Providing for issuance of alternative program teacher certificate and teacher-in-residence permits [SB-197]
The purpose of this bill is to authorize teacher education programs in the state to enter into agreements with county boards to use intensively supervised and mentored teacher-in-residence programs approved by the state board, in lieu of student teaching, for prospective teachers during their senior who have already passed the basic skills and content area licensure tests and meet other requirements. The teacher-in-residence must be issued a teacher-in-residence permit as authorized in the bill and they would be the teacher of record. The salary
SB-197: Providing for issuance of alternative program teacher certificate and teacher-in-residence permits
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Plymale
Filed For Introduction on 01/16/2012
Requiring health insurers cover maternity and contraceptive services for dependents [SB-194]
The purpose of this bill is to require health insurers to cover maternity and contraceptive services for all individuals who are participating in or receiving coverage under a policyholders health insurance plan, if those services are covered under the policy. Under current law, health insurers are not required to cover maternity or contraceptive services for dependents. This bill passed out of the Legislative oversight Commission on Health and Human Resource Accountability, recommended for passage. §33-15-4k, §33-16-3w, §33-24-7l, §33-25-8i
SB-194: Requiring health insurers cover maternity and contraceptive services for dependents
Sponsored by: Sen. Ron Stollings
Committee Substitute Reported, But First To Finance on 02/20/2012
Creating statutory cause of action to obtain personal safety orders [SB-189]
The purpose of this article is to create a statutory cause of action to obtain a personal safety order from a magistrate or circuit court judge and to set forth the perimeters including confidentiality of proceedings; who may file a petition; contents of petition; temporary hearing and relief available; contents of temporary order; respondents opportunity to be heard; notice to respondent; final hearing and forms of relief; modification and rescission; appeals; criminal penalties; priority of petitions; fees and costs; service by law enforcement;
SB-189: Creating statutory cause of action to obtain personal safety orders
Sponsored by: Sen. Ron Stollings
Filed For Introduction on 01/16/2012
Providing salary equity supplement payments to teachers and service personnel [SB-186]
The purpose of this bill is to provide salary equity supplement payments to teachers and service personnel in order to achieve salary equity among the states counties. The bill specifies the amounts of those equity supplements. The bill deletes obsolete provisions. The bill requires the Department of Education to request funds to meet the equity objective if it determines the objective is not being met. The bill clarifies the amount of equity supplement to be paid from state funds.
SB-186: Providing salary equity supplement payments to teachers and service personnel
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Plymale
Chapter 169, Acts, Regular Session, 2012 on 04/10/2012
You have voted SB-170: Authorizing Higher Education Policy Commission and Council for Community and Technical College Education promulgate legislative rules.
Considering military training, experience and education toward professional or occupational licensure qualifications [SB-135]
The purpose of this bill is to require the consideration of military training, experience and education toward qualification for professional or occupational licensure. The bill also provides for the extension of licenses and the waiver of certain requirements for licenses or registration of individuals, and accompanying spouses, while on active duty in the Armed Forces of the United States.
SB-135: Considering military training, experience and education toward professional or occupational licensure qualifications
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Plymale
Recommitted To Government Organization On 2nd Reading on 02/29/2012
Creating the Shale Research, Education, Policy and Economic Development Center at West Virginia University [HB-4511]
The purpose of this bill is to create the Shale Research, Education, Policy and Economic Development Center at West Virginia University. The center will foster scientific research and encourage partnerships between and among West Virginia University, government, and industry in an effort to develop best practices in relation to shale resources in West Virginia. This article is new; therefore, it has been completely underscored.
HB-4511: Creating the Shale Research, Education, Policy and Economic Development Center at West Virginia University
Sponsored by: Sen. Ryan Ferns
Senate Requests House To Concur on 03/10/2012
SCR-5: Requesting the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives to provide for a joint interim legislative study regarding the development and potential economic impact of a cruise industry on the Texas coast between Calhoun and Cameron Counties.
Sponsored by: Sen. Eddie Lucio
Signed By The Governor on 06/17/2011
You have voted SCR-5: Requesting the lieutenant governor and the speaker of the house of representatives to provide for a joint interim legislative study regarding the development and potential economic impact of a cruise industry on the Texas coast between Calhoun and Cameron Counties..
SCR-38: Requesting the lieutenant governor and speaker to provide for a joint interim legislative study on the availability of medical treatment for patients with Lyme disease in Texas.
Sponsored by: Sen. Juan Hinojosa
Received By The Secretary Of The Senate on 03/28/2011
You have voted SCR-38: Requesting the lieutenant governor and speaker to provide for a joint interim legislative study on the availability of medical treatment for patients with Lyme disease in Texas..