Child Support Enforcement - License Applications - Taxpayer Identification Number [HB-1413]
Altering the duties of certain licensing authorities in certain provisions of law relating to the suspension or denial of certain occupational licenses for child support arrearages to provide for the disclosure of the taxpayer identification number of an applicant for a certain occupational license instead of the Social Security number under certain circumstances.
HB-1413: Child Support Enforcement - License Applications - Taxpayer Identification Number
Sponsored by: Rep. David Moon
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/17/2022
Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Water and Power Infrastructure Grant Program and Fund - Establishment [SB-942]
Establishing the Urban Agriculture Water and Power Infrastructure Grant Program in the Department of Agriculture to increase the viability of urban farming and community gardens and improve access to urban-grown foods; and establishing the Urban Agriculture Water and Power Infrastructure Grant Fund to provide grants to urban agricultural producers and qualified nonprofit organizations for the purchase and installation of agriculture equipment associated with water supply and irrigation and electric power access.
SB-942: Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Water and Power Infrastructure Grant Program and Fund - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Antonio Hayes
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 394 on 05/16/2022
Cannabis - Legalization and Regulation (Cannabis Legalization and Equity Act) [HB-1342]
Legalizing the possession and use of a certain amount of cannabis by a person of at least a certain age; providing for expungement of records, dismissal of charges, and commutation of sentences in certain cases involving cannabis-related charges; providing for a system of regulation of the sale of cannabis by the Maryland Department of Health and local jurisdictions; and providing for the taxation of the sale of cannabis in the State.
HB-1342: Cannabis - Legalization and Regulation (Cannabis Legalization and Equity Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Gabriel Acevero
Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2022
Property Tax - Agricultural Accessory Use Improvements - Study and Report [HB-1282]
Requiring the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Assessments and Taxation to jointly conduct a study of the assessment of agricultural accessory use improvements to review whether agricultural accessory use improvements should be assessed using a different methodology from improvements located on nonagricultural land; and requiring the departments to submit a joint report of their findings and recommendations to certain committees of the General Assembly by December 1, 2022.
HB-1282: Property Tax - Agricultural Accessory Use Improvements - Study and Report
Sponsored by: Rep. Haven Shoemaker
Third Reading Passed (135-0) on 04/07/2022
Department of Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Grant Fund [HB-1216]
Altering the purpose and contents of and the requirements and qualifications under the Urban Agriculture Grant Fund; requiring nonprofit organizations that receive a grant for purposes of distribution to urban agricultural producers to distribute at least 85% of the grant amount to producers located in low-income census tracts or designated food deserts, of which at least 25% of the grant money is to be distributed to urban agricultural producers in Baltimore City; etc.
HB-1216: Department of Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Grant Fund
Sponsored by: Rep. Melissa Wells
Favorable Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs on 04/11/2022
Environment and Energy - Investment in Overburdened Communities [HB-1033]
Requiring the Department of the Environment, on or before December 1, 2022, to develop certain policies and recommendations to require at least 40% of overall spending on certain programs, projects, or investments to benefit certain overburdened communities, starting with fiscal year 2024; defining an "overburdened community" as any census tract where the median house hold income is not more than 75% of the statewide median household income and certain environmental indicators are above the 75th percentile; etc.
HB-1033: Environment and Energy - Investment in Overburdened Communities
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 3/15 At 1:00 P.m. (appropriations) on 02/18/2022
Real Property - Actions for Possession - Pet Protections [HB-1064]
Requiring the Department of Agriculture to publish a fact sheet on the protection of pets in the event of an eviction or other loss of possession of real property to be included with a certain notice or summons; requiring a landlord to provide information about the fact sheet at the execution of a lease on or after October 1, 2022; requiring a sheriff or other official to return a pet to a tenant or certain other person or to contact an animal shelter or rescue organization; prohibiting leaving a pet on public property; etc.
HB-1064: Real Property - Actions for Possession - Pet Protections
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Third Reading Passed (130-1) on 03/21/2022
Cannabis - Regulation - Delta-8- and Delta-10-Tetrahydrocannabinol [HB-1078]
Prohibiting a certain person from distributing, purchasing for sale, or selling products containing delta-8- or delta-10-tetrahydrocannabinol to an individual under the age of 21 years; requiring the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission, in consultation with the State Department of Agriculture and other stakeholders, to study and make recommendations on the classification and regulation of tetrahydrocannabinols, other than delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and certain other manufactured products; etc.
HB-1078: Cannabis - Regulation - Delta-8- and Delta-10-Tetrahydrocannabinol
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 511 on 05/29/2022
Real Property - Actions for Possession - Pet Protections [SB-816]
Requiring the Department of Agriculture to develop and publish a fact sheet on the care and protection of pets in the event of an eviction or other loss of possession of real property to be included with a certain notice or summons; requiring a sheriff, constable, or other official to return a pet to a tenant or certain other person or to contact an animal shelter or rescue organization and provide certain notice; prohibiting leaving of a pet on public property; etc.
SB-816: Real Property - Actions for Possession - Pet Protections
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2022
Cannabis - Regulation - Delta-8- and Delta-10-Tetrahydrocannabinol [SB-788]
Prohibiting a certain person from distributing, purchasing for sale, or selling products containing delta-8- or delta-10-tetrahydrocannabinol to an individual under the age of 21 years; requiring the Natalie M. LaPrade Medical Cannabis Commission, in consultation with the State Department of Agriculture and other stakeholders, to study and make recommendations on the classification and regulation of tetrahydrocannabinols, other than delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, and certain other manufactured products; etc.
SB-788: Cannabis - Regulation - Delta-8- and Delta-10-Tetrahydrocannabinol
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 512 on 05/29/2022
Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Water and Power Infrastructure Grant Program and Fund - Establishment [HB-855]
Establishing the Urban Agriculture Water and Power Infrastructure Grant Program in the Department of Agriculture to increase the viability of urban farming and community gardens and improve access to urban-grown foods; establishing the Urban Agriculture Water and Power Infrastructure Grant Fund to provide grants to urban agricultural producers and qualified nonprofit organizations for the purchase and installation of agricultural equipment associated with water supply and irrigation and electric power access; etc.
HB-855: Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Water and Power Infrastructure Grant Program and Fund - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Regina Boyce
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 393 on 05/16/2022
Property Tax - Agricultural Accessory Use Improvements - Study and Report [SB-567]
Requiring the Department of Agriculture and the State Department of Assessments and Taxation to jointly conduct a study of the assessment of agricultural accessory use improvements to review whether agricultural accessory use improvements should be assessed using a different methodology from improvements located on nonagricultural land; and requiring the departments to submit a joint report of their findings and recommendations to certain committees of the General Assembly by December 1, 2022.
SB-567: Property Tax - Agricultural Accessory Use Improvements - Study and Report
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 643 on 05/29/2022
Conservation Finance Act [HB-653]
Providing that the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Maryland Environmental Trust must allow participants in certain cost-sharing programs to participate in and receive compensation from greenhouse gas markets, carbon credits, or soil carbon programs under certain circumstances; authorizing certain units to enter into pay-for-success contracts with certain aggregators to procure certain environmental outcomes projects or already certified environmental outcomes; etc.
HB-653: Conservation Finance Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 237 on 04/21/2022
Pesticides – Mosquito Control Products and PFAS Chemicals [HB-570]
Requiring the Secretary of Agriculture to require the submission of a certain affidavit relating to mosquito control products and PFAS chemicals for the purpose of certain provisions of law relating to the registration of pesticides in the State; prohibiting the State, a local government, or a certified applicator or a person working under the supervision of a certified applicator from using a mosquito control product that contains PFAS chemicals; etc.
HB-570: Pesticides – Mosquito Control Products and PFAS Chemicals
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 3/02 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/15/2022
Conservation Finance Act [SB-348]
Providing that the Department of Agriculture, the Department of Natural Resources, and the Maryland Environmental Trust must allow participants in certain cost sharing programs to participate in and receive compensation from greenhouse gas markets, carbon credits, or soil carbon programs under certain circumstances; authorizing certain units to enter into pay-for-success contracts with certain aggregators to procure certain environmental outcomes projects or already certified environmental outcomes; etc.
SB-348: Conservation Finance Act
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 238 on 04/21/2022
Department of Agriculture - Spay/Neuter Fund - Extension [SB-206]
Extending the termination date to September 30, 2032, for provisions of law relating to the Spay/Neuter Fund; and requiring the Department of Agriculture, by October 1, 2022, to report to the General Assembly on the Spay/Neuter Fund.
SB-206: Department of Agriculture - Spay/Neuter Fund - Extension
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 92 on 04/12/2022
Occupational Licenses or Certificates - Pre-application Determinations - Criminal Convictions [SB-111]
Establishing a process for potential applicants for an occupational license or certificate to obtain a determination, before submitting an application, from a department as to whether certain criminal convictions would be the basis for the denial of an application for a certain occupational license or certificate; requiring a department to provide a determination in writing to the potential applicant; authorizing a department to set a reasonable fee to cover the cost of performing the service; etc.
Invasive and Native Plants - Classification, Listing, and Use [SB-7]
Requiring the Secretary of Agriculture to classify certain plants as a tier 1 or tier 2 invasive plant; requiring the Department of Natural Resources to create, maintain, and publish on its website a list of plant species native to the State; requiring that each entity that receives State funding and each State agency prioritize the use of plants native to the State for every planting project; and requiring the Department to notify nurseries, landscapes, plant wholesalers, and plant retailers of the Act's requirements.
SB-7: Invasive and Native Plants - Classification, Listing, and Use
Sponsored by: Sen. Sarah Elfreth
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 552 on 05/29/2022