You have voted HB-2689: Relating to a study regarding state formula funding for health-related institutions and general academic teaching institutions..
HB-2089: Relating to the powers and duties of the General Land Office, including the abolition of the Texas Facilities Commission and the transfer of its duties to the General Land Office.
Sponsored by: Rep. Abel Herrero
Read First Time on 03/05/2013
You have voted HB-2089: Relating to the powers and duties of the General Land Office, including the abolition of the Texas Facilities Commission and the transfer of its duties to the General Land Office..
HB-2059: Relating to requiring general academic teaching institutions to study and report the feasibility of certain administrative staff budget reductions.
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Branch
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/20/2013
You have voted HB-2059: Relating to requiring general academic teaching institutions to study and report the feasibility of certain administrative staff budget reductions..
HB-1777: Relating to a study regarding the effects on international trade of wait times at points of entry between the United States and the United Mexican States.
Sponsored by: Rep. Rafael Anchia
Effective Immediately on 06/14/2013
You have voted HB-1777: Relating to a study regarding the effects on international trade of wait times at points of entry between the United States and the United Mexican States..
HB-1541: Relating to a study on recidivism rates for certain juveniles committed to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or the Texas Juvenile Justice Department.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sylvester Turner
Scheduled For Public Hearing On . . . on 03/27/2013
You have voted HB-1541: Relating to a study on recidivism rates for certain juveniles committed to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice or the Texas Juvenile Justice Department..
Relating to legislative rule-making review process [SB-402]
The purpose of this bill is to make several revisions to the existing process for enacting legislative rules; establishes two classes of rules to replace existing designations; requires agency response to all public comments; provides process for publishing Department of Health and Human Services policy manuals; allows for rules adopting federal mandates to have expedited process, and revises emergency rule making process to allow for a public comment period.
SB-402: Relating to legislative rule-making review process
Sponsored by: Sen. Corey Palumbo
Filed For Introduction on 01/24/2012
Amending Uniform Commercial Code [SB-374]
The purpose of this bill is to generally amend the Uniform Commercial Code; to improve the system for filing financing statements; provide greater protection for an existing secured party having a security interest in after-acquired property upon relocation of debtor; and to reform the correction statement process. The bill makes technical changes and provides transition rules. §46-9-801, §46-9-802, §46-9-803, §46-9-804, §46-9-805, §46-9-806, §46-9-807, §46-9-808 and §46-9-809 are new; therefore,
SB-374: Amending Uniform Commercial Code
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Browning
Filed For Introduction on 01/20/2012
Creating Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act [SB-363]
The purpose of this bill is to adopt the Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act. Under the proposed bill, any requirement of state law describing or requiring that a land record document be an original, on paper, or in writing are satisfied by a document in electronic form. In addition, any requirement that the document contain a signature or acknowledgment is satisfied by an electronic signature or acknowledgment. The bill authorizes the clerk to accept electronic documents for recording and to index and store those documents. The article
SB-363: Creating Uniform Real Property Electronic Recording Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Beach
Senator Tucker Requests To Be Removed As Sponsor Of Bill on 01/23/2012
Relating generally to criminal justice system [SB-342]
The purpose of this bill is to enact the Public Safety and Offender Accountability Act. The bill requires completion of a Corrections Impact Statement to determine the fiscal impact for any bill that proposes to increase, decrease or otherwise impact incarceration. The bill establishes baselines for performance and comparisons to national averages to measure and document possible cost savings from the Public Safety and Offender Accountability Act. The bill reinvestment and distribution of savings. The bill identifies the primary objective for both
SB-342: Relating generally to criminal justice system
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Plymale
On 3rd Reading With Restricted Right To Amend, House Calendar on 03/10/2012