Bill Explanation:
The bill aims to update definitions and regulations regarding the reporting of child abuse and neglect. It alters the definitions of "educator or human service worker" and "health practitioner," adds definitions of "mandated reporter" and "youth-serving organization," and makes necessary changes to existing laws. The bill also repeals and reenacts certain sections of the Family Law Article, including definitions of abuse, neglect, and related terms.
HTML Code:
<h2>Bill Explanation:</h2>
<p>The bill aims to update definitions and regulations regarding the reporting of child abuse and neglect. It alters the definitions of "educator or human service worker" and "health practitioner," adds definitions of "mandated reporter" and "youth-serving organization," and makes necessary changes to existing laws. The bill also repeals and reenacts certain sections of the Family Law Article, including definitions of abuse, neglect, and related terms.</p>