Justice Reinvestment Act [SB-1005]
Requiring the Division of Parole and Probation to conduct a risk and needs assessment on inmates as soon as feasible after sentencing and develop a case plan to guide an inmate's rehabilitation while in custody; altering the manner in which specified diminution credits may be earned; authorizing expungement for convictions for specified misdemeanors after 10 years, or 15 years under specified conditions; establishing the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board and the Local Government Justice Reinvestment Commission; etc.
SB-1005: Justice Reinvestment Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Miller
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 515 on 05/19/2016
Serious and Subsequent Offenders - Conditions for Reinstatement of Driver's License [HB-974]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to revoke or refuse to issue or renew a license or privilege to drive for specified serious offenders; establishing conditions for reinstatement of a driver's license or privilege to drive for specified serious offenders; altering the periods of time that specified subsequent offenders are required to be participants in the Ignition Interlock System Program; and increasing specified penalties for specified prohibited acts concerning ignition interlock systems.
HB-974: Serious and Subsequent Offenders - Conditions for Reinstatement of Driver's License
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/14/2016
Aggressive Drunk Driving - Punitive Damages [HB-864]
Providing that a person with an alcohol concentration of 0.08 or more in the blood or breath who causes personal injury or wrongful death while operating or attempting to operate a motor vehicle is liable for punitive damages under the Act; providing that punitive damages under the Act may not be awarded in the absence of an award of compensatory damages; etc.
Drunk and Drugged Driving - Evidence of Blood Test [HB-773]
Providing that, if a law enforcement officer testifies that the officer witnessed the taking of a blood specimen by a person who the officer reasonably believed was a qualified medical person, the officer's testimony shall be sufficient evidence that the person was a qualified medical person and that the blood was obtained in compliance with specified provisions without testimony by the person who obtained the blood specimen; etc.
HB-773: Drunk and Drugged Driving - Evidence of Blood Test
Sponsored by: Rep. Vanessa Atterbeary
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 630 on 05/19/2016
Manslaughter and Homicide by Vehicle or Vessel [HB-735]
Increasing specified penalties for the crimes of manslaughter by vehicle or vessel, homicide by vehicle or vessel while under the influence of alcohol or under the influence of alcohol per se, homicide by vehicle or vessel while impaired by alcohol, homicide by vehicle or vessel while impaired by drugs, and homicide by vehicle or vessel while impaired by a controlled dangerous substance.
HB-735: Manslaughter and Homicide by Vehicle or Vessel
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/07/2016
Constitutional Amendment - Marijuana - Right to Use, Possess, and Cultivate [HB-665]
Amending the Maryland Constitution to establish that, subject to specified exceptions, an individual in the State who is at least 21 years old has the right under State law to use, possess, and cultivate marijuana; providing that the right enumerated in the amendment may not be infringed except that the transfer of marijuana by purchase or sale may be regulated as necessary to insure health and safety and taxed for specified purposes; etc.
HB-665: Constitutional Amendment - Marijuana - Right to Use, Possess, and Cultivate
Sponsored by: Rep. David Moon
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/14/2016
Drunk and Drugged Driving - Reinstatement of Revoked License [HB-630]
Providing that the Administration may reinstate the revoked driver's license or privilege to drive of an individual who is involved in two alcohol-related or drug-related driving incidents during a 5-year period only if the Administration conducts a specified investigation and makes a specified determination; providing that the Administration may impose requirements as a condition of reinstatement of the driver's license or privilege to drive, including participation in the Ignition Interlock System Program; etc.
HB-630: Drunk and Drugged Driving - Reinstatement of Revoked License
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/14/2016
Manslaughter by Motor Vehicle or Vessel While Under the Influence or Impaired - Penalty [HB-612]
Establishing specified crimes of manslaughter by motor vehicle or vessel while under the influence of alcohol, under the influence of alcohol per se, impaired by a drug, a combination of drugs, or a combination of one or more drugs and alcohol, or impaired by a controlled dangerous substance; providing a penalty on conviction of imprisonment not to exceed 15 years or a fine not to exceed $5,000 or both; providing for the form of specified charging documents; etc.
HB-612: Manslaughter by Motor Vehicle or Vessel While Under the Influence or Impaired - Penalty
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Hearing 3/30 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/30/2016
Vehicle Laws - Driving While License is Suspended - Prison Sentence Repeal [HB-348]
Repealing the prison sentence for driving a motor vehicle while a person's license or privilege to drive is suspended under specified provisions of State law relating to the lapse of required security, noncompliance with traffic citations, and nonpayment of fines; and repealing the prison sentences for driving a motor vehicle while a person's license or privilege to drive is suspended by another state for failure to comply with a specified notice to appear in court or to pay a specified fine.
HB-348: Vehicle Laws - Driving While License is Suspended - Prison Sentence Repeal
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/31/2016
Civil Action - Wrongfully Selling or Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages [HB-345]
Providing that a civil action for specified damages may be brought under specified circumstances against an alcoholic beverages licensee or the licensee's employee who sells or furnishes alcoholic beverages to an individual who was visibly under the influence of alcoholic beverages and who negligently drove or attempted to drive a motor vehicle after consuming the alcoholic beverages; etc.
HB-345: Civil Action - Wrongfully Selling or Furnishing Alcoholic Beverages
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 04/08/2016
Criminal Law - Marijuana Consumption in Public Place - Prohibition [HB-334]
Prohibiting a person from smoking or consuming marijuana in a public place or in a vehicle located on a highway, in a parking lot, or in an area accessible to the public; prohibiting a person from being impaired by marijuana and endangering the safety of the person, another person, or property; and establishing a specified penalty.
HB-334: Criminal Law - Marijuana Consumption in Public Place - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Brett Wilson
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/14/2016
Vehicle Laws - Accidents Resulting in Injury - Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing [HB-182]
Requiring a person involved in a motor vehicle accident that results in an injury to another person that requires the removal of the other person to a medical facility to submit to specified drug or alcohol testing if the person is detained by a police officer who has reasonable grounds to believe that the person has been driving or attempting to drive in violation of specified drug- or alcohol-related driving restrictions; etc.
HB-182: Vehicle Laws - Accidents Resulting in Injury - Mandatory Drug and Alcohol Testing
Sponsored by: Rep. Brett Wilson
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/07/2016
Marijuana CONTRol (Cannabis Oversight and Nondiscrimination through Taxation, Regulation, and Legalization) Act of 2016 [HB-1580]
Repealing specified criminal and civil prohibitions against the use and possession of marijuana; establishing specified exemptions from prosecution for specified persons for using, obtaining, purchasing, transporting, or possessing marijuana under specified circumstances; providing exemptions from prosecution for specified retailers, marijuana product manufacturers, marijuana cultivation facilities, and safety compliance facilities under specified circumstances; establishing a specified affirmative defense; etc.
HB-1580: Marijuana CONTRol (Cannabis Oversight and Nondiscrimination through Taxation, Regulation, and Legalization) Act of 2016
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/22/2016
Death or Life-Threatening Injury by Motor Vehicle or Vessel - Subsequent Offenders - Penalties [HB-157]
Establishing subsequent offender penalties for specified offenses that result in the death or life-threatening injury to another as the result of a specified person driving, operating, or controlling a vehicle or vessel; and providing that specified offenses committed in another state or federal jurisdiction are to be considered for the application of specified subsequent offender penalties.
HB-157: Death or Life-Threatening Injury by Motor Vehicle or Vessel - Subsequent Offenders - Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 518 on 05/19/2016
Drugged Driving - Oral Fluid Tests - Pilot Program [HB-1367]
Establishing a pilot program to authorize a police officer of the Baltimore County Police Department, the Montgomery County Department of Police, the Prince George's County Police Department, and the Ocean City Police Department who has reasonable grounds to believe that an individual is or has been driving or attempting to drive a motor vehicle while impaired by a controlled dangerous substance to request the individual to submit an oral fluid sample subject to specified standards; etc.
HB-1367: Drugged Driving - Oral Fluid Tests - Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/21/2016
Drugged Driving or Operation of Vessel - Polysubstance Abuse [HB-1364]
Altering the elements of a specified drug-related driving offense and a specified drug-related operation of a vessel offense; eliminating a specified defense to specified drug-related offenses; increasing specified criminal penalties for specified drug-related offenses; altering specified administrative penalties for specified drug-related driving offenses; requiring a person who is convicted of specified drug-related driving offenses to undergo a mental health assessment and participate in specified programs; etc.
HB-1364: Drugged Driving or Operation of Vessel - Polysubstance Abuse
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/07/2016
Drunk Driving Reduction Act of 2016 (Noah's Law) [HB-1342]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration to require a person who is convicted of specified offenses relating to driving under the influence, a person who refuses a breath alcohol concentration test, or a person who is found to have a blood alcohol concentration level of at least 0.08 but less than 0.15 from a breath alcohol concentration test to participate in the Ignition Interlock System Program for a specified period; requiring a court to order a person to participate in the Program under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1342: Drunk Driving Reduction Act of 2016 (Noah's Law)
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Third Reading Passed With Amendments (46-0) on 04/11/2016
Justice Reinvestment Act [HB-1312]
Requiring the Division of Parole and Probation to conduct a specified risk and needs assessment on specified inmates and include the results in a specified case record; altering the manner in which specified diminution credits may be earned; requiring the Division to impose specified graduated sanctions; establishing the Addiction Treatment Divestiture Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; establishing the Justice Reinvestment Oversight Board and the Local Government Justice Reinvestment Commission; etc.
HB-1312: Justice Reinvestment Act
Sponsored by: Rep. The Speaker
Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings on 04/05/2016