Agriculture Animal Care And Food

State (Virginia)
Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Cattle Industry Board; collection and disposition of assessment by handler. [SB-795]
Cattle Industry Board; collection and disposition of assessment by handler. Extends from July 1, 2023, to July 1, 2028, the $0.50 per head assessment from the sale of cattle in the Commonwealth that is collected and deposited in the Virginia Cattle Industry Fund to support the activities of the Cattle Industry Board.


Sponsored by: Sen. Emmett Hanger Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0263) on 03/22/2023

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Cats; prohibition on declawing, civil penalty. [HB-1382]
Declawing cats; prohibition; civil penalty. Makes unlawful the practice of declawing cats except as necessary for a therapeutic purpose, as defined in the bill, and creates a civil penalty of $500 for the first violation, $1,000 for the second violation, and $2,500 for the third or any subsequent violation. The bill also entitles any animal control officer, humane investigator, or state or local law-enforcement officer to bring a civil action for a violation of this section.


Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 02/07/2023

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Rabies vaccination; titer test, certification. [HB-1074]
Rabies vaccination; titer test; certification. Directs the Board of Health to develop, by regulation, an exemption to the rabies vaccination requirement for animals if a licensed veterinarian certifies in writing that the vaccine would endanger the animal based on an underlying medical factor and a titer test indicates a sufficient level of immunity to rabies. The bill provides that such certification is valid for a period of one year and serves as proof of vaccination.


Sponsored by: Rep. James Leftwich Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 11/22/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Animal care; zoos and petting zoos, seizure of animals. [HB-53]
Animal care; zoos and petting zoos; seizure of Animal care; zoos and petting zoos; seizure of animals. Defines animals located at a zoo or petting zoo as agricultural animals for the standards for seizure or impoundment of companion animals. The bill also contains technical amendments.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ronnie Campbell Left In Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources on 11/21/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Noxious weeds; amends definition to exclude plants that are commercially significant. [HB-491]
Noxious weeds. Amends the definition of "noxious weeds" to exclude plants that are commercially significant, directs the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services (the Board) to implement a phase out period when a new plant is listed as a noxious weed, directs the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to provide signs to nurseries and retail plant outlets listing invasive plants sold in the Commonwealth, and authorizes the Board to adopt regulations for permits required to move noxious weeds, or a part thereof, into or within the Commonwealth. (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Kenneth Plum Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 11/22/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Pet shops; sale of unneutered or unspayed dogs and cats prohibited, penalty. [SB-89]
Pet shops; sale of unneutered or unspayed dogs and cats prohibited; penalty. Prohibits a pet shop from selling a dog or cat unless it has first been spayed or neutered. A violation is a Class 3 misdemeanor.


Sponsored by: Sen. William Stanley Left In Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources on 11/21/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Dealers; prohibits sale of dogs or cats for experimental purposes. [HB-1350]
Dealers; sale of dogs or cats for experimental purposes. Prohibits a dealer, commercial dog breeder, or cat breeder, including an entity that breeds dogs or cats regulated under federal law as research animals, from importing for sale, selling, or offering for sale a dog or cat bred by a person who has received certain citations on or after July 1, 2023, pursuant to the federal Animal Welfare Act.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Bell Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0094) on 04/05/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Agricultural operation; amends definition. [SB-678]
Definition of agricultural operation. Amends the definition of "agricultural operation" for purposes of the Right to Farm Act to include the housing of livestock. The bill provides that this change is declaratory of existing law. Definition of agricultural operation. Amends the definition of "agricultural operation" for purposes of the Right to Farm Act to include the housing of livestock. The bill provides that this change is declaratory of existing law.


Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0487) on 04/11/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Slaughter and meat-processing facilities; expanding facilities through strategic planning, etc. [SB-726]
Slaughter and meat-processing facilities. Establishes that it is the policy of the General Assembly to encourage, expand, and develop slaughter and meat-processing facilities through strategic planning and financial incentive programs. The bill directs the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services to develop a five-year strategic plan to increase total combined throughput capacity of slaughter and meat-processing facilities.


Sponsored by: Sen. Todd Pillion Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0311) on 04/11/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Companion animals; duty to identify submitted animal, scanning for microchip. [HB-1330]
Companion animals; duty to identify submitted animal; microchip. Requires veterinarians, public and private animal shelters, and releasing agencies to seek to identify the lawful owners of the unidentified companion animals that are submitted to them by scanning for embedded microchips. The bill provides that such scanning shall be conducted at the time of intake, at the time of assessment, and prior to disposition and that a reasonable effort shall be made to contact the owner. The bill also requires that documentation of such scanning and any (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. James Edmunds Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0387) on 04/11/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Breeders; records of animals sold or transferred to animal testing facility. [HB-1313]
Breeders; records of animals sold or transferred to animal testing facility; report. Requires entities that breed dogs or cats for sale or transfer to an animal testing facility to keep records of each animal for two years from the date of the sale or transfer, and to annually submit a summary of the records to the State Veterinarian. Such entities shall also report certain information to the State Veterinarian on a monthly basis. The report shall include information regarding the birth, acquisition, death, sale, transfer, or other disposition of (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. L. Kaye Kory Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Food donations; labeling, liability. [HB-1293]
Food donations; labeling; liability. Exempts individuals and entities that donate food and charitable organizations that accept food donations from criminal and civil liability for donating or receiving food past its best-by date or other non-safety labels so long as all parties are informed. The bill provides that immunity from liability shall not apply in instances of gross negligence or intentional misconduct.


Sponsored by: Rep. Elizabeth Bennett-Parker Stricken From Docket By Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources (21-y 0-n) on 02/09/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Food donations; labeling, liability. [HB-1249]
Food donations; labeling; liability. Exempts individuals and entities that donate food and charitable organizations that accept food donations from criminal and civil liability for donating or receiving food past its best-by date or other non-safety labels so long as all parties are informed. The bill provides that immunity from liability shall not apply in instances of gross negligence or intentional misconduct. Food donations; labeling; liability. Exempts individuals and entities that donate food and charitable organizations that accept food (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Glenn Davis Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0633) on 04/11/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Income tax, state; establishes geothermal tax credit. [HB-849]
Income tax; geothermal tax credit. Establishes an Income tax; geothermal tax credit. Establishes an individual income tax credit for taxable years 2023 through 2027 for qualified expenditures related to a geothermal system placed in service at a residence in a tobacco region locality. The bill provides that the geothermal tax credit amount is the lesser of $7,500 or 25 percent of qualified expenditures. The aggregate annual limit on such credits is $1 million. The bill directs the Department of Energy to evaluate whether a person's geothermal system (continued...)


Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Keam Left In Finance on 02/15/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Marijuana; shape productions, definitions. [SB-591]
Marijuana; shape prohibitions; definitions of marijuana and tetrahydrocannabinol. Modifies the definition of "marijuana" in several Code sections to (i) include any substance containing a total tetrahydrocannabinol concentration that exceeds 0.3 percent or more than 0.25 milligram of tetrahydrocannabinol per serving or more than one milligram per package and (ii) exclude industrial hemp that is possessed by a person who holds a hemp producer license issued by the U.S. Department of Agriculture or his agent; an industrial hemp extract that contains (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Emmett Hanger Left In Rehabilitation And Social Services on 04/28/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Animal cruelty; companion animals, penalty. [SB-604]
Animal cruelty; companion animals; penalty. Clarifies that animals are not considered companion animals only when actively involved in bona fide medical or scientific experimentation. Current law exempts animals from the definition of companion animal if they are regulated under federal law as research animals. Animal cruelty; companion animals; penalty. Clarifies that animals are not considered companion animals only when actively involved in bona fide medical or scientific experimentation. Current law exempts animals from the definition of companion (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0092) on 04/05/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Dogs; breeding for certain research prohibited, penalty. [SB-457]
Breeding dogs for certain research prohibited. Prohibits for two years a person who has received a particular citation from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on or after July 1, 2023, from breeding or raising a dog for the purpose of selling or transferring the dog, or its offspring, to an animal research facility outside of the United States, or to an animal research facility located in the United States that will use the dog for testing or research not required by federal law or regulation. The bill allows a person who has received such (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 03/08/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Research breeders; oversight by Animal Welfare Oversight Officer. [SB-535]
Oversight of research breeders; Animal Welfare Oversight Officer; Animal Welfare Oversight Advisory Committee; civil penalty. Directs the State Veterinarian to hire an Animal Welfare Oversight Officer to inspect and oversee the operations of research breeders, defined in the bill as a person or entity that breeds dogs or cats for sale or transfer for use in testing or research within or outside the Commonwealth, and report any violations of state or federal law by the research breeder. The bill requires each research breeder to register with the (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Adam Ebbin Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 03/08/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Dogs and cats; breeding for research, reporting to State Veterinarian. [SB-442]
Breeding of dogs and cats for research; reporting. Requires any person who or entity that breeds dogs and cats for animal testing facilities to report certain information to the State Veterinarian on a monthly basis. The report shall include information regarding the birth, acquisition, death, sale, transfer, or other disposition of a dog or cat in the prior month. Breeding of dogs and cats for research; reporting. Requires any person who or entity that breeds dogs and cats for animal testing facilities to report certain information to the State (continued...)


Sponsored by: Sen. Jennifer Boysko Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 03/08/2022

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State (Virginia)
Virginia 2022 Regular Session

Rabies vaccination; titer test, certification. [HB-1074]
Rabies vaccination; titer test; certification. Directs the Board of Health to develop, by regulation, an exemption to the rabies vaccination requirement for animals if a licensed veterinarian certifies in writing that the vaccine would endanger the animal based on an underlying medical factor and a titer test indicates a sufficient level of immunity to rabies. The bill provides that such certification is valid for a period of one year and serves as proof of vaccination.


Sponsored by: Rep. James Leftwich Continued To 2023 In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources By Voice Vote on 02/02/2022

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