Urbanna, Town of; amending charter, extends term for elected mayor and council members. [HB-190]
Charter; Town of Urbanna. Extends the term for the elected mayor of the Town of Urbanna in Middlesex County from two years to four years and spells out specific responsibilities of the office. The bill also staggers and extends the terms for council members from two years to four years.
HB-190: Urbanna, Town of; amending charter, extends term for elected mayor and council members.
Sponsored by: Rep. M. Keith Hodges
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0155) on 04/07/2022
Grottoes, Town of; new charter, previous charter repealed. [HB-161]
Charter; Town of Grottoes. Establishes a new charter for the Town of Grottoes in Rockingham County and repeals the current charter, which was created in 1997. The proposed charter sets out the organization of the town's government and contains powers typically granted to towns.
HB-161: Grottoes, Town of; new charter, previous charter repealed.
Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Runion
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0152) on 04/07/2022
Colonial Beach, Town of; amending charter, appointment of chief of police. [HB-164]
Charter; Town of Colonial Beach; chief of police. Provides that the chief of police for the Town of Colonial Beach in Westmoreland County shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the town manager rather than the town council. Charter; Town of Colonial Beach; chief of police. Provides that the chief of police for the Town of Colonial Beach in Westmoreland County shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the town manager rather than the town council.
HB-164: Colonial Beach, Town of; amending charter, appointment of chief of police.
Sponsored by: Rep. Margaret Ransone
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0227) on 04/08/2022
Occoquan, Town of; new charter, previous charter repealed except section 2. [SB-97]
Charter; Town of Occoquan. Establishes a new charter for the Town of Occoquan in Prince William County and repeals the current charter, which was created in 1930. The proposed charter sets out the organization of the town's government and contains powers typically granted to towns. Changes from the current charter include (i) updating the description of the Town's boundary, (ii) changing the election dates for councilmembers and the mayor from May to November, (iii) changing the mayor's and councilmembers' terms of office from two years to four
SB-97: Occoquan, Town of; new charter, previous charter repealed except section 2.
Sponsored by: Sen. Scott Surovell
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0536) on 04/11/2022
Grottoes, Town of; new charter, previous charter repealed. [SB-99]
Charter; Town of Grottoes. Establishes a new charter for the Town of Grottoes in Rockingham County and repeals the current charter, which was created in 1997. The proposed charter sets out the organization of the town's government and contains powers typically granted to towns.
SB-99: Grottoes, Town of; new charter, previous charter repealed.
Sponsored by: Sen. Emmett Hanger
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0618) on 04/11/2022
Portsmouth, City of; amending charter, city council, noninterference. [SB-58]
Charter; City of Portsmouth; city council; noninterference. Provides that any member of the Portsmouth City Council who violates certain charter provisions related to noninterference in appointments or removals of officers and employees of the city, upon motion of another member of the City Council and a majority vote of all members of the City Council, shall be subject to public censure and a fine not to exceed $100. Charter; City of Portsmouth; city council; noninterference. Provides that any member of the Portsmouth City Council who violates
SB-58: Portsmouth, City of; amending charter, city council, noninterference.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mamie Locke
Left In Counties, Cities And Towns on 03/10/2022
Revival of Nonstock and Religious Corporations [SB-125]
Establishing that nonstock corporations and religious corporations must file only the seven most recently due annual reports when filing articles of revival and past-due annual reports online.
SB-125: Revival of Nonstock and Religious Corporations
Sponsored by: Sen. Pamela Beidle
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 316 on 05/12/2022