Independent Contractors

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Baltimore Regional Water Governance Model Workgroup - Established [HB-1509]
Establishing the Baltimore Regional Water Governance Model Workgroup to study the regional water governance approach in the Baltimore region; requiring the Governor to include an appropriation of $500,000 in the annual budget bill for the Workgroup; and requiring the Workgroup to report, on or before June 30, 2027, its findings to the Mayor of Baltimore City, the County Executive of Baltimore County, the Governor, and the General Assembly.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Approved By The Governor - Chapter 503 on 05/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Economic Development – Cyber Maryland Fund and Program – Alterations [HB-1486]
Requiring the Maryland Technology Development Corporation to administer the Cyber Maryland Fund and Program; authorizing the Fund to be used for administrative expenses of the Program, including hiring staff, consultants and other professionals as necessary to implement, maintain, and administer the Program and the Fund; and requiring the Corporation to adopt certain standards.


Sponsored by: Rep. Catherine Forbes House Refuses Concur Senate Amendments on 04/04/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Task Force on Washington County Regional Water and Wastewater Governance [HB-1378]
Establishing the Task Force on Washington County Regional Water and Wastewater Governance to study the water supply, wastewater treatment, and approaches to water and wastewater governance in Washington County; requiring the Governor to include an appropriation of $750,000 in the fiscal year 2026 budget bill for the completion of the report; and requiring the Task Force to submit its findings and recommendations by July 1, 2026.


Sponsored by: Rep. William Wivell First Reading Environment And Transportation on 02/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Labor and Employment - Noncompete and Conflict of Interest Clauses for Veterinary and Health Care Professionals and Study of the Health Care Market [HB-1388]
Applying to certain veterinary and health care professionals certain provisions of law stating that certain noncompete and conflict of interest provisions in certain employment contracts are null and void as being against the public policy of the State; establishing certain prohibitions regarding noncompete and conflict of interest provisions for certain health care employment contracts and similar documents and agreements; and requiring the Maryland Health Care Commission to study certain issues related to the health care market in the State.


Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser Approved By The Governor - Chapter 378 on 04/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Information Technology - Modernization of Information Technology Projects [HB-1188]
Altering the duties of the Secretary of Information Technology related to modernization of information technology systems; renaming the Major Information Technology Development Fund to be the Information Technology Investment Fund; requiring a certain amount of the Fund to be set aside for certain projects each fiscal year; requiring the Board of Public Works to expedite the placement on an agenda and approval of certain contracts; and altering the name, duties, and membership of the Modernize Maryland Oversight Commission.


Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser Rereferred To Education, Energy, And The Environment And Budget And Taxation on 04/08/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact [HB-1191]
Repealing certain provisions of law relating to the Interstate Agreement on Qualifications of Educational Personnel; providing that certain provisions of law regarding the issuance of an initial teaching certificate do not apply to certain teachers under certain circumstances; entering into the Interstate Teacher Mobility Compact for the purpose of authorizing regulated teachers who hold multistate licenses to teach in each member state; establishing requirements for multistate licensure; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Bernice Mireku-North Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Environment – Highways – Salt Application [HB-1055]
Requiring each State agency, county, and municipality to maintain certain records of its highway salt application and submit to the Department of the Environment by July 1 each year a report on its highway salt application for the previous fiscal year, including the total amount of salt applied and the amount of salt the jurisdiction had at the beginning of the fiscal year.


Sponsored by: Rep. Lily Qi Favorable With Amendments Report By Education, Energy, And The Environment on 04/08/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Blueprint for Maryland's Future Implementation - Funding for Implementation Coordinators [HB-1082]
Requiring for each fiscal year each county board of education to provide $150,000 for the salary and benefits of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future implementation coordinator in the county; and requiring the implementation coordinator's salary and benefits to be paid for by the State and the county in a certain proportion.


Sponsored by: Rep. Stephanie Smith Approved By The Governor - Chapter 336 on 04/25/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Agriculture - Invasive Plant Species - Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act) [HB-979]
Altering the regulatory approach for controlling invasive plant species in the State, including repealing certain provisions of law relating to a two-tiered regulatory approach and requiring the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a list of prohibited invasive plants by regulation in a certain manner on or before October 1, 2024; establishing certain protocols for assessing certain nonnative plants and determining whether those plants are invasive or whether the plants may be placed on a certain watch list; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Approved By The Governor - Chapter 590 on 05/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Agriculture – Invasive Plant Species – Regulation (Biodiversity and Agriculture Protection Act) [SB-915]
Altering the regulatory approach for controlling invasive plant species in the State, including repealing certain provisions of law relating to a two-tiered regulatory approach and requiring the Secretary of Agriculture to establish a list of prohibited invasive plants by regulation in a certain manner on or before October 1, 2024; establishing certain protocols for assessing certain nonnative plants and determining whether those plants are invasive or whether the plants may be placed on a certain watch list; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Brooks Approved By The Governor - Chapter 589 on 05/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Task Force on Washington County Regional Water and Wastewater Governance [SB-1078]
Establishing the Task Force on Washington County Regional Water and Wastewater Governance to study the water supply, wastewater treatment, and approaches to water and wastewater governance in Washington County; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill for fiscal year 2026 an appropriation of $750,000 for the completion of a certain report; and requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to certain entities on or before July 1, 2026.


Sponsored by: Sen. Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/07/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Information Technology - Modernization of Information Technology Projects [SB-982]
Altering the duties of the Secretary of Information Technology related to modernization of information technology systems; renaming the Major Information Technology Development Fund; requiring 20% of the amount appropriated to the Fund to be set aside for expedited projects each fiscal year; requiring the Board of Public Works to expedite the placement on an agenda and approval of certain contracts; altering the name, duties, and membership of the Modernize Maryland Oversight Commission; and providing for the terms of certain Commission members.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan Approved By The Governor - Chapter 497 on 05/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Deep Creek Lake - Lower Lake Levels - Requirement and Impact Study [SB-837]
Requiring the Water and Science Administration in the Department of the Environment, under certain circumstances to require Brookfield Power Piney & Deep Creek LLC to lower the level of Deep Creek Lake for at least 4 weeks between October 31 and January 1; requiring the Department of Natural Resources or a contractor hired by the Department of Natural Resources to conduct a study while the lake level is lowered to determine the impact of the lower levels on nvasive plants, sediment deposits, and the whitewater industry; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay Hearing 4/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/21/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Deep Creek Lake - Lower Lake Levels - Requirement and Impact Study [HB-910]
Requiring the Water and Science Administration in the Department of the Environment to require Brookfield Power Piney & Deep Creek LLC to lower the level of Deep Creek Lake for at least 4 weeks between November 30 and February 28; requiring the Department of Natural Resources to conduct a certain study while the lake level is lowered to determine the impact of the lower levels on the spread of invasive plants and accumulated sediment deposits; requiring certain units of the State to consider the reports when taking certain actions; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Hinebaugh Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Public Utilities - Solar Energy Systems and Programs, Maryland Strategic Energy Investment Fund, and Prevailing Wage (Brighter Tomorrow Act) [SB-783]
Requiring that certain home improvement contracts for the installation of a solar energy generating system on the roof of a building include the installation of a certain wildlife barrier under certain circumstances; requiring a county or municipality to implement certain software for features supporting the tracking and approval of residential building permits for residential solar energy and energy storage systems and main electric panel urgrades and derates on or before August 1, 2025, except under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman Approved By The Governor - Chapter 595 on 05/09/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Testing Facilities That Use Animals - Licensing and Regulation [SB-761]
Requiring each testing facility in the State to be licensed by the Department of Agriculture to use animals in research, education, or testing; establishing requirements for the use and treatment of dogs or cats by a testing facility; prohibiting a testing facility from using certain dogs and cats for research or testing purposes and performing certain procedures on dogs or cats; prohibiting a testing facility from using traditional animal test methods under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam Hearing Canceled on 02/13/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Environment - Covered Electronic Devices Recycling Program - Establishment [HB-830]
Establishing the Covered Electronic Device Recycling Program in the Department of the Environment; repealing certain provisions of law relating to existing covered electronic takeback programs; repealing a certain provision of law authorizing a county to address methods for the separate collection and recycling of covered electronic devices in a certain recycling plan; requiring a separate covered electronic device recycling account within the State Recycling Trust Fund; altering the uses of the Trust Fund; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit [HB-808]
Establishing a local delivery service permit that authorizes the holder to deliver alcoholic beverages from a retail license holder that is authorized to deliver alcoholic beverages to purchasers in a certain jurisdiction under certain circumstances; authorizing retail license holders to deliver alcoholic beverages to purchasers in a certain jurisdiction through a third-party contractor, an independent contractor, or an agent that holds a certain delivery service permit under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Vanessa Atterbeary Approved By The Governor - Chapter 774 on 05/16/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Education - Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education - Powers and Notifications [HB-746]
Providing that the Maryland Office of the Inspector General for Education is a state educational authority under a certain federal law; providing that the Office is the State unit authorized to audit or evaluate certain education programs; prohibiting the Inspector General for Education from serving more than two full terms; requiring the Governor, the Attorney General, and the State Treasurer to provide the Inspector General with a certain notice and opportunity for a hearing before removing the Inspector General; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. April Fleming Miller First Reading Ways And Means on 01/31/2024

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Environment - Covered Electronic Devices Recycling Program - Establishment [SB-686]
Establishing the Covered Electronic Device Recycling Program in the Department of the Environment; repealing certain provisions of law relating to existing covered electronic takeback programs; repealing a certain provision of law authorizing a county to address methods for the separate collection and recycling of covered electronic devices in a certain recycling plan; requiring a separate covered electronic device recycling account within the State Recycling Trust Fund; altering the uses of the Trust Fund; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Malcolm Augustine Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024

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