Alcoholic Beverages - Vaportinis and Similar Devices - Prohibited [HB-4]
Expanding the definition of "AWOL machine" to include a Vaportini or any similar device, so as to prohibit a Vaportini or any similar device from being used to inhale alcohol vapor or otherwise introduce alcohol in any form into the human body.
HB-4: Alcoholic Beverages - Vaportinis and Similar Devices - Prohibited
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Barkley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 378 on 05/05/2014
Video Lottery Operation Licenses - Expansion to Alcoholic Beverages Licensed Establishments [HB-372]
Authorizing the Video Lottery Facility Location Commission to award video lottery operation licenses to holders of specified alcoholic beverages licenses; altering the number of video lottery terminals that may be authorized in the State; requiring the State Lottery and Gaming Control Agency to supervise, administer, and license the operation of specified video lottery terminals; submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State for their adoption or rejection; etc.
HB-372: Video Lottery Operation Licenses - Expansion to Alcoholic Beverages Licensed Establishments
Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Glenn
Unfavorable Report By Ways And Means; Withdrawn on 02/24/2014
Alcoholic Beverages - Maximum Alcohol Content [HB-359]
Prohibiting a person from selling at retail an alcoholic beverage with an alcohol content of 95% (190 proof) or more; and providing that a person who violates the provision is guilty of a misdemeanor and on conviction is subject to a fine not exceeding $1,000.
HB-359: Alcoholic Beverages - Maximum Alcohol Content
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Barkley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 272 on 05/05/2014
Alcoholic Beverages - Class 8 Farm Breweries - Festival Licenses [HB-356]
Authorizing the holder of a Class 8 farm brewery license to enter into a temporary delivery agreement with a distributor for specified purposes under specified circumstances; authorizing the boards of license commissioners of specified counties to issue specified festival licenses to holders of Class 8 farm brewery licenses for specified purposes; authorizing holders of Class 8 farm brewery licenses to participate in specified festivals; applying specified provisions to a specified licensee in Garrett County; etc.
HB-356: Alcoholic Beverages - Class 8 Farm Breweries - Festival Licenses
Sponsored by: Rep. Sally Jameson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 596 on 05/15/2014
Farm Breweries - Location and Self-Distribution [HB-337]
Authorizing the holder of a Class 8 farm brewery license to obtain a Class 7 limited wholesaler's license for specified purposes; and providing that a specified prohibition on location in specified areas of Frederick County does not apply to a Class 8 farm brewery license.
HB-337: Farm Breweries - Location and Self-Distribution
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathy Afzali
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 394 on 05/05/2014
Alcoholic Beverages - Hard Cider - Definition [HB-261]
Altering the definition of hard cider to include beverages derived primarily from pears or pear concentrate and water, containing no other fruit product, and containing at least one-half of 1% and less than 7% of alcohol by volume.
HB-261: Alcoholic Beverages - Hard Cider - Definition
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Barkley
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/15/2014
Alcoholic Beverages - Refillable Containers - Permits and Labels [HB-208]
Providing that the holders of specified alcoholic beverages manufacturing and retail licenses and refillable container permits may refill specified containers that are branded by a specified holder of a refillable container permit; authorizing the issuance of refillable container permits in specified jurisdictions to the holders of specified licenses for specified fees and subject to specified requirements; establishing a refillable container permit in Prince George's County and in St. Mary's County; etc.
HB-208: Alcoholic Beverages - Refillable Containers - Permits and Labels
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 518 on 05/15/2014
Alcoholic Beverages - Advertising Regulations [HB-1101]
Prohibiting a licensed retailer from possessing on the premises specified advertising items with a value exceeding a specified amount; specifying that the Comptroller may authorize a specified licensed retailer to possess on the premises specified advertising items with a value exceeding a specified amount under specified circumstances; prohibiting specified alcoholic beverages entities from sponsoring, organizing, or participating in a specified number of promotional activities under specified circumstances; etc.
Alcoholic Beverages - Direct Wine Shipping - Means of Transmitting Orders [SB-990]
Specifying that a direct wine shipper's permit entitles the holder to sell specified wine by receiving and filling orders that the consumer transmits directly to the permit holder; and prohibiting an order to be transmitted to the permit holder by a retailer, a wholesaler, or any other third party, including a marketplace site on the Internet in which sellers offer products to customers.
SB-990: Alcoholic Beverages - Direct Wine Shipping - Means of Transmitting Orders
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Unfavorable Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs Withdrawn on 03/18/2013
Alcoholic Beverages - Refillable Containers - Class 5 Manufacturer's License [SB-955]
Authorizing the State Comptroller to issue a refillable container permit to a holder of a Class 5 manufacturer's license; providing for the renewal of the permit; authorizing a holder of a refillable container permit to sell draft beer in specified refillable containers for consumption off the licensed premises; specifying the hours of sale for the permit; providing that a holder of the permit may refill only a refillable container that was branded by the permit holder; etc.
Streamlined Tax Administration Act of 2013 [SB-827]
Transferring specified powers and duties of the Comptroller to the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, including the regulation and taxation of alcoholic beverages, cigarettes and other tobacco products, motor carriers, and motor fuel and the regulation of transient vendors; creating a Division of Business Regulation and Taxation in the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation; authorizing the Secretary to delegate specified powers and duties; creating a Business Regulation and Taxation Fund; etc.
SB-827: Streamlined Tax Administration Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Garagiola
Hearing 3/14 At 1:00 P.m. (finance) on 03/14/2013
Alcoholic Beverages - Brewery License - On-Premises Consumption [SB-32]
Authorizing brewery licensees to sell beer for on-site consumption under specified circumstances; requiring a specified local licensing board to grant an on-site consumption permit to an applicant that holds specified licenses; providing that an on-site consumption permit entitles the holder to sell beer brewed at the brewery for on-premises consumption to persons that have attained the legal drinking age; etc.
Alcoholic Beverages - Consumption of Wine Not Bought from License Holder [SB-260]
Allowing an individual in a restaurant, club, or hotel for which any license allowing the sale of wine is issued to consume wine not purchased from or provided by the license holder only under specified circumstances, including a requirement that the license holder obtain a corkage permit; and requiring each local licensing board to issue a corkage permit at no charge.
SB-260: Alcoholic Beverages - Consumption of Wine Not Bought from License Holder
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Unfavorable Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs Withdrawn on 03/18/2013
Alcoholic Beverages - Class 7 Limited Beer Wholesaler's License [SB-223]
Creating a Class 7 limited beer wholesaler's license that allows the license holder to sell, deliver, and distribute its own beer produced at the holder's premises to a retail license holder or permit holder in the State under specified circumstances; authorizing the Office of the Comptroller to issue a nonresident brewery permit to a specified person licensed outside the State to sell and deliver beer in the State; providing for specified fees; etc.
SB-223: Alcoholic Beverages - Class 7 Limited Beer Wholesaler's License
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 207 on 05/02/2013
Alcoholic Beverages - Winery Off-Site Permit and Wine Festival Permit [HB-978]
Requiring the Office of the Comptroller to collect a fee for a winery off-site permit and a wine festival permit; repealing a requirement that the Comptroller collect a fee for a winery special event permit; repealing provisions that provide for a winery special event permit; repealing provisions that provide for a farmer's market permit; establishing a winery off-site permit to be issued by the Comptroller; authorizing the Comptroller to issue a winery off-site permit to specified persons who meet specified requirements; etc.
HB-978: Alcoholic Beverages - Winery Off-Site Permit and Wine Festival Permit
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Barkley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 396 on 05/02/2013
Alcoholic Beverages - Consumption of Wine Not Bought from License Holder [HB-74]
Allowing an individual in a restaurant, club, or hotel for which any license allowing the sale of wine is issued to consume wine not purchased from or provided by the license holder under specified circumstances, including a requirement that the license holder obtain a corkage permit; and requiring each local licensing board to issue a corkage permit at no charge.
HB-74: Alcoholic Beverages - Consumption of Wine Not Bought from License Holder
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Unfavorable Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs on 04/08/2013