Real Property - Agricultural Land Preservation Easements - Separate Parcels [SB-975]
Establishing that, unless a deed expressly provides otherwise, the grant of an agricultural land preservation easement governing two or more separate parcels of land owned by the same grantor under separate deeds or two or more parcels separately identified and described in the same deed does not consolidate the parcels; establishing that a parcel of land subject to an agricultural land preservation easement may be conveyed separately to a specified child of a specified grantor with specified approval under specified conditions; etc.
SB-975: Real Property - Agricultural Land Preservation Easements - Separate Parcels
Sponsored by: Sen. Justin Ready
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 662 on 05/25/2017
State Agricultural and Conservation Property Interests - Solar Facilities (Right to Solar Farm) [HB-863]
Exempting a specified facility that generates electricity by utilizing solar energy from specified development restrictions under an agricultural land preservation easement; altering the limitation on the percentage of the land subject to an agricultural land preservation easement that may be used for the generation of electricity from solar energy; and authorizing the Maryland Environmental Trust to lease properties for the generation of electricity under specified circumstances.
HB-863: State Agricultural and Conservation Property Interests - Solar Facilities (Right to Solar Farm)
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 02/27/2017
You have voted SB-703: Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation - Participation in the Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program.
Agricultural Land Preservation Easements - Overlay Easements, Rights-of-Way, or Servitudes [SB-285]
Prohibiting a landowner whose land is subject to an agricultural land preservation easement from granting, or allowing a person to establish, an overlay easement, a right-of-way, or any other servitude on the land without prior written permission of the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation; and authorizing the Foundation to approve an overlay easement, a right-of-way, or any other servitude on land subject to an agricultural land preservation easement under specified circumstances.
SB-285: Agricultural Land Preservation Easements - Overlay Easements, Rights-of-Way, or Servitudes
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Salling
Unfavorable Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs; Withdrawn on 03/16/2017
Agricultural Land Preservation Easements - Overlay Easements, Rights-of-Way, or Servitudes [HB-217]
Prohibiting a landowner whose land is subject to an agricultural land preservation easement from granting, or allowing a person to establish, an overlay easement, a right-of-way, or any other servitude on the land without prior written permission of the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation; and authorizing the Foundation to approve an overlay easement, a right-of-way, or any other servitude on land subject to an agricultural land preservation easement under specified circumstances.
HB-217: Agricultural Land Preservation Easements - Overlay Easements, Rights-of-Way, or Servitudes
Sponsored by: Rep. Haven Shoemaker
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 02/27/2017
SB-66: Specifically classify certain agricultural land as riparian buffer strips, to establish the criteria for the riparian buffer strip classification, and to provide for the taxation thereof.
Sponsored by: Sen.
Signed By The Governor On March 8, 2017 S.j. 692 on 03/09/2017
You have voted SB-66: Specifically classify certain agricultural land as riparian buffer strips, to establish the criteria for the riparian buffer strip classification, and to provide for the taxation thereof..