitoring systems to a fund for the State Highway Administration to cover the costs of implementing and administering certain speed monitoring systems, for highway safety purposes and Administration system preservation.
HB-348: Motor Vehicles - Speed Monitoring Systems - Safety Corridors
Sponsored by: Rep. Vaughn Stewart
Referred Judicial Proceedings on 03/17/2025
Motor Vehicles - Secondary Enforcement and Admissibility of Evidence [SB-292]
Requiring a police officer to document all reasons for a traffic stop or other stop on a citation or police report resulting from the stop; establishing that certain evidence obtained during a traffic stop or other stop in violation of certain provisions may be or is inadmissible in certain proceedings; authorizing a police officer to enforce certain provisions of the Maryland Vehicle Law only as a secondary action; etc.
SB-292: Motor Vehicles - Secondary Enforcement and Admissibility of Evidence
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Sydnor
Hearing 1/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/16/2025
Vehicle Laws - Stopping, Standing, or Parking in a Bike Lane or Bicycle Path - Prohibition [HB-178]
Prohibiting a person from stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle in a bike lane or bicycle path unless the vehicle is an authorized emergency vehicle, a transit vehicle, a vehicle picking up or discharging disabled individuals, a vehicle that has become unintentionally disabled, or one that is loading or unloading goods for pick-up or delivery; and providing a certain civil penalty.
HB-178: Vehicle Laws - Stopping, Standing, or Parking in a Bike Lane or Bicycle Path - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Michele Guyton
Third Reading Passed (124-11) on 03/17/2025
Vehicle Laws - Bus Obstruction Monitoring Systems and Bus Stop Zones [HB-206]
Replacing references to a bus lane monitoring system with references to a bus obstruction monitoring system; prohibiting a person from stopping, standing, or parking a vehicle in a bus stop zone; and clarifying that a person may not stop a vehicle in a dedicated bus lane, subject to certain exceptions.
HB-206: Vehicle Laws - Bus Obstruction Monitoring Systems and Bus Stop Zones
Sponsored by: Rep. Robbyn Lewis
Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/29/2025
Vehicle Laws - Exceptional Hauling Permits for Farm Products [SB-203]
Creating an exception for vehicles carrying fluid milk products to the prohibition against driving a vehicle subject to an exceptional hauling permit on the interstate highway system; altering certain weight limits and tolerances under an exceptional hauling permit; altering the preventive maintenance documents that an individual operating under an exceptional hauling permit must possess; and altering certain record-keeping requirements and the application of certain administrative penalties under an exceptional hauling permit.
SB-203: Vehicle Laws - Exceptional Hauling Permits for Farm Products
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Hearing 3/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/17/2025
Drunk and Drug-Impaired Driving and Failure to Remain at the Scene - Revocation of Driver's License [SB-207]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to revoke the driver's license of a person who has been convicted of impaired driving that contributes to an accident, or fails to remain at the scene of an accident, that results in the death or life-threatening injury to another person; and authorizing a person whose driver's license is revoked under the Act or for homicide by motor vehicle while impaired to apply for license reinstatement after a certain period of time.
SB-207: Drunk and Drug-Impaired Driving and Failure to Remain at the Scene - Revocation of Driver's License
Drunk Driving - Commercial Driver's Licenses - Disqualification From Driving [HB-189]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to disqualify any individual from driving a commercial motor vehicle for 1 year if the individual, while holding a commercial instructional permit or commercial driver's license, drives or attempts to drive any motor vehicle while the alcohol concentration of the person's blood or breath is 0.08 or greater.
Vehicle Laws - Exceptional Hauling Permits for Farm Products [HB-225]
Creating an exception for vehicles carrying fluid milk products to the prohibition against driving a vehicle subject to an exceptional hauling permit on the interstate highway system; altering certain weight limits and tolerances under an exceptional hauling permit; altering the preventive maintenance documents that an individual operating under an exceptional hauling permit must possess; and altering certain record-keeping requirements and the application of certain administrative penalties under an exceptional hauling permit.
HB-225: Vehicle Laws - Exceptional Hauling Permits for Farm Products
Sponsored by: Rep.
Favorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/27/2025
Drunk Driving - Commercial Driver's Licenses - Disqualification From Driving [SB-187]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to disqualify any individual from driving a commercial motor vehicle for 1 year if the individual, while holding a commercial instructional permit or commercial driver's license, drives or attempts to drive any motor vehicle while the alcohol concentration of the person's blood or breath is 0.08 or greater.
Drunk and Drug-Impaired Driving and Failure to Remain at the Scene - Revocation of Driver's License [HB-70]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to revoke the driver's license of a person who has been convicted of, or been granted probation before judgment for, impaired driving that contributes to an accident, or fails to remain at the scene of an accident, that results in the death or life-threatening injury to another person; authorizing a person whose driver's license is revoked under the Act or for homicide by motor vehicle while impaired to apply for license reinstatement after a certain period of time; etc.
HB-70: Drunk and Drug-Impaired Driving and Failure to Remain at the Scene - Revocation of Driver's License
Sponsored by: Rep.
Hearing 1/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/10/2025
Vehicle Laws - Injury or Death of Vulnerable Individual - Penalties [HB-234]
Altering the penalties for causing the serious physical injury or death of a vulnerable individual as the result of an individual operating a motor vehicle in a negligent manner; including an individual who is lawfully operating or riding a golf cart or a unicycle on a highway, shoulder, crosswalk, or sidewalk as a vulnerable individual; and providing that an individual convicted of a certain violation is subject to not just a fine of $2,000 but also imprisonment of up to 2 months or both.
HB-234: Vehicle Laws - Injury or Death of Vulnerable Individual - Penalties
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Third Reading Passed (136-1) on 03/17/2025
Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts [HB-1444]
Establishing that certain provisions of law authorizing the use of speed monitoring systems in certain residential districts apply statewide; and requiring all speed limit signs on certain highways in residential districts to include certain signs.
HB-1444: Vehicle Laws - Speed Monitoring Systems - Residential Districts
Sponsored by: Rep. Michele Guyton
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/19/2024
Emergency Services - Funding [HB-1439]
Increasing the motor vehicle registration emergency medical system surcharge for certain motor vehicles; providing for the distribution of revenues derived from the surcharge; altering certain provisions of law related to the Maryland Trauma Physician Services Fund; increasing the fines for certain violations related to driving while impaired; requiring the Governor, beginning in fiscal year 2026, to include an annual appropriation to the Senator William H. Amoss Fire, Rescue, and Ambulance Fund of at least $16,500,000; etc.
HB-1439: Emergency Services - Funding
Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Barnes
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 718 on 05/16/2024