Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of; approval of guidance document prior to adoption. [HB-157]
Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services; guidance documents. Requires that guidance documents developed by the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services be approved by the Commissioner of Agriculture. The bill also requires the Department to submit the guidance document to the Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry. The bill specifies that the guidance document has no force of law and cannot be the basis for denial or approval of the operation of a private animal shelter and requires every approved guidance document to be posted on
HB-157: Agriculture and Consumer Services, Department of; approval of guidance document prior to adoption.
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Orrock
Left In Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources on 12/02/2016
Private animal shelters; reporting euthanasia. [SB-6]
Private animal shelters; reporting; euthanasia. Requires any private animal shelter that euthanizes animals to submit to the State Veterinarian an annual report listing each animal euthanized; the dates of initial confinement, holding, and euthanasia; the shelter's efforts, if any, to dispose of the animal by nonlethal means; and the basis for the decision to euthanize the animal.