SB-636: As introduced, requires notification of the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee prior to an excavation of a Native American Indian gravesite; substitutes historically proven descent for one-fourth blooded as means of establishing bona fides for the three positions on the archaeological advisory council that are reserved for descendants of Native American Indians. - Amends TCA Title 11, Chapter 6; Section 15-2-106 and Section 68-24-701.
Sponsored by: Sen. Todd Gardenhire
Failed In Senate Health & Welfare Committee - No Motion on 03/08/2017
You have voted SB-636: As introduced, requires notification of the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee prior to an excavation of a Native American Indian gravesite; substitutes historically proven descent for one-fourth blooded as means of establishing bona fides for the three positions on the archaeological advisory council that are reserved for descendants of Native American Indians. - Amends TCA Title 11, Chapter 6; Section 15-2-106 and Section 68-24-701..
HB-619: As introduced, requires notification of the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee prior to an excavation of a Native American Indian gravesite; substitutes historically proven descent for one-fourth blooded as means of establishing bona fides for the three positions on the archaeological advisory council that are reserved for descendants of Native American Indians. - Amends TCA Title 11, Chapter 6; Section 15-2-106 and Section 68-24-701.
Sponsored by: Rep. JoAnne Favors
Failed In S/c Agriculture And Natural Resources Subcommittee Of Agriculture And Natural Resources Committee on 03/15/2017
You have voted HB-619: As introduced, requires notification of the Native American Indian Association of Tennessee prior to an excavation of a Native American Indian gravesite; substitutes historically proven descent for one-fourth blooded as means of establishing bona fides for the three positions on the archaeological advisory council that are reserved for descendants of Native American Indians. - Amends TCA Title 11, Chapter 6; Section 15-2-106 and Section 68-24-701..
Requiring the Library Commission to survey the libraries of the state [HB-2792]
The purpose of this bill is to require the Library Commission to survey libraries in this state in order to provide a report to the Governor and the Legislature regarding the status of libraries and to propose as ten-year maintenance and construction plan based on the needs of libraries in this state.
HB-2792: Requiring the Library Commission to survey the libraries of the state
Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Arvon
Chapter 198, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017
Relating to regulation of events by State Athletic Commission [SB-495]
The purpose of this bill is to create greater efficiency in the operation of the West Virginia State Athletic Commission and to provide it the flexibility to respond to the needs of the fight industry. Additionally, the bill updates and clarifies the sections of the code related to licenses of contestants and provides for a yearly fee for amateur contestants. The bill also resolves specific conflicts in Article 5A of Chapter 29. Â
SB-495: Relating to regulation of events by State Athletic Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Blair
Chapter 116, Acts, Regular Session, 2017 on 05/23/2017
HB-486: As introduced, increases the membership of the underground storage tanks and solid waste disposal control board from 14 to 16 members; requires the speaker of each chamber of the general assembly to appoint a consumer member to the board. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 211.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ron Lollar
Taken Off Notice For Cal In S/c Agriculture And Natural Resources Subcommittee Of Agriculture And Natural Resources Committee on 03/29/2017
You have voted HB-486: As introduced, increases the membership of the underground storage tanks and solid waste disposal control board from 14 to 16 members; requires the speaker of each chamber of the general assembly to appoint a consumer member to the board. - Amends TCA Title 68, Chapter 211..
Eliminating certain fees generated by suggestee executions [HB-2737]
The purpose of this bill is to eliminate certain fees generated by suggestee executions and to further streamline the collection of state moneys received as a result of certain court transactions or court services through more efficient technology.
HB-2737: Eliminating certain fees generated by suggestee executions
Sponsored by: Rep. Rodney Miller
Filed For Introduction on 02/28/2017
SB-448: As enacted, requires the board of podiatric medical examiners to establish a registration process for certain residents continuing their clinical education; authorizes a licensed orthotist or prosthetist to utilize one or more non-licensed persons to assist in the performance of minor repairs on devices that have been previously dispensed to patients and the performance of other tasks approved by the board. - Amends TCA Title 63, Chapter 3.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Bell
Pub. Ch. 167 on 05/03/2017
You have voted SB-448: As enacted, requires the board of podiatric medical examiners to establish a registration process for certain residents continuing their clinical education; authorizes a licensed orthotist or prosthetist to utilize one or more non-licensed persons to assist in the performance of minor repairs on devices that have been previously dispensed to patients and the performance of other tasks approved by the board. - Amends TCA Title 63, Chapter 3..
You have voted HB-2725: Restricting the authority of the Board of Barbers and Cosmetologists to regulate the use of commonly available, retail beauty products.
Allowing licensed professionals to donate time to the care of indigent and needy [HB-2692]
The purpose of this bill is to allow certain actively licensed health care professionals to donate their time to the care of the indigent and the needy under a program currently in place for retired or retiring health care professionals. This bill also amends the program to allow health care professionals to see indigent and needy patients in their own offices or in the clinic setting provided for by the entity coordinating the patient’s care as provided for by this program. This bill also adds new sections of code allow physician assistants, licensed
HB-2692: Allowing licensed professionals to donate time to the care of indigent and needy
Sponsored by: Rep. Daryl Cowles
Filed For Introduction on 02/24/2017
You have voted HB-2690: Terminating the West Virginia Board of Registration of Foresters while preserving essential protections against misrepresentation.
Discontinuing WV Greyhound Breeding Development Fund [SB-437]
The purpose of this bill is to discontinue the West Virginia Racing Commission special account known as the West Virginia Greyhound Breeding Development Fund; to transfer all moneys in the West Virginia Greyhound Breeding Development Fund to the state Excess Lottery Revenue Fund for appropriation by the Legislature; to require that all moneys previously required to be directed to the West Virginia Greyhound Breeding Development Fund be redirected to the state Excess Lottery Revenue Fund for appropriation by the Legislature; requiring that upon transfer
SB-437: Discontinuing WV Greyhound Breeding Development Fund
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Trump
Vetoed By Governor 4/8/17 - House Journal on 04/09/2017
HB-398: As enacted, requires the governor to strive to appoint at least one person to the board of parole who has experience in corrections, probation, or parole; declares the governor the appointing authority for all board members. - Amends TCA Section 40-28-103.
Sponsored by: Rep. John Clemmons
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 108 on 04/19/2017
You have voted HB-398: As enacted, requires the governor to strive to appoint at least one person to the board of parole who has experience in corrections, probation, or parole; declares the governor the appointing authority for all board members. - Amends TCA Section 40-28-103..
Relating to accreditation of nursing schools [HB-2667]
The purpose of this bill is to remove the requirement that a school of nursing be accredited by the West Virginia Board of Examiners for Registered Professional Nurses and providing a new definition for an “Accredited School” to mean a school accredited by The Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing or The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
HB-2667: Relating to accreditation of nursing schools
Sponsored by: Rep. Daniel Dean
With Amendment, Do Pass, But First To Judiciary on 03/08/2017
SB-292: As enacted, revises various provisions regarding persons employed by regulatory boards. - Amends TCA Title 55; Title 56, Chapter 1 and Title 62, Chapter 6.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jim Tracy
Comp. Became Pub. Ch. 454 on 06/01/2017
You have voted SB-292: As enacted, revises various provisions regarding persons employed by regulatory boards. - Amends TCA Title 55; Title 56, Chapter 1 and Title 62, Chapter 6..