Financial Institutions – Mortgage Loan Originators – Independent Contractors [SB-307]
Altering certain provisions of law relating to the licensing of mortgage loan originators to provide for the licensing of certain independent contractors as mortgage loan originators under certain circumstances; requiring licensed mortgage lenders to supervise certain activities of certain mortgage loan originators in a certain manner; and requiring the Commissioner of Financial Regulation to submit a report to certain committees of the General Assembly on or before December 31, 2024, on mortgage loan originators.
Financial Institutions – Mortgage Loan Originators – Independent Contractors [HB-282]
Altering certain provisions of law relating to the licensing of mortgage loan originators to provide for the licensing of certain independent contractors as mortgage loan originators under certain circumstances; and requiring licensed mortgage lenders to supervise certain activities of certain mortgage loan originators in a certain manner.
Criminal Law - Person in a Position of Authority - Sexual Offenses With a Minor [HB-226]
Altering the definition of "person in a position of authority" applicable to sexual offense in the fourth degree; altering a certain prohibition against a certain person in a position of authority engaging in certain conduct to prohibit a person in a position of authority from engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal intercourse with a minor who is enrolled at a school or participating in a certain program for which the person in authority works; authorizing the imposition of a certain sentence; etc.
HB-226: Criminal Law - Person in a Position of Authority - Sexual Offenses With a Minor
Sponsored by: Rep. Edith Patterson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 730 on 05/16/2023
Criminal Law - Person in a Position of Authority - Sexual Offenses With a Minor [SB-21]
Altering the definition of "person in a position of authority" for purposes of a certain prohibition against engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal intercourse with a minor; altering a certain prohibition against a certain person from engaging in certain conduct in a position of authority to prohibit a certain person from engaging in a sexual act, sexual contact, or vaginal intercourse with a minor who is enrolled in certain programs where the person in a position of authority is employed or under contract; etc.
SB-21: Criminal Law - Person in a Position of Authority - Sexual Offenses With a Minor
Sponsored by: Sen. William Folden
Third Reading Passed (135-0) on 04/10/2023
Consumer Protection - Right to Repair - Farm Equipment [HB-562]
Requiring a farm equipment manufacturer to make available certain documentation, updates, or information to an independent repair provider or owner of farm equipment to allow for the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of the farm equipment; prohibiting a farm equipment manufacturer from knowingly misrepresenting or withholding farm equipment part numbers from a customer for a certain purpose; applying the Act prospectively: etc.
HB-562: Consumer Protection - Right to Repair - Farm Equipment
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/08/2022
You have voted SB-1724: An Act To Create a Logging Dispute Resolution Board and To Require Proof of Ownership Documents To Be Available within 14 Days of Request.
Commissioner of Labor and Industry - Classification of Employees and Independent Contractors - Guidelines [HB-1448]
Requiring the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, in consultation with the Office of the Attorney General, to develop certain guidelines relating to the classification and treatment of employees and independent contractors; requiring the guidelines to be updated in a certain manner on an annual basis; requiring that a certain report on personal property required to be submitted to the State Department of Assessment and Taxation contain a certain certification by the individual filing the report; etc.
HB-1448: Commissioner of Labor and Industry - Classification of Employees and Independent Contractors - Guidelines
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/11/2020
Maryland Wage and Hour Law and Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law – Revisions (Maryland Wage Protection Act) [HB-1097]
Requiring that a certain summary that certain employers are required to keep conspicuously posted in certain places of employment include certain antiretaliation provisions; prohibiting certain employers from taking certain actions under the Maryland Wage and Hour Law and the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law; prohibiting certain employers from discriminating against certain employees; requiring, to the extent practicable, the identity of the employee who filed a written complaint of certain violations be kept confidential; etc.
HB-1097: Maryland Wage and Hour Law and Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law – Revisions (Maryland Wage Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Hearing 3/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2020
Labor and Employment - Fair Recruitment and Transparency Act [SB-742]
Providing that an agreement by a foreign worker to waive certain rights is void as contrary to public policy; requiring an individual to be licensed by the Commissioner of Labor and Industry before the individual may perform a foreign labor contracting service in the State for consideration; providing that a certain license authorizes the licensee to perform foreign labor contracting services for consideration; establishing a Workgroup to Study the International Exchange Visitor Workers in Maryland; etc.
SB-742: Labor and Employment - Fair Recruitment and Transparency Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2020
Consumer Protection - Right to Repair Farm Equipment [HB-799]
Requiring a farm equipment manufacturer to make available diagnostic and repair documentation, updates, or information to an independent repair provider or owner of farm equipment to allow for the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of the farm equipment; providing that a violation of certain provisions of the Act is an unfair, abusive, or deceptive trade practice and subject to certain enforcement and penalty provisions; etc.
HB-799: Consumer Protection - Right to Repair Farm Equipment
Sponsored by: Rep. Kevin Hornberger
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/16/2020
Maryland Wage and Hour Law and Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law – Revisions (Maryland Wage Protection Act) [SB-641]
Requiring that a certain summary that certain employers are required to keep conspicuously posted in certain places of employment include certain antiretaliation provisions; prohibiting certain employers from taking certain actions under the Maryland Wage and Hour Law and the Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law; prohibiting certain employers from discriminating against certain employees under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-641: Maryland Wage and Hour Law and Maryland Wage Payment and Collection Law – Revisions (Maryland Wage Protection Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2020
Child Support - Reporting of Employment Information [HB-647]
Transferring, from the Labor and Employment Article to the Family Law Article, certain provisions of law relating to the reporting of certain employment information concerning certain individuals for certain purposes relating to child support collection; transferring, from the Secretary of Labor to the Secretary of Human Services, certain duties and authority relating to the reporting of certain employment information concerning certain individuals; etc.
HB-647: Child Support - Reporting of Employment Information
Sponsored by: Rep.
First Reading Judiciary on 01/29/2020
HCR-151: Urging The Department Of Labor And Industrial Relations To Train Its Auditors To Require Satisfaction Of At Least 15 Of The 20 Factors Used For Employment Determinations When Both Parties Contemplate An Independent Contractor Relationship With One Another.
Sponsored by: Rep. Roy Takumi
Referred To Lab, Fin, Referral Sheet 30 on 03/14/2017
You have voted HCR-151: Urging The Department Of Labor And Industrial Relations To Train Its Auditors To Require Satisfaction Of At Least 15 Of The 20 Factors Used For Employment Determinations When Both Parties Contemplate An Independent Contractor Relationship With One Another..
HR-98: Urging The Department Of Labor And Industrial Relations To Train Its Auditors To Require Satisfaction Of At Least 15 Of The 20 Factors Used For Employment Determinations When Both Parties Contemplate An Independent Contractor Relationship With One Another.
Sponsored by: Rep. Roy Takumi
Referred To Lab, Fin, Referral Sheet 30 on 03/14/2017
You have voted HR-98: Urging The Department Of Labor And Industrial Relations To Train Its Auditors To Require Satisfaction Of At Least 15 Of The 20 Factors Used For Employment Determinations When Both Parties Contemplate An Independent Contractor Relationship With One Another..