Pesticides - PFAS Chemicals - Prohibitions [HB-386]
Requiring, by January 1, 2032, the Department of Agriculture to develop, maintain, post on its website, and distribute to all certified applicators a list of certain registered pesticides that list PFAS chemicals as an active ingredient on the labeling accompanying the pesticide; prohibiting, beginning June 1, 2032, a person from using, for certain purposes, PFAS pesticides listed by the Department; prohibiting, beginning June 1, 2032, a person from using PFAS pesticides in the State; etc.
HB-1763: Relating to repealing certain offenses and removing certain regulations relating to marihuana, cannabis, cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, and paraphernalia.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Rosenthal
Read First Time on 03/14/2025
You have voted HB-1763: Relating to repealing certain offenses and removing certain regulations relating to marihuana, cannabis, cannabinoids, synthetic cannabinoids, and paraphernalia..
HB-1743: Relating to the holding or acquisition of an interest in real property by or on behalf of certain foreign individuals or entities; establishing an agricultural intelligence office; creating a criminal offense.
Sponsored by: Rep. Mitch Little
Read First Time on 03/14/2025
You have voted HB-1743: Relating to the holding or acquisition of an interest in real property by or on behalf of certain foreign individuals or entities; establishing an agricultural intelligence office; creating a criminal offense..
Maryland Farms and Families Fund – Purpose and Use – Alterations [HB-104]
Altering the purpose and use of the Maryland Farms and Families Fund to match purchases made with FMNP, SNAP, and WIC benefits at certain farmers markets and farm stands, support nonprofit farmers markets by providing logistical and marketing support to increase the use of federal nutrition programs at these markets, and to support nonprofit organizations or other responsible persons to implement the Program.
HB-104: Maryland Farms and Families Fund – Purpose and Use – Alterations
On-Farm Organics and Wasted Food Reduction and Diversion Grant Programs - Established [HB-42]
Establishing, beginning July 1, 2027, the On-Farm Organics Diversion and Recycling Grant Program in the Department of Agriculture to award grants to eligible entities to develop and implement on-farm organics recycling, compost use, wasted food prevention, and food rescue; requiring the Department to report to the General Assembly by December 31, 2027, on the impact of the grants awarded on jobs, producers, and food waste prevention; authorizing the Governor to transfer $3,000,000 to certain programs in fiscal years 2027 through 2031; etc.
HB-42: On-Farm Organics and Wasted Food Reduction and Diversion Grant Programs - Established
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Third Reading Passed (122-14) on 03/17/2025
Procurement - State Department of Education - Local Food Purchasing Program [HB-56]
Requiring the State Department of Education, in coordination with the Department of General Services and the Department of Agriculture, to establish a program to procure, when funding is available, local food for local school systems with preference to providers that are certified local farms or certified Chesapeake invasive species providers; altering the percentage price preference adopted by the Board of Public Works for locally grown food from 5% to 10%; etc.
HB-56: Procurement - State Department of Education - Local Food Purchasing Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/20/2025
Plant Disease Control - Nurseries - Inspection, Certification, and Licensing Fees [HB-244]
Increasing the inspection fee that a nursery is required to pay to the Secretary of Agriculture in a specified manner; increasing the annual certification fee that a nursery is required to pay from $100 to $150; and increasing the annual license fee that a broker or dealer is required to pay from $100 to $150.
HB-244: Plant Disease Control - Nurseries - Inspection, Certification, and Licensing Fees
Procurement - State Department of Education - Control Authority - Local Food Purchasing [SB-177]
Altering the list of units exempt from the authority of the Board of Public Works to control procurement to include the State Department of Education for the purpose of master contracting; altering the list of units that are defined as designated procurement units to include the Department with respect to master contracts related to local food; authorizing the Department to engage in or control procurements of certain local food; etc.
SB-177: Procurement - State Department of Education - Control Authority - Local Food Purchasing
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing 1/22 At 11:30 A.m. on 01/14/2025
Plant Disease Control - Nurseries - Inspection, Certification, and Licensing Fees [SB-264]
Increasing the inspection fee that a nursery is required to pay to the Secretary of Agriculture in a specified manner; increasing the annual certification fee that a nursery is required to pay from $100 to $150; increasing the annual license fee that a broker or dealer is required to pay from $100 to $150; and requiring the Department to report by January 31 annually to certain committees of the General Assembly beginning January 31, 2026, on the number of current licenses, inspections conducted, and the diseases and pests identified.
SB-264: Plant Disease Control - Nurseries - Inspection, Certification, and Licensing Fees
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Department of Agriculture - Maryland Agricultural Commission and Young Farmers [HB-262]
Altering the membership of the Maryland Agricultural Commission; establishing the Committee on Young Farmers for purposes of communicating to the Maryland Agricultural Commission on issues relating to young and beginning farmers in the State; repealing the provisions of law establishing and governing the Young Farmers Advisory Board; and requiring the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation to be governed and administered by a board of trustees composed in a certain manner.
HB-262: Department of Agriculture - Maryland Agricultural Commission and Young Farmers
Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Holmes
Favorable Report By Education, Energy, And The Environment on 03/24/2025
Solid Waste Disposal Surcharge and Wasted Food Reduction and Diversion Fund and Grant Programs - Established [SB-134]
Establishing the On-Farm Organics Diversion and Recycling Grant Program in the Department of Agriculture to award grants to eligible entities to develop and implement on-farm organics recycling and compost use, wasted food prevention, and food rescue; establishing a solid waste disposal surcharge on the final disposal of solid waste in the State; requiring the Department to report to the General Assembly yearly beginning December 31, 2027, on the grants awarded, and the impact on jobs creation, producers, and food waste reduction; etc.
SB-134: Solid Waste Disposal Surcharge and Wasted Food Reduction and Diversion Fund and Grant Programs - Established
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Hearing 2/11 At 1:00 P.m. (education, Energy, And The Environment) on 01/23/2025
Maryland Farms and Families Fund - Purpose and Use - Alterations [SB-226]
Altering the purpose and use of the Maryland Farms and Families Fund to match purchases made with FMNP, SNAP, and WIC benefits at certain farmers markets and farm stands, support nonprofit farmers markets by providing logistical and marketing support to increase the use of federal nutrition programs at these markets, and to support nonprofit organizations or other responsible persons to implement the Program.
SB-226: Maryland Farms and Families Fund - Purpose and Use - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
Department of Agriculture – Maryland Agricultural Commission and Young Farmers [SB-240]
Altering the membership of the Maryland Agricultural Commission; establishing the Committee on Young Farmers for purposes of communicating to the general public, State government, and the Maryland Agricultural Commission issues relating to young and beginning farmers in the State; establishing the membership of the Maryland Agricultural Land Preservation Foundation Board of Trustees; and repealing the provisions of law establishing and governing the Young Farmers Advisory Board.
SB-240: Department of Agriculture – Maryland Agricultural Commission and Young Farmers
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2025
You have voted HB-1592: Relating to an alert system for dangerous plant and wildlife pests and diseases administered by the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service..