Corporations and Associations - Document Filing and Processing [SB-622]
Altering the definition of "electronic transmission", for purposes of provisions of law governing business entities, to clarify that it includes electronic mail, facsimile transmission, and Internet transmission; clarifying the authority of the State Department of Assessments and Taxation to accept documents that are filed for record by electronic transmission; authorizing the Department to accept documents or drafts of documents for review of sufficiency before the documents are filed with the Department; etc.
SB-622: Corporations and Associations - Document Filing and Processing
Sponsored by: Sen. Jamin Raskin
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 67 on 04/09/2013
Corporations and Real Estate Investment Trusts - Miscellaneous Provisions [SB-578]
Providing that a Maryland corporation or a real estate investment trust has the power to renounce specified business opportunities in its charter or declaration of trust or by a specified resolution; repealing specified provisions of law relating to dividends payable in shares of one class of a corporation's stock to holders of shares of another class of the corporation's stock; etc.
SB-578: Corporations and Real Estate Investment Trusts - Miscellaneous Provisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Jamin Raskin
Third Reading Passed (42-0) on 04/02/2013
Corporations and Real Estate Investment Trusts - Miscellaneous Provisions [HB-882]
Providing that a Maryland corporation or a real estate investment trust has the power to renounce specified business opportunities in its charter or declaration of trust or by a specified resolution; repealing specified provisions of law relating to dividends payable in shares of one class of a corporation's stock to holders of shares of another class of the corporation's stock; altering the circumstances under which a corporation registered as an open-end company may redeem shares of its stock from any stockholder; etc.
HB-882: Corporations and Real Estate Investment Trusts - Miscellaneous Provisions
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing 4/05 At 1:00 P.m. on 04/05/2013
Education - Public Schools - Parent Empowerment [HB-875]
Authorizing parents and legal guardians of students attending public schools that are not meeting State accountability goals to petition county boards of education to implement interventions; requiring county boards to notify the State Superintendent of Schools and the State Board of Education on receipt of petitions and of the final dispositions regarding the petitions; etc.
HB-875: Education - Public Schools - Parent Empowerment
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/27/2013
Corporations and Associations - Document Filing and Processing [HB-702]
Altering the definition of "electronic transmission", for purposes of provisions of law governing business entities, to clarify that it includes electronic mail, facsimile transmission, and Internet transmission; clarifying the authority of the State Department of Assessments and Taxation to accept documents that are filed for record by electronic transmission; authorizing the Department to accept documents or drafts of documents for review of sufficiency before the documents are filed with the Department; etc.
HB-702: Corporations and Associations - Document Filing and Processing
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 68 on 04/09/2013
Public Banking Institutions - Authorization and Task Force [HB-1306]
Authorizing a political subdivision to establish a public banking institution within the jurisdiction of the political subdivision and act as an incorporator to establish the public banking institution; establishing the Maryland State Banking Task Force to review and evaluate the creation of a Maryland State Bank; etc.
HB-1306: Public Banking Institutions - Authorization and Task Force
Sponsored by: Rep. Alfred Carr
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/21/2013
Corporations and Associations - Conversions [HB-1140]
Authorizing specified entities to convert into other entities; establishing the manner of and procedures for conversions; requiring articles of conversion to be filed for record with the State Department of Assessments and Taxation; specifying the contents of articles of conversion; providing for the effects of a conversion; providing for the timing of the effectiveness of articles of conversion and the effective time for the completion of a conversion; etc.
HB-1140: Corporations and Associations - Conversions
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 528 on 05/16/2013
Charter; City of Salem. [SB-939]
Charter; City of Salem. Provides that no primary elections shall be held for nomination of candidates for the office of councilman. The bill also provides that all candidates for the office of councilman shall file their notice of candidacy and be nominated only by petition in the manner prescribed by the general laws of the Commonwealth and that candidates for council shall not be identified on the ballot by political affiliation.
SB-939: Charter; City of Salem.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Smith
Left In Counties, Cities And Towns on 02/18/2013
Charter; City of Hampton. [SB-842]
Charter; City of Hampton. Updates provisions related to the initial meeting of council and the election of the school board.
SB-842: Charter; City of Hampton.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mamie Locke
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0613) on 03/20/2013
Charter; Town of Clintwood. [SB-788]
Charter; Town of Clintwood. Updates the boundary description in the charter of the Town of Clintwood. Other changes include removing or updating references to outdated town officers, removing outdated provisions related to the mayor's powers, revising council salary provisions, and removing and updating outdated town powers.
SB-788: Charter; Town of Clintwood.
Sponsored by: Sen. Phillip Puckett
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0330) on 03/13/2013
Charter; City of Portsmouth. [SB-688]
Charter; City of Portsmouth. Changes the deadline for the filing of a petition nominating a candidate for the office of mayor or city council member from the first Tuesday in June to the second Tuesday of June of the year of election. The amendment also moves the deadline for appointing a campaign treasurer from the first to the second Tuesday of June and makes the technical change of allowing the circulation of petitions to begin on January 1, as permitted by the Code of Virginia, rather than on the first Tuesday in January.
SB-688: Charter; City of Portsmouth.
Sponsored by: Sen. Louise Lucas
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0316) on 03/13/2013
Charter; City of Franklin. [SB-311]
Charter; City of Franklin. Provides that neither the city council nor any of its members shall direct or request the appointment of any person to or the removal of any person from any office or employment by the city manager. The bill also sets forth a number of ways in which a council member may forfeit office. Furthermore, a procedure is outlined for recall of council members and the mayor. Finally, council members will be required to resign their seats in order to run for mayor.
SB-311: Charter; City of Franklin.
Sponsored by: Sen. Harry Blevins
Left In Counties, Cities And Towns on 11/29/2012
Charter; City of Fairfax. [SB-1343]
Charter; City of Fairfax. Increases the maximum transient occupancy tax that the city may levy from four percent to six percent. Any amount above four percent shall be placed into an economic development opportunity fund to be used solely for economic development, marketing, or tourism initiatives.
SB-1343: Charter; City of Fairfax.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Petersen
Requires 27 Affirmative Votes To Overide Veto on 04/03/2013
Charter; City of Manassas Park. [SB-1245]
Charter; City of Manassas Park. Provides that the city may set its school calendar based on several criteria related to Advanced Placement exams, students qualifying for free or reduced meals, and students receiving English for speakers of other languages (ESOL) services.
SB-1245: Charter; City of Manassas Park.
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Colgan
Engrossment Reconsidered By Senate (40-y 0-n) on 02/05/2013
Charter; City of Falls Church. [SB-1198]
Charter; City of Falls Church. Allows the city to set the tax year for real estate, tangible personal property, and machinery and tools by ordinance.
SB-1198: Charter; City of Falls Church.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Saslaw
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0399) on 03/14/2013
Charter; Town of Bedford [SB-1040]
Charter; Town of Bedford. Creates a charter for the Town of Bedford, formerly the City of Bedford. The charter describes the incorporation, boundaries, and powers of the new town; provides for the administration, government, and financial administration of the town through its mayor, council, and town manager; and contains general provisions addressing the continuance of the government of the former city and other matters.
SB-1040: Charter; Town of Bedford
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Newman
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0628) on 03/20/2013
Charter; Town of Richlands. [HB-2318]
Charter; Town of Richlands. Provides a new charter for the town. The bill updates references to the Code of Virginia, provides gender neutrality, and corrects outdated provisions.
HB-2318: Charter; Town of Richlands.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Morefield
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0519) on 03/18/2013
Charter; Town of Front Royal. [HB-2051]
Charter; Town of Front Royal. Amends the town's charter by updating the boundary description. The bill also details the duties of town officers, updates references to the timing of elections, clarifies various town powers, and eliminates or updates numerous other provisions.
HB-2051: Charter; Town of Front Royal.
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Webert
Motion To Rerefer To Committee Agreed To on 02/05/2013