Relating to public higher education personnel [HB-2542]
The purpose of this bill is to provide more flexibility in human resources and personnel to institutions of higher education. The bill strikes language mandating a temporary salary schedule and redefines classified and nonclassified employees. It removes bumping rights based upon seniority. The bill gives WVU and MU the right to develop their own classification and compensation systems and gives other institutions the option to apply to the HEPC or CTCC for the same right. The bill enables WVU, MU and any other authorized institution to develop
HB-2542: Relating to public higher education personnel
Establishing Education Savings Account Pilot Program [SB-273]
The purpose of this bill is to provide a tax credit for education expenses and to enact an educational savings account program; providing a short title and definitions; qualifying for an educational savings account; amount of the account; responsibilities of the Treasurer; eligibility requirements for participating entities; responsibilities of resident school districts; and legal proceedings.
SB-273: Establishing Education Savings Account Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Karnes
Committee Substitute Reported, But First To Finance on 03/24/2017
Relating to public higher education personnel [SB-274]
The purpose of this bill is to provide more flexibility in human resources and personnel to institutions of higher education. The bill strikes language mandating a temporary salary schedule and redefines classified and nonclassified employees. It removes bumping rights based upon seniority. The bill gives WVU and MU the right to develop their own classification and compensation systems and gives other institutions the option to apply to the HEPC or CTCC for the same right. The bill enables WVU, MU and any other authorized institution to develop
SB-274: Relating to public higher education personnel
Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Blair
Filed For Introduction on 02/13/2017
Relating to relocation or closure of state higher education institutions [HB-2144]
The purpose of this bill is to insure that closure or transfer of any publicly-funded higher education institution be preapproved by the Legislative Oversight Commission on Education Accountability (LOCEA); to require both an economic and educational study to be presented to the LOCEA before it may be closed or transferred; and to keep WVU-Tech in its current location in Montgomery. The bill makes clear that WVU-Tech may not be closed or transferred without LOCEA approval.
HB-2144: Relating to relocation or closure of state higher education institutions
Sponsored by: Rep. Tom Fast
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2017
Abolishing the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission [HB-2079]
The purpose of this bill is to abolish the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission. The bill transfers all powers and duties of the commission relating to governance of institutions of higher education to the board of Governors of the institutions. The bill transfers all powers and duties of the commission to secure, provide, or administer financial support for educational or research purposes to the Cabinet Secretary for the Department of Education and the Arts. The bill provides for the transfer and disposition of assets, property and
HB-2079: Abolishing the West Virginia Higher Education Policy Commission
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Folk
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2017
HB-2097: Permitting community and technical colleges and universities to charge students half the cost of a credit for every credit taken over the fifteenth hour
Sponsored by: Rep. Roy Cooper
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2017
You have voted HB-2097: Permitting community and technical colleges and universities to charge students half the cost of a credit for every credit taken over the fifteenth hour.
Abolishing the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education [HB-2118]
The purpose of this bill is to abolish the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education; to transfer the power and duties of the council to the governing boards of the institutions of higher education; and to provide for the disposition or transfer of assets and property of the council. Section 18B-2B-3 has been completely rewritten; therefore, it has been completely underscored.
HB-2118: Abolishing the West Virginia Council for Community and Technical College Education
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Folk
Filed For Introduction on 02/08/2017