
State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Maryland Estate Tax - Exclusion for Family Farm Subject to Agricultural [HB-160]
Altering the determination of the Maryland estate tax to exclude from the value of the gross estate the value of specified real property that is subject to a perpetual agricultural preservation easement that has been granted to the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation and passes from the decedent to or for the use of specified relatives of the decedent; and applying the Act to decedents dying after December 31, 2009.


Sponsored by: Rep. James Malone Hearing Cancelled on 01/27/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Montgomery County - Septic System and Well Easements - Rural Zones [HB-1506]
Providing that, with specified exceptions, in Montgomery County a subdivision located in a specified rural zone may be served by a septic system or a well located on a contiguous property under a septic system easement or a well easement; establishing specified exceptions; and clarifying that the Act does not authorize the creation of additional lots.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Hearing 3/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/16/2010

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2010 Regular Session

Property Tax Exemption - Farm or Agricultural Property Subject to an Easement [HB-1189]
Providing a State property tax exemption for property that is actively used for farm or agricultural purposes and is subject to an easement or other interest that is conveyed or assigned to specified entities; and applying the Act to tax years beginning after June 30, 2010.


Sponsored by: Sen. Gail Bates First Reading Ways And Means on 02/18/2010

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 26th Legislature

Pipeline Contract Carriers [SB-191]
An Act authorizing the negotiation for the lease, sale, or other disposal of state land with a common carrier that is engaged in the intrastate transportation of natural gas by pipeline or with a public utility; relating to the authority of the Alaska Natural Gas Development Authority; relating to a right-of-way across state land for the purpose of developing an intrastate gas pipeline project identified by the governor; relating to the authority of the governor to identify an intrastate gas pipeline project to be developed in conjunction with the (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Lesil McGuire Read The First Time - Referrals on 04/10/2009

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 26th Legislature

Water Access Easement Width/notice [SB-164]
An Act relating to an easement or right-of-way necessary to provide access to navigable or public water.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bert Stedman Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/25/2009

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 26th Legislature

In-state Pipelines: Leases; Certification [SB-136]
An Act relating to noncompetitive leases of state land and for rights-of-way for oil or natural gas pipelines that originate and terminate within the state and to the regulation and certification of those pipelines; relating to conditional certification for certain new natural gas pipelines; relating to definitions of "common carrier" and "firm transportation service" in the Pipeline Act.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/02/2009

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 26th Legislature

Maintenance Of Railroad Crossings [HB-313]
An Act relating to the maintenance and repair of railroad crossings and rights-of-way within railroad crossings.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tammie Wilson Cosponsor(s): T.wilson on 02/26/2010

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 26th Legislature

Snow Machine Use In Dalton Hwy Corridor [HB-267]
An Act relating to travel by snow machine within five miles of the right-of-way of the James Dalton Highway.


Sponsored by: Rep. Tammie Wilson Tra Rpt Cs(tra) Nt 2dp 2dnp 1am on 03/26/2010

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 26th Legislature

Easement Vacation [HB-247]
An Act requiring the state to vacate rights to easements along state highways.


Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Hawker Prefile Released 1/8/10 on 01/19/2010

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 26th Legislature

In-state Pipelines: Leases; Certification [HB-164]
An Act relating to noncompetitive leases of state land and for rights-of-way for oil or natural gas pipelines that originate and terminate within the state and to the regulation and certification of those pipelines; relating to conditional certification for certain new natural gas pipelines; relating to definitions of "common carrier" and "firm transportation service" in the Pipeline Act.


Sponsored by: No sponsors Read The First Time - Referrals on 03/02/2009

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 26th Legislature

Pipeline Contract Carriers [HB-120]
An Act authorizing the negotiation for the lease, sale, or other disposal of state land with a contract carrier that is engaged in the intrastate transportation of natural gas by pipeline; and relating to regulation of certain contract carriers.


Sponsored by: Rep. Charisse Millett Cosponsor(s): Millett on 04/11/2009

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 31st Legislature

Electric Utility Liability [HB-276]
An Act relating to liability of an electric utility for contact between vegetation and the utility's facilities; and relating to vegetation management plans.


Sponsored by: Rep. Andrew Josephson Read The First Time - Referrals on 02/24/2020

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State (Alaska)
Alaska 31st Legislature

Electric Utility Liability [SB-193]
An Act relating to liability of an electric utility for contact between vegetation and the utility's facilities; and relating to vegetation management plans.


Sponsored by: Sen. Lora Reinbold Return To Second For Ams Uc on 03/22/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Calvert County - Subdivision Plats - Stormwater Management Easements [HB-1479]
Requiring, in Calvert County, that certain subdivision plats be prepared and endorsed by certain individuals in a certain manner; requiring certain subdivision plats or deeds of dedication to include a certain signed and acknowledged statement; authorizing the filing, recording, and indexing of certain subdivision plats in a certain manner; establishing that recordation of a certain subdivision plat operates as a transfer of a certain easement to the Board of County Commissioners of Calvert County for certain purposes; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 480 on 05/08/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Calvert County - Subdivision Plats - Stormwater Management Easements [HB-1479]
Requiring, in Calvert County, that certain subdivision plats be prepared and endorsed by certain individuals in a certain manner; requiring certain subdivision plats or deeds of dedication to include a certain signed and acknowledged statement; authorizing the filing, recording, and indexing of certain subdivision plats in a certain manner; establishing that recordation of a certain subdivision plat operates as a transfer of a certain easement to the Board of County Commissioners of Calvert County for certain purposes; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 480 on 05/08/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Environment – Water Quality Certifications – Requests (Water Quality Certification Improvement Act) [HB-1128]
Requiring a person seeking a certain water quality certification to submit a request to the Department of the Environment; requiring that a request for a water quality certification include certain information concerning the potential environmental impacts of certain projects; requiring the Department to begin reviewing a request immediately on receipt of the request; requiring the Department to issue a decision on a request in accordance with the timeline for environmental review provided under the federal Clean Water Act; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/12/2020

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State (South Dakota)
South Dakota 2020 Regular Session

Permit modification of the term of a perpetual conservation easement after the death of the grantor. [HB-1238]
Permit modification of the term of a perpetual conservation easement after the death of the grantor.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steven McCleerey House Of Representatives Motion To Amend, Passed H.j. 423 Amendment 1238b on 02/27/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Department of Natural Resources - Acquisition of Land, Water, or Easements in Garrett and Allegany Counties - Subdivision of Property [HB-925]
Establishing that, for certain areas of water or land or easements that have been subdivided in Garrett County or Allegany County, the Department of Natural Resources may acquire the area only if the acquisition of the area will not, when added to the acreage of any other areas or easements the Department has acquired from that subdivision over the previous 5 years, exceed 100 acres, subject to approval by the county.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jason Buckel Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/26/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Electricity – Considerations for Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity and Overhead Transmission Lines [HB-1014]
Requiring the Public Service Commission to take final action on an application for a certificate of public convenience and necessity only after due consideration of certain factors including whether the applicant's design prioritizes the use or upgrading of existing infrastructure; prohibiting the construction of an overhead transmission line that is aligned with and within 1 mile of a conservation easement unless there is a certain showing of good cause; and providing for the application of the Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Teresa Reilly Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/12/2020

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2020 Regular Session

Department of Natural Resources - Acquisition of Land, Water, or Easements in Garrett and Allegany Counties - Subdivision of Property [SB-864]
Establishing that, for certain areas of water or land or easements that have been subdivided in Garrett County or Allegany County, the Department of Natural Resources may acquire the area only if the acquisition of the area will not, when added to the acreage of any other areas or easements the Department has acquired from that subdivision over the previous 5 years, exceed 100 acres, subject to approval by the county.


Sponsored by: Sen. George Edwards Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2020

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