Child Advocacy Centers - Continuity of Care Standards for Health Care Professionals and Reports of Violations [HB-1480]
Requiring that the standards established by the Maryland Statewide Organization for Child Advocacy Centers require an individual employed by or contracted with a Child Advocacy Center providing medical or mental health services to be licensed or certified, if applicable, and provide services within the scope of the license or certification; requiring, beginning in 2027, the Governor's Office of Crime Prevention and Policy to publish on its website a description of the standards for child advocacy centers and compliance information; etc.
HB-1480: Child Advocacy Centers - Continuity of Care Standards for Health Care Professionals and Reports of Violations
Sponsored by: Rep. Bonnie Cullison
Hearing 4/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Child Abuse and Neglect - Reports and Records - Disclosure [HB-1209]
Requiring a local director of a local department of social services or the Secretary of Human Services to disclose certain reports and records of child abuse and neglect within 30 days after receiving a request if certain conditions are met; requiring the Secretary to notify the State's Attorney's office of a request to disclose certain reports and records of child abuse and neglect; requiring the State's Attorney's office to be given 30 days during which the office is authorized to redact certain portions of the reports and records; etc.
HB-1209: Child Abuse and Neglect - Reports and Records - Disclosure
Sponsored by: Rep. Robin Grammer
Hearing 3/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Child Abuse and Neglect - Disclosure of Reports and Records [HB-950]
Expanding the circumstances under which a report or record concerning child abuse or neglect may be disclosed by the Department of Human Services to include the administrator of a certain child care center, the coach, team administrator, or manager of a youth sports program, and the administrator or other appropriate personnel of any organization that provides adult supervision or care and control of children.
HB-950: Child Abuse and Neglect - Disclosure of Reports and Records
Sponsored by: Rep. C.T. Wilson
Hearing Canceled on 02/17/2025
HB-696: State Boards, Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, and Workgroups - Elimination of Citizenship Requirements and Establishment of Diversity Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/29/2025
You have voted HB-696: State Boards, Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, and Workgroups - Elimination of Citizenship Requirements and Establishment of Diversity Requirements.
Criminal Law - Child Pornography - Prohibitions and Penalties [SB-545]
Prohibiting a person from possessing more than 100 images of certain child pornography or possessing or viewing images of certain child pornography depicting a minor or an individual indistinguishable from an actual and identifiable child under the age of 13 years; providing that a violation of the Act is a felony and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 10 years; and providing that a sentence under the Act may be separate from and consecutive to or concurrent with a sentence imposed for certain other crimes.
SB-545: Criminal Law - Child Pornography - Prohibitions and Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Referred Judiciary on 02/21/2025
SB-490: State Boards, Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, and Workgroups - Elimination of Citizenship Requirements and Establishment of Diversity Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 2/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/30/2025
You have voted SB-490: State Boards, Committees, Commissions, Task Forces, and Workgroups - Elimination of Citizenship Requirements and Establishment of Diversity Requirements.
Civil Actions - Child Nonsexual Abuse and Neglect - Damages and Statute of Limitations [HB-456]
Establishing a certain statute of limitations in certain civil actions relating to child nonsexual abuse and neglect; establishing a limitation of $1,500,000 on noneconomic damages that may be awarded under the Act; providing that a certain party may appeal an interlocutory order under certain circumstances; applying the Act prospectively and retroactively to certain actions barred by a certain statute of limitations; etc.
HB-456: Civil Actions - Child Nonsexual Abuse and Neglect - Damages and Statute of Limitations
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/27/2025
Criminal Law - Child Pornography - Prohibitions and Penalties [HB-364]
Prohibiting a person from possessing more than 100 images of certain child pornography or possessing or viewing images of certain child pornography depicting a minor or an individual indistinguishable from an actual and identifiable child under the age of 13 years; providing that a violation of the Act is a felony and on conviction is subject to imprisonment not exceeding 10 years; and providing that a sentence under the Act may be separate from and consecutive to or concurrent with a sentence imposed for certain other crimes.
HB-364: Criminal Law - Child Pornography - Prohibitions and Penalties
Sponsored by: Rep. Gabriel Acevero
Hearing 2/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/17/2025
Public Safety - Law Enforcement Agencies - Peer Support Programs [SB-326]
Establishing certain confidentiality requirements for peer support counseling programs for law enforcement agencies; prohibiting a peer support specialist from disclosing the contents of any written or oral communication regarding a peer support interaction; and providing certain exceptions.
SB-326: Public Safety - Law Enforcement Agencies - Peer Support Programs
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Referred Judiciary on 02/21/2025
Public Safety - Law Enforcement Agencies - Peer Support Programs [HB-309]
Establishing certain confidentiality requirements for peer support counseling programs for law enforcement agencies; prohibiting a peer support specialist from disclosing the contents of any written or oral communication regarding a peer support interaction; and providing certain exceptions.
HB-309: Public Safety - Law Enforcement Agencies - Peer Support Programs
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Favorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/27/2025
Criminal Procedure - Child Victims - Testimony in Child Abuse Cases [HB-293]
Altering a certain requirement under which a court is authorized to order that the testimony of a child victim be taken outside a courtroom and shown in the courtroom by closed circuit television in certain child abuse cases; requiring the testimony of a child victim taken by closed circuit television within the courthouse be in a setting that reasonably mitigates the likelihood the child victim will suffer emotional distress; etc.
Criminal Procedure - Child Victims - Testimony in Child Abuse Cases [SB-274]
Altering a certain requirement under which a court is authorized to order that the testimony of a child victim be taken outside a courtroom and shown in the courtroom by closed circuit television in certain child abuse cases; requiring the testimony of a child victim taken by closed circuit television within the courthouse be in a setting that reasonably mitigates the likelihood the child victim will suffer emotional distress; etc.
Family Law - Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations ("Know Before They Knock" Family Right to Notice Act) [HB-223]
Requiring a local department of social services or a law enforcement agency to provide oral and written notice of certain rights to a parent or caretaker of a child at the time of initial contact during an investigation of suspected child abuse or neglect; and excluding evidence obtained in violation of the Act from being used in certain judicial or administrative proceedings.
HB-223: Family Law - Child Abuse and Neglect Investigations ("Know Before They Knock" Family Right to Notice Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Charlotte Crutchfield
Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/27/2025