Primary and Secondary Education – Education Savings Account Program – Established [HB-704]
Establishing the Education Savings Account program in the State administered by the State Department of Education; providing that the State shall deposit into an account of an eligible student a certain percentage of the per pupil amount of State and local funds for each education program in the resident school district for which the eligible student would be included in the enrollment count; and allowing a subtraction modification under the Maryland income tax for deposits into an education savings account.
HB-704: Primary and Secondary Education – Education Savings Account Program – Established
Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2024
Education - Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining (Library Workers Empowerment Act) [SB-591]
Authorizing employees of certain public libraries to form, join, and participate in an employee organization and engage in certain other activities related to collective bargaining; requiring employers and certified exclusive representatives to engage in good faith bargaining; establishing a collective bargaining process for employees of certain public libraries; prohibiting employers and employee organizations from engaging in certain actions regarding the exercise of an employee's rights under the Act; etc.
Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit [SB-561]
Establishing a manufacturer's limited beer, wine, and liquor permit in Frederick County that authorizes the holder to allow a licensed caterer or other contracted party to provide sealed beer, wine, and liquor products not manufactured by the holder during private events for on-premises consumption, subject to certain restrictions; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Frederick County to issue a permit to holders of certain manufacturer's licenses; and requiring the Board to adopt certain regulations.
SB-561: Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 1005 on 05/16/2024
Public Utilities - Thermal Energy Network Systems - Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act) [SB-570]
Requiring certain gas companies and authorizing certain gas companies to develop a plan for a pilot thermal energy network system or systems by October 1, 2024; requiring a gas company that serves at least 75,000 customers in its distribution territory to submit either one or two proposals for a pilot system to the Public Service Commission for approval by July 1, 2025; authorizing a municipal corporation, county, or community organization to submit neighborhoods to gas companies for consideration as part of a pilot system; etc.
SB-570: Public Utilities - Thermal Energy Network Systems - Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 563 on 05/09/2024
You have voted SB-570: Public Utilities - Thermal Energy Network Systems - Authorization and Establishment (Working for Accessible Renewable Maryland Thermal Heat (WARMTH) Act).
Primary and Secondary Education - Education Savings Account Program - Established (Maryland Universal School Choice Act) [HB-675]
Establishing the Education Savings Account program in the State administered by the State Department of Education to provide grants to the account of the parent of an eligible student in order to provide for the eligible student's education; requiring the parent of an eligible student to participate in a certain agreement with the Department; and allowing a subtraction modification under the Maryland income tax for deposits into an education savings account.
HB-675: Primary and Secondary Education - Education Savings Account Program - Established (Maryland Universal School Choice Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2024
Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit [HB-587]
Establishing a manufacturer's limited beer, wine, and liquor permit in Frederick County; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for Frederick County to issue a permit to holders of certain manufacturer's licenses; establishing that the permit authorizes the holder to allow a licensed caterer or other contracted party to provide sealed beer, wine, and liquor products not manufactured by the holder during private events for on-premises consumption; and requiring the Board to adopt certain regulations.
HB-587: Frederick County - Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's Limited Beer, Wine, and Liquor Permit
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 1004 on 05/16/2024
Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit [SB-456]
Establishing a local delivery service permit that authorizes the holder to deliver alcoholic beverages from a retail license holder that is authorized to deliver alcoholic beverages to purchasers in a certain jurisdiction under certain circumstances; authorizing retail license holders to deliver alcoholic beverages to purchasers in a certain jurisdiction through a third-party contractor, an independent contractor, or an agent that holds a certain delivery service permit under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-456: Alcoholic Beverages – Retail Delivery – Local Delivery Service Permit
Sponsored by: Sen. Alonzo Washington
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 775 on 05/16/2024
Relating To Motion Picture, Digital Media, And Film Production Income Tax Credit. [SB-2858]
Requires qualified productions claiming the Motion Picture, Digital Media, and Film Production Income Tax Credit to submit call sheets and payroll information. Specifies that individuals listed on a qualified production's call sheet who are hired or classified as independent contractors shall not be considered a local hire. Exempts from the definition of "qualified production costs" wages or salaries paid to individuals listed on a qualified production's call sheet who are paid as independent contractors.
SB-2858: Relating To Motion Picture, Digital Media, And Film Production Income Tax Credit.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
Referred To Eet/lbt, Wam. on 01/24/2024
Agriculture - Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens in Commercial Egg Production - Prohibitions [HB-357]
Prohibiting a certain farm owner or operator from knowingly confining egg-laying hens in an enclosure in a certain manner, subject to certain exceptions, on and after January 1, 2026; prohibiting a business owner or operator or a farm owner or operator from selling shell eggs or egg products under certain circumstances on and after January 1, 2026; and specifying that a certain certification be obtained in a certain manner to sell shell eggs and egg products.
HB-357: Agriculture - Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens in Commercial Egg Production - Prohibitions
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing Canceled on 02/14/2024
Higher Education - Teacher Development and Retention Program - Alterations [HB-75]
Altering the definition of "institution of initial eligibility" to include community colleges as eligible institutions as part of the criteria for applicants for the Teacher Development and Retention Program; altering the evaluation requirements for the Program; requiring the Higher Education Commission to conduct an evaluation of the effectiveness of the Program and report the results to the Governor and the General Assembly by January 1, 2030; and altering the termination date from June 30, 2029 to June 30, 2030.
HB-75: Higher Education - Teacher Development and Retention Program - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Ebersole
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 186 on 04/25/2024
Food Waste and Solid Waste Reduction – Grants, Fund, and Surcharge [SB-56]
Establishing the On-Farm Organic Diversion and Composting Grant Program to award grants to eligible entities to assist with the costs of developing and implementing on-farm composting and compost use, food waste prevention, and food rescue projects; requiring the Department of the Environment to use funds from the Reduce, Recycle, Remanufacture Fund to support the Grant Program to Reduce and Compost School Waste; authorizing the Department to establish a statewide solid waste disposal surcharge; etc.
SB-56: Food Waste and Solid Waste Reduction – Grants, Fund, and Surcharge
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing 2/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/25/2024
State Department of Education - Driver Education and Career and Technical Education - Funding (Driver Education and Career Education Act of 2024) [SB-40]
Requiring, for each of fiscal years 2026 through 2031, the Governor to include in the annual budget bill certain appropriations to the State Department of Education for the Coalition for Public Safety Training in Schools, Inc., in Prince George's County for certain purposes related to driver education and career and technical education; and requiring the Department to hire an independent contractor to conduct an annual evaluation of the impact of the funding provided by the Act on increasing the number of career-ready students.
SB-40: State Department of Education - Driver Education and Career and Technical Education - Funding (Driver Education and Career Education Act of 2024)
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Watson
First Reading Budget And Taxation on 01/10/2024
You have voted SB-40: State Department of Education - Driver Education and Career and Technical Education - Funding (Driver Education and Career Education Act of 2024).
Agriculture - Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens in Commercial Egg Production - Prohibitions [SB-193]
Prohibiting a certain farm owner or operator from knowingly confining egg-laying hens in an enclosure in a certain manner, subject to certain exceptions, on and after January 1, 2026; prohibiting a business owner or operator or a farm owner or operator from selling shell eggs or egg products under certain circumstances on and after January 1, 2026; and specifying that a certain certification verifying that the shell eggs and egg products are produced in a certain manner must be obtained before selling shell eggs and egg products.
SB-193: Agriculture - Confinement of Egg-Laying Hens in Commercial Egg Production - Prohibitions
Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Lewis Young
Hearing 1/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/11/2024
Environment - Plastic Products - Postconsumer Recycled Content Program [HB-168]
Prohibiting certain producers of certain plastic products from selling, offering for sale, or distributing the products to any person in the State unless certain conditions are met; requiring certain producers of certain plastic products to, individually or as part of a representative organization, register and pay a certain annual registration fee to the Department of the Environment; establishing certain minimum postconsumer recycled content percentage requirements for certain products; etc.
HB-168: Environment - Plastic Products - Postconsumer Recycled Content Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Hearing 2/07 At 2:30 P.m. (environment And Transportation) on 01/18/2024
State Buildings and State Highways - Collection of Yard Waste [HB-173]
Prohibiting a person from disposing of yard waste collected on the grounds of a State building or a State highway in a single-use plastic container; requiring a person to collect yard waste on the grounds of a State building or a State highway in a container that will not be discarded with the yard waste or is a compostable paper bag; and providing that the Act does not apply to a person disposing of noxious weeds, as designated by the Department of Agriculture, or invasive species.
HB-173: State Buildings and State Highways - Collection of Yard Waste
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/21/2024
Food Waste and Solid Waste Reduction - Grants, Fund, and Surcharge [HB-163]
Establishing the On-Farm Organic Diversion and Composting Grant Program to award grants to eligible entities to assist with the costs of developing and implementing on-farm composting and compost use, food waste prevention, and food rescue projects; requiring the Department of the Environment to use funds from the Reduce, Recycle, Remanufacture Fund to support the Grant Program to Reduce and Compost School Waste; authorizing the Department to establish a statewide solid waste disposal surcharge; etc.
HB-163: Food Waste and Solid Waste Reduction - Grants, Fund, and Surcharge
Sponsored by: Rep. Lorig Charkoudian
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/04/2024
State and Local Cybersecurity - Revisions [HB-1065]
Establishing the Director of Cybersecurity Preparedness in the Cyber Preparedness Unit of the Maryland Department of Emergency Management; establishing certain duties of the Director; specifying the amount of a certain annual appropriation made by the Governor to the Unit; establishing that the Deputy Secretary of Information Technology is the State Chief Information Officer; requiring a certain number of Position Identification Numbers to be created to assist the Deputy Secretary; etc.
HB-1065: State and Local Cybersecurity - Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/13/2023
Child Support - Reporting of Employment Information - Independent Contractors [SB-706]
Altering the definition of "earnings" in certain provisions of law relating to child support enforcement to include certain payments received by independent contractors; and establishing certain procedures for the reporting of certain employment information concerning certain independent contractors to the Child Support Administration for certain purposes related to child support enforcement.
SB-706: Child Support - Reporting of Employment Information - Independent Contractors
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 4/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/22/2023