Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Brewery License - Alterations [HB-1052]
Repealing the authority of the holder of a Class 5 brewery license to contract with certain persons to brew and bottle beer; altering the sample sizes, types, and amounts of certain beer that the holder may serve to certain persons under certain circumstances; altering the authorization for a license holder to sell beer for off-premises consumption in a certain manner; altering the authorization of an individual to purchase beer not exceeding a certain amount; etc.
HB-1052: Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Brewery License - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/17/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Licenses Issued by Different Local Licensing Boards to Single License Holder - Authorized [HB-1003]
Authorizing a single individual to hold certain retail alcoholic beverages licenses that are issued by different local licensing boards for restaurants, hotels, or motels; specifying that the number of licenses a single individual may hold is limited only by the cap imposed by each local licensing board on the licenses that the local licensing board issues; and authorizing that the licenses may be issued for the use of certain persons.
HB-1003: Alcoholic Beverages - Licenses Issued by Different Local Licensing Boards to Single License Holder - Authorized
Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Clippinger
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 225 on 04/24/2018
Brewery Modernization Act of 2019 [SB-801]
Authorizing the holder of a Class 5 brewery license to brew and bottle malt beverages at a location listed on an individual storage permit; authorizing a local licensing board to conditionally grant an applicant an on-site consumption permit or a Class D beer license that will become effective after the applicant meets certain requirements; authorizing a holder of a micro-brewery license to hold another license; altering the amount of beer that certain manufacturers may sell; etc.
SB-801: Brewery Modernization Act of 2019
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 318 on 04/30/2019
Alcoholic Beverages - Beer Franchise Agreements - Notice of Nonrenewal or Termination [SB-704]
Specifying a certain time frame within which a certain franchisor is required to notify a franchisee of an intention to terminate or refuse to renew a beer franchise agreement; exempting certain franchisors from a prohibition against terminating or refusing to continue to renew a beer franchise agreement without good cause under certain circumstances; providing for the submission of a certain matter to arbitration and for its application and enforcement in a certain manner; etc.
SB-704: Alcoholic Beverages - Beer Franchise Agreements - Notice of Nonrenewal or Termination
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/24/2019
Alcohol, Tobacco, and Motor Fuel Commission [SB-703]
Establishing the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Motor Fuel Commission with certain powers and duties; transferring certain responsibilities of the Comptroller to the Executive Director of the Alcohol, Tobacco, and Motor Fuel Commission; requiring the Commission to perform certain functions; requiring the Governor to appoint an Executive Director of the Commission; requiring the Executive Director to adopt certain regulations; etc.
SB-703: Alcohol, Tobacco, and Motor Fuel Commission
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer
Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2019
Alcoholic Beverages - Prohibition of Donations to Regulators [SB-687]
Prohibiting the Comptroller, an employee in the Office of the Comptroller, a member of a local licensing board, or an officer elected or appointed to any office of trust or profit under Maryland law from accepting a contribution of money or property worth $100 or more from entities or individuals associated with the alcohol, tobacco, or motor fuel industry with respect to the regulation of alcohol, tobacco, or motor fuel.
SB-687: Alcoholic Beverages - Prohibition of Donations to Regulators
Sponsored by: Sen. Benjamin Kramer
Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/05/2019
Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Brewery Promotion Program - Establishment [SB-508]
Establishing the Maryland Brewery Promotion Program in the Department of Commerce to provide grants and to conduct certain activities to promote the creation and development of Maryland breweries, visits to Maryland breweries, and the production and consumption of Maryland beer; requiring an applicant to meet certain requirements to qualify for participation in the Program; establishing the Maryland Brewery Promotion Fund to provide certain grants; etc.
SB-508: Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Brewery Promotion Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Peters
Hearing Canceled (finance) on 02/08/2019
Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages Licenses – Prohibited Transfers [HB-960]
Prohibiting the Board of License Commissioners for Baltimore City from transferring a license to another person until the resolution of pending criminal charges filed against the transferor that directly relates to the operation of the licensed premises or disciplinary matters before the Board concerning the transferor; authorizing the Board to grant an extension that extends the life of a license beyond a certain period of time under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-960: Baltimore City – Alcoholic Beverages Licenses – Prohibited Transfers
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 707 on 05/25/2019
Criminal Law and Civil Offenses – Classifications [HB-88]
Making it a civil rather than a criminal offense to consume an alcoholic beverage in public under certain circumstances or possess an alcoholic beverage in an open container under certain circumstances; establishing the Task Force to Study Crime Classification and Penalties to review penalites for violations in the Maryland Code and make recommendations regarding the current statutory scheme throughout the Code; requiring the Task Force to report to the Governor and the General Assembly by December 31, 2020; etc.
HB-88: Criminal Law and Civil Offenses – Classifications
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 578 on 05/25/2019
Alcoholic Beverages - Nonprofit Beer, Wine, and Liquor Festival Permit - Retail Off-Site Permit [HB-666]
Altering a nonprofit beer festival permit to be a nonprofit beer, wine, and liquor festival permit; altering the scope of authorization, fee, and various requirements to establish the nonprofit beer, wine, and liquor festival permit; repealing a certain wine festival permit and a certain liquor festival permit; altering a farmers' market off-site permit to be a retail off-site permit; and altering the scope of authorization, fee, and various requirements to establish the retail off-site permit.
HB-666: Alcoholic Beverages - Nonprofit Beer, Wine, and Liquor Festival Permit - Retail Off-Site Permit
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 397 on 05/13/2019
Alcoholic Beverages - Class 9 Limited Distillery License - On-Premises Consumption Permit [HB-550]
Authorizing the Comptroller to grant a Class 9 limited distillery license to the holder of an on-premises consumption permit; authorizing a local licensing board that does not issue a certain license to grant an on-premises and off-premises consumption permit; authorizing a holder of the permit to sell products the applicant produces for off-premises consumption and mixed drinks made from liquor that the holder produces and other ingredients for on-premises consumption; etc.
Alcoholic Beverages - Class 1 Distillery License - On-Site Consumption Permit [HB-549]
Authorizing the holder of a Class 1 distillery license to sell mixed drinks made from liquor manufactured by the license holder and other nonalcoholic ingredients for on-premises consumption; authorizing a local licensing board to grant an on-site consumption permit to the holder of a Class 1 distillery license; prohibiting the holder from using more than an aggregate of 7,750 gallons annually of liquor the holder produces for certain mixed drinks; authorizing a local licensing board to establish and charge a permit fee; etc.
Alcoholic Beverages - Prohibited Acts - Defense to Prosecution for Sale to Underage Individuals [HB-508]
Modifying certain elements required to establish a defense to serving an alcoholic beverage to an underage individual; and providing that reliance by an establishment or a seller on the results of an electronic identification scanner that verifies the identity of an individual by certain technology fulfills an element of a certain defense.
HB-508: Alcoholic Beverages - Prohibited Acts - Defense to Prosecution for Sale to Underage Individuals
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 3/26 At 12:00 P.m. on 03/21/2019
Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Brewery Promotion Program - Establishment [HB-480]
Establishing the Maryland Brewery Promotion Program in the Department of Commerce to provide grants and to conduct certain activities to promote the creation and development of Maryland breweries, visits to Maryland breweries, and the production and consumption of Maryland beer; requiring an applicant to meet certain requirements to qualify for participation in the Program; establishing the Maryland Brewery Promotion Fund to provide certain grants; etc.
HB-480: Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Brewery Promotion Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Haven Shoemaker
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 04/03/2019
Alcoholic Beverages - Beer Franchise Agreements - Notice of Nonrenewal or Termination [HB-1080]
Specifying a certain time frame within which a certain franchisor is required to notify a franchisee of an intention to terminate or refuse to renew a beer franchise agreement; exempting certain franchisors from a prohibition against terminating or refusing to continue to renew a beer franchise agreement without good cause under certain circumstances; providing for the submission of a certain matter to arbitration and for its application and enforcement in a certain manner; etc.
HB-1080: Alcoholic Beverages - Beer Franchise Agreements - Notice of Nonrenewal or Termination
Sponsored by: Rep. Barrie Ciliberti
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 379 on 04/30/2019
Alcoholic Beverages - Alcohol Awareness Program Certification Requirements - Alterations [HB-1057]
Repealing certain provisions of law requiring holders of certain retail alcoholic beverages licenses and certain designated employees to complete training in an approved alcohol awareness program; requiring individuals who are employed to sell or serve alcoholic beverages to be certified by an approved alcohol awareness program; requiring holders of retail alcoholic beverages licenses to ensure that an individual who is certified is on the licensed premises during the hours in which alcoholic beverages may be sold or served; etc.