Covington, City of; amending charter, consolidated school division, salaries. [HB-2091]
Charter; City of Covington; consolidated school division; salaries. Amends the charter for the City of Covington to help facilitate the consolidation of the school divisions of the City of Covington and Alleghany County. The bill sets out the salary of a school board member of such consolidated school district and shall become effective on July 1, 2022, provided that the consolidation of the City of Covington and Alleghany County school divisions is approved by the Board of Education prior to that date.
HB-2091: Covington, City of; amending charter, consolidated school division, salaries.
Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Austin
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0079) on 03/11/2021
Glasgow, Town of; new charter (previous charter repealed). [HB-1783]
Charter; Town of Glasgow. Establishes a new charter for the Town of Glasgow in Rockbridge County and repeals the current charter, which was created in 1892. The proposed charter sets out the organization of the town's government and contains powers typically granted to towns.
HB-1783: Glasgow, Town of; new charter (previous charter repealed).
Sponsored by: Rep. Ronnie Campbell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0126) on 03/18/2021
Crewe, Town of; amending charter, changes to charter including town council, elections and powers. [SB-1216]
Charter; Town of Crewe; town council; elections and powers. Makes various changes to the charter for the Town of Crewe in Nottoway County, including (i) staggering town council elections; (ii) changing from three to two the number of town council members required to call a special meeting; and (iii) transferring from the town council to the town manager the authority to appoint, suspend, or terminate the chief of police with majority approval by the town council. The bill also repeals provisions related to the establishment of a municipal court.
SB-1216: Crewe, Town of; amending charter, changes to charter including town council, elections and powers.
Sponsored by: Sen. Frank Ruff
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0123) on 03/18/2021
Norfolk, City of; amending charter, general updates. [SB-1128]
Charter; City of Norfolk; general updates. Changes from a judge or justice of the peace to the city clerk the person to whom newly elected or appointed officials, other than members of the city council, take their oaths of office. The bill also repeals a section related to the establishment of a home guard militia in times of war or insurrection, and it removes references to payment of poll taxes in relation to whether a signature is valid on a petition for the nomination of councilmen or in connection with an initiative, referendum, or recall.
SB-1128: Norfolk, City of; amending charter, general updates.
Sponsored by: Sen. Lionell Spruill
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0371) on 03/25/2021
Crewe, Town of; amending charter, changes to charter including town council, elections and powers. [HB-1764]
Charter; Town of Crewe; town council; elections and powers. Makes various changes to the charter for the Town of Crewe in Nottoway County, including (i) staggering town council elections; (ii) changing from three to two the number of town council members required to call a special meeting; and (iii) transferring from the town council to the town manager the authority to appoint, suspend, or terminate the chief of police with majority approval by the town council. The bill also repeals provisions related to the establishment of a municipal court.
HB-1764: Crewe, Town of; amending charter, changes to charter including town council, elections and powers.
Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas Wright
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0122) on 03/18/2021
Bristol, City of; amending charter, changes to powers and organization. [HB-2095]
Charter; City of Bristol; powers and organization. Makes changes to various provisions of the charter for the City of Bristol, including: (i) removing the city's authority to adopt ordinances to provide for the prevention of immorality and for the suppression of gambling places and to authorize the appointment of law-enforcement officers in exchange with the City of Bristol, Tennessee; (ii) changing from city council to the city attorney the authority to appoint assistant city attorneys; (iii) removing the requirement that a citizen own real property
HB-2095: Bristol, City of; amending charter, changes to powers and organization.
Sponsored by: Rep. Israel O'Quinn
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0417) on 03/30/2021
Covington, City of; amending charter, consolidated school division, salaries. [SB-1267]
Charter; City of Covington; consolidated school division; salaries. Amends the charter for the City of Covington to help facilitate the consolidation of the school divisions of the City of Covington and Alleghany County. The bill sets out the salary of a school board member of such consolidated school district and shall become effective on July 1, 2022, provided that the consolidation of the City of Covington and Alleghany County school divisions is approved by the Board of Education prior to that date.
SB-1267: Covington, City of; amending charter, consolidated school division, salaries.
Sponsored by: Sen. Creigh Deeds
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0080) on 03/11/2021
Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Baltimore City - Control of the Police Department of Baltimore City [SB-786]
Providing that the Police Department of Baltimore City is an agency and instrumentality of the City of Baltimore, instead of the State, contingent on the passage of an amendment to the Charter of Baltimore City providing for the transfer and its ratification by the voters of Baltimore City; establishing an Advisory Board on the Transfer of Control of the Police Department to study issues related to the transfer; declaring the intent of the General Assembly that the transfer does not affect certain collective bargaining rights; etc.
SB-786: Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Baltimore City - Control of the Police Department of Baltimore City
Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 133 on 05/08/2021
Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Baltimore City - Control of the Police Department of Baltimore City [HB-1027]
Providing that the Police Department of Baltimore City is an agency and instrumentality of the City of Baltimore, instead of the State; providing that certain police officers have the authority conferred under a certain provision of law; establishing an Advisory Board on the Transfer of Control of the Police Department of Baltimore City; declaring the intent of the General Assembly that transfer of the Baltimore City Police Department will not remove certain collective bargaining rights of Baltimore City police officers; etc.
HB-1027: Maryland Police Accountability Act of 2021 - Baltimore City - Control of the Police Department of Baltimore City
Sponsored by: Rep. Melissa Wells
Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings on 04/07/2021
Corporations - Transfer of Assets and Exchange of Shares of Stock [SB-659]
Repealing a certain provision of law specifying a certain processing fee for articles of transfer; repealing each provision of law regarding executing and filing articles of transfer; altering the types of actions not required by a corporation for certain transfers of assets, creations of security interests, or exchanges of shares of stocks; clarifying that a transfer of assets by a corporation occurring before October 1, 2018, is not invalid solely because of a failure to file articles of transfer with the Department; etc.
SB-659: Corporations - Transfer of Assets and Exchange of Shares of Stock
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 720 on 05/15/2018
Municipalities - Charter Amendments - Procedures [HB-615]
Requiring the legislative body of a municipality to hold a public hearing and give at least 21 days' advance notice of the public hearing before adopting a resolution initiated by the legislative body that proposes an amendment to the municipal charter; and requiring the legislative body of a municipality to hold a certain public hearing and give 21 days' notice before voting on a proposed charter amendment initiated by a certain petition.
HB-615: Municipalities - Charter Amendments - Procedures
Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Ann Lisanti
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 285 on 04/24/2018
Baltimore City Charter Amendment - Public Nuisances - Notice [HB-435]
Amending the Charter of Baltimore City to require the Police Commissioner of Baltimore City to provide a certain notice and an opportunity for a certain hearing at a later date regarding a certain public nuisance; requiring the Commissioner to provide a certain notice and an opportunity for a certain hearing regarding a certain public nuisance at the time the Commissioner issues a certain order regarding the public nuisance; etc.
HB-435: Baltimore City Charter Amendment - Public Nuisances - Notice
Sponsored by: Rep. Nick Mosby
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/05/2018
Baltimore City - Green Career Gender and Minority Empowerment and Training Pilot Program [SB-849]
Requiring the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City to establish, subject to the availability of funds, the Green Career Gender and Minority Empowerment and Training Pilot Program on or before January 1, 2020, to encourage young women and minorities to pursue green careers; requiring the Mayor and City Council to take certain actions under the Program; authorizing the Mayor and City Council to coordinate with fiscal sponsors; etc.
SB-849: Baltimore City - Green Career Gender and Minority Empowerment and Training Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray
Hearing 3/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/06/2019