Alcoholic Beverages - Retail Wine Sellers - Shochu and Soju [SB-218]
Establishing that a retail alcoholic beverages license that grants the privilege to sell wine for off-premises consumption also grants the privilege to sell shochu and soju for off-premises consumption under certain terms and conditions; and defining "shochu" as a Japanese alcoholic beverage that contains not more than 24% of alcohol by volume and is derived from agricultural products and "soju" as a Korean alcoholic beverage that contains not more than 24% of alcohol by volume and is derived from agricultural products.
Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Breweries - On-Premises Consumption - Hours of Operation [SB-1044]
Repealing certain restrictions on individuals to whom a Class 5 brewery may sell and deliver beer; specifying that a Class 5 brewery license entitles the holder to sell certain beer to an individual for on-premises consumption; altering the hours of operation for serving or selling beer for on-premises consumption at Class 5 breweries by specifying the hours for a Class 5 brewery with a certain permit and a certain license and the hours for a Class 5 brewery without a certain permit and a certain license; etc.
SB-1044: Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Breweries - On-Premises Consumption - Hours of Operation
Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Salling
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/23/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Beer Franchise Agreements - Notice of Nonrenewal or Termination [SB-1043]
Altering the policy of the State regarding beer franchise agreements; limiting the application of the time frame for nonrenewal or termination of a beer franchise agreement to a large franchisor that manufactures more than a certain number of barrels of beer each year; establishing a requirement regarding the nonrenewal or termination of a beer franchise agreement for a small franchisor that manufactures a certain number of barrels of beer or less each year; etc.
SB-1043: Alcoholic Beverages - Beer Franchise Agreements - Notice of Nonrenewal or Termination
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/23/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Breweries - On-Premises Sales [SB-1017]
Raising to 25,000 the maximum number of barrels of beer that a holder of a Class 5 brewery license may sell for on-premises consumption in a single year; repealing a certain procedure under which a holder of a Class 5 license may sell an additional 1,000 barrels of beer for on-premises consumption; and repealing the requirement for the Comptroller annually to report certain information regarding the sale of additional beer to certain legislative committees.
SB-1017: Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Breweries - On-Premises Sales
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/23/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Class 4 Limited Winery Licenses [HB-972]
Requiring a holder of a Class 4 limited winery license to own or have under contract at least 20 acres of grapes or other fruit in cultivation for use in the production of wine in the State or to ensure that at least 51% of the ingredients used in the annual production of wine are grapes or other fruit grown in the State; authorizing the Secretary of Agriculture to grant a certain exemption; providing for the application of the Act; etc.
HB-972: Alcoholic Beverages - Class 4 Limited Winery Licenses
Sponsored by: Rep. Richard Impallaria
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 542 on 05/08/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Auxiliary Winery Permit [HB-962]
Establishing an auxiliary winery permit; authorizing the Comptroller to issue the permit to a holder of a Class 4 limited winery permit for use at a single location off the licensed premises anywhere in the State subject to certain restrictions; authorizing the Comptroller to issue up to 25 permits throughout the State; limiting each license holder to no more than one permit; providing an annual permit fee of $250; etc.
Alcoholic Beverages - Reform on Tap Act of 2018 [HB-518]
Repealing certain restrictions on serving or selling beer by a holder of a Class 5 brewery license or Class 7 micro-brewery license; requiring an on-site consumption permit to be granted under certain circumstances; providing that the hours of sale for on-site consumption at Class 5 breweries are those set by a certain license; repealing certain limits on micro-breweries, farm breweries, and limited beer wholesalers; making a certain licensed beer manufacturer exempt from the Beer Franchise Fair Dealing Act; etc.
HB-518: Alcoholic Beverages - Reform on Tap Act of 2018
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/17/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Limited Distillery License - Retail Sales [HB-509]
Increasing from 15,500 to 31,000 gallons the annual amount of the products manufactured under a Class 9 limited distillery license that the holder of the license may sell at retail on a certain premises for on-sale or off-sale consumption.
Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's License Fees - Alteration [HB-357]
Altering the time to pay certain manufacturer's license fees from annually to one time; altering the amount of certain manufacturer's license fees; providing that prorating of certain fees for certain licenses does not apply to a license for which there is no annual fee; and providing that a manufacturer's license does not expire on a certain date after its issuance.
Selling or Providing Alcoholic Beverages to Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities and Others – Repeal of Prohibition [HB-287]
Repealing provisions of law in Allegany, Carroll, Charles, Harford, Kent, Montgomery, Queen Anne's, and Washington counties that prohibit a license holder or an employee from knowingly selling or providing an alcoholic beverage to an individual with an intellectual disability or to an individual if a family member or guardian has given written notice to the license holder or employee under certain circumstances.
HB-287: Selling or Providing Alcoholic Beverages to Individuals With Intellectual Disabilities and Others – Repeal of Prohibition
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 306 on 04/24/2018
Criminal Law - Alcohol Offenses and Gaming - Civil Offenses (Decriminalization of Petty Nonviolent Offenses Act) [HB-277]
Making it a civil rather than a criminal offense to consume an alcoholic beverage in public under certain circumstances or to possess an alcoholic beverage in an open container under certain circumstances; requiring certain offenders to be issued a citation under certain circumstances; providing a certain maximum fine; altering the penalty for certain conduct relating to betting, wagering, or gambling; making certain conduct relating to betting, wagering, or gambling a civil offense; etc.
HB-277: Criminal Law - Alcohol Offenses and Gaming - Civil Offenses (Decriminalization of Petty Nonviolent Offenses Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Vanessa Atterbeary
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. (economic Matters) on 02/23/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Sale of Powdered Alcohol - Prohibition [HB-213]
Repealing a provision that provides for the termination of a prohibition on selling alcoholic beverages that are sold in a powder or crystalline form for direct use or use in combination with water or any other substance.
HB-213: Alcoholic Beverages - Sale of Powdered Alcohol - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/25/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Beer and Brewery Promotion Program - Establishment [HB-1370]
Establishing the Maryland Beer and Brewery Promotion Program in the Department of Commerce; providing for the purposes of the Program; establishing qualifications for participation in the Program; requiring an applicant to submit a certain application; authorizing the Program to provide certain grants to certain nonprofit organizations and government agencies, subject to a certain limitation; establishing the Maryland Beer and Brewery Promotion Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; etc.
HB-1370: Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Beer and Brewery Promotion Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Haven Shoemaker
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/15/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Breweries - Limits on Production and On-Premises Sales [HB-1369]
Repealing the limit on the total amount of malt beverages a holder of a Class 7 micro-brewery license may brew, bottle, or contract for each year; altering the maximum number of barrels of beer that the license holder may sell for on-premises consumption each year; establishing the maximum number of barrels of beer that a holder of a Class 8 farm brewery license may sell for on-premises consumption; repealing the limit on the total amount of beer a holder of a Class 8 farm brewery license may brew, bottle, or contract for each year; etc.
HB-1369: Alcoholic Beverages - Breweries - Limits on Production and On-Premises Sales
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Luedtke
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/23/2018
Task Force to Study State Alcohol Regulation, Enforcement, Safety, and Public Health [HB-1316]
Establishing a Task Force to Study State Alcohol Regulation, Enforcement, Safety, and Public Health to examine whether the State agency that now is assigned the tasks of regulating the State alcoholic beverages industry and enforcing State alcoholic beverages laws is the most appropriate agency to ensure the safety and welfare of the residents of Maryland; requiring the Task Force to make recommendations on certain policies; requiring the Task Force to report its findings to the General Assembly by December 1, 2018; etc.
HB-1316: Task Force to Study State Alcohol Regulation, Enforcement, Safety, and Public Health
Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Ann Lisanti
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(b) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 25 on 04/05/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Beer Franchise Agreements - Notice of Nonrenewal or Termination [HB-1222]
Altering the policy of the State regarding beer franchise agreements; limiting the application of the time frame for nonrenewal or termination of a beer franchise agreement to a large franchisor that manufactures more than a certain number of barrels of beer each year; establishing a requirement regarding the nonrenewal or termination of a beer franchise agreement for a small franchisor that manufactures a certain number of barrels of beer or less each year; etc.
HB-1222: Alcoholic Beverages - Beer Franchise Agreements - Notice of Nonrenewal or Termination
Sponsored by: Rep. Barrie Ciliberti
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/23/2018
Alcoholic Beverages – Class 5 Breweries – On–Premises Consumption – Hours of Operation [HB-1176]
Repealing certain restrictions on individuals to whom a Class 5 brewery may sell and deliver beer; specifying that a Class 5 brewery license entitles the holder to sell certain beer to an individual for on-premises consumption; and altering the hours of operation for serving or selling beer for on-premises consumption at Class 5 breweries by specifying the hours for a Class 5 brewery with a certain permit and a certain license and a Class 5 brewery without a certain permit and a certain license.
HB-1176: Alcoholic Beverages – Class 5 Breweries – On–Premises Consumption – Hours of Operation
Sponsored by: Rep. Robin Grammer
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/23/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Breweries - On-Premises Sales [HB-1148]
Raising to 25,000 the maximum number of barrels of beer that a holder of a Class 5 brewery license may sell for on-premises consumption in a single year; repealing a certain procedure under which a holder of a Class 5 license may sell an additional 1,000 barrels of beer for on-premises consumption; and repealing the requirement for the Comptroller annually to report certain information regarding the sale of additional beer to certain legislative committees.
HB-1148: Alcoholic Beverages - Class 5 Breweries - On-Premises Sales
Sponsored by: Rep. Nick Mosby
Hearing 2/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/23/2018