Child Abuse And Neglect

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Criminal Procedure - Facial Recognition Technology - Requirements, Procedures, and Prohibitions [HB-223]
Establishing requirements, procedures, and prohibitions relating to the use of facial recognition technology by a law enforcement agency under certain circumstances; requiring, by October 1 each year, a law enforcement agency that uses or contracts for the use of facial recognition technology to complete an audit to determine compliance with the Act and applicable local laws, regulations, and policies; requiring the Department of State Police to adopt and publish a model statewide policy on the use of facial recognition technology; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway Third Reading Passed (47-0) on 04/04/2023

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2023 Regular Session

Relating To Child Abuse Reporting. [SB-912]
Establishes that the exemption from mandatory reporting by members of the clergy does not apply when the clergy member believes that there exists a substantial risk that child abuse or neglect that is especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel, manifesting exceptional depravity, may occur in the reasonably foreseeable future.


Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang Referred To Hhs, Jdc. on 01/27/2023

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2023 Regular Session

Relating To Child Abuse Reporting. [HB-789]
Amends the child abuse and neglect reporting requirement to specify that a member of the clergy shall not be required to report information gained solely during a penitential communication, unless exigent circumstances exist that justify disclosure of the abuse or neglect. Specifies that the general rule of privilege applicable to confidential communications made to a member of the clergy does not apply to communications relating to known or suspected child abuse or neglect when exigent circumstances exist that justify disclosure of the abuse or (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. John Mizuno Referred To Hus, Jha, Referral Sheet 3 on 01/30/2023

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State (Hawaii)
Hawaii 2023 Regular Session

Relating To Child Abuse Reporting. [HB-350]
Establishes that the exemption from mandatory reporting by members of the clergy does not apply when the clergy member believes that there exists a substantial risk that child abuse or neglect that is especially heinous, atrocious, or cruel, manifesting exceptional depravity, may occur in the reasonably foreseeable future. (SD1)


Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Ichiyama Act 080, 06/14/2023 (gov. Msg. No. 1181). on 06/14/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Maryland Department of Transportation – Child Exploitation and Human Trafficking Awareness, Training, and Response [SB-203]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Transportation to develop and implement a certain training program for certain transportation-sector employees on the identification and reporting of suspected child exploitation and human trafficking; requiring transportation-sector employers to certify that certain employees have completed the training program; requiring certain transportation-sector employers to establish procedures for reporting suspected child exploitation and human trafficking to certain entities; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson Hearing 2/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/24/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Victim Services Programs – Supplementing Federal Funding and Support (Victim Services Stabilization Act) [HB-186]
Providing for the stable funding and support of trauma-informed, high-quality programs and services for victims of crime; requiring the Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services to help support certain programs providing services for victims of crime; requiring the Office to consult with certain individuals and organizations regarding the allocation of certain funding; and requiring the Governor to include certain funding in the State budget.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ben Barnes Approved By The Governor - Chapter 625 on 05/16/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Victim Services Programs - Supplementing Federal Funding and Support (Victim Services Stabilization Act) [SB-148]
Providing for the stable funding and support of trauma-informed, high-quality program and services for victims of crime; requiring the Governor's Office of Crime Prevention, Youth, and Victim Services to help support certain programs providing services for victims of crime; requiring the Office to consult with certain individuals and organizations regarding the allocation of certain funding; and requiring the Governor to include certain funding in the State budget.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Approved By The Governor - Chapter 626 on 05/16/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Civil Actions - Child Sexual Abuse - Definition, Damages, and Statute of Limitations (The Child Victims Act of 2023) [HB-1]
Altering the definition of "sexual abuse" for purposes relating to civil actions for child sexual abuse to include any act that involves an adult allowing or encouraging a child to engage in certain activities; establishing certain limitations on damages that may be awarded under the Act; repealing the statute of limitations in certain civil actions relating to child sexual abuse; repealing a statute of repose for certain civil actions relating to child sexual abuse; providing for the retroactive application of the Act; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway Approved By The Governor - Chapter 6 on 04/11/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Child Custody – Legal Decision Making and Parenting Time [SB-28]
Repealing references to the terms "child custody" and "visitation" in certain instances and substituting the terms "legal decision making" and "parenting time"; authorizing the court, in determining certain legal-decision-making authority and parenting time in certain child custody proceedings, to consider certain factors; authorizing the court to award joint legal decision making to both parents or make other modifications to a custody or visitation order under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Chris West Hearing 1/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/16/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Family Law - Custody Evaluators - Qualifications and Training [SB-13]
Requiring that an individual meet certain educational and experiential requirements in order to be appointed or approved by a court as a custody evaluator; requiring that, beginning October 1, 2024, an individual complete 20 hours of initial training in certain areas in order to be appointed or approved by a court as a custody evaluator; requiring that an individual receive 5 hours of ongoing education and training every 2 years in order to continue to be appointed or approved by a court as a custody evaluator; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee Hearing 1/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/16/2023

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Family Law - Custody Evaluators - Qualifications and Training [HB-1407]
Requiring that an individual meet certain educational and experiential requirements in order to be appointed or approved by a court as a custody evaluator; requiring that, beginning October 1, 2023, an individual complete 20 hours of initial training in certain areas in order to be appointed or approved by a court as a custody evaluator; requiring that an individual receive 5 hours of ongoing education and training every 2 years in order to continue to be appointed or approved by a court as a custody evaluator; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Geraldine Valentino-Smith First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/17/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Child Custody - Legal Decision-Making and Parenting Time [HB-1168]
Repealing references to the terms "child custody" and "visitation" in certain instances and substituting the terms "legal decision-making" and "parenting time" in certain instances; authorizing the court, in determining certain legal decision-making authority and parenting time in certain child custody proceedings, to consider certain factors; authorizing the court to award joint legal decision-making to both parents or make other modifications to a custody or visitation order under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Child in Need of Assistance - Neglect - Marijuana Use [HB-1325]
Providing that the use of marijuana by a parent or certain other individuals does not qualify as neglect except in certain circumstances for purposes of provisions of law relating to children in need of assistance.


Sponsored by: Rep. Nicole Williams Hearing 3/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Correctional Services - Parole Eligibility - Sexual Offenses Against Minors [HB-1137]
Requiring that an inmate convicted of a certain sexual offense involving a victim under the age of 17 years committed on or after October 1, 2022, serve a certain portion of the inmate's sentence before becoming eligible for parole.


Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Boteler Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Maryland Child Protection Act of 2022 [HB-1214]
Establishing certain duties and responsibilities of a mandatory reporter, a person who holds a professional position that requires the person to report to the appropriate State agency a case of suspected child abuse; specifying that a mandatory reporter who fails to act is subject to a certain penalty; requiring a physician who performs an abortion on a minor under the age of 14 years to preserve and submit a certain sample of fetal tissue to the Maryland Department of Health; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Haven Shoemaker Hearing 3/07 At 2:00 P.m. on 02/17/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Child Abuse and Neglect – Investigations – Timeliness [HB-1248]
Requiring the State Department of Human Services to implement policies requiring a local department of social services or the appropriate law enforcement agency that fails to conduct a child abuse or neglect investigation or complete a certain report within certain statutory time frames to report the delay and the reason for the delay in a certain manner; requiring the Department to assess certain studies and methodologies, develop a certain assessment, and complete the assessment by December 1, 2024; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Geraldine Valentino-Smith Approved By The Governor - Chapter 200 on 04/21/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Child Abuse and Neglect - Training of Health Care Professionals [HB-1169]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to provide certain boards that are authorized to take actions against persons who knowingly fail to report suspected child abuse with a list of courses relating to the obligation to report child abuse and neglect and the identification of abused and neglected children; requiring certain boards to post certain information on each board's website, provide information about recommended courses to certain health care professionals, or advertise the availability of certain courses; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay Hearing 3/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/23/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Education - Physical Restraint and Seclusion - Limitations, Reporting, and Training [HB-1255]
Prohibiting certain public agencies from using seclusion as a behavioral health intervention for a student; prohibiting a public agency from using physical restraint and a nonpublic school from using physical restraint or seclusion as a behavioral health intervention for a student, except under certain circumstances; requiring the State Department of Education to develop an accountability system to measure compliance with regulations adopted on the use of physical restraint and seclusion; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(b) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 31 on 04/09/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Correctional Services – Parole Eligibility – Child Abuse [HB-1134]
Requiring that an inmate convicted of child abuse involving a victim under the age of 14 years committed on or after October 1, 2022 is not eligible for parole until the inmate has served three-fourths of the inmate's total aggregate sentence.


Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Boteler Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2022

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Foster Parents, Kinship Parents, Preadoptive Parents, and Caregivers – Right to Intervene [HB-1155]
Requiring the local department of social services and the circuit court to provide notice to a child's foster parent, kinship parent, preadoptive parent, or caregiver of the right to intervene as a party in a proceeding concerning the child; extending to kinship parents certain rights granted to foster parents, preadoptive parents, and caregivers; granting to foster parents, kinship parents, preadoptive parents, and caregivers the right to intervene as a party in certain proceedings; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/11/2022

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