Environment - Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Program - Establishment [HB-1296]
Prohibiting a person from performing groundwater augmentation except under certain circumstances; establishing the Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Program to regulate and evaluate the use of treated reclaimed water as a source for groundwater augmentation through managed aquifer recharge permits; requiring the demonstration facility to address a groundwater supply or quality problem that is anticipated to occur in the next 25 years; etc.
HB-1296: Environment - Managed Aquifer Recharge Pilot Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Lehman
Favorable Report By Education, Energy, And The Environment on 03/27/2025
Dorchester County - Well and On-Site Sewage Disposal Activities - Privatization Program [HB-1124]
Authorizing the Department of the Environment, at the request of the Dorchester County government and the local health department or county agency in Dorchester County that has received a well or on-site sewage disposal system delegation of authority by the Department, to establish a privatization program for the performance of activities associated with the well or on-site sewage disposal system delegation of authority in Dorchester County.
HB-1124: Dorchester County - Well and On-Site Sewage Disposal Activities - Privatization Program
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Third Reading Passed (138-0) on 03/17/2025
Dorchester County - Well and On-Site Sewage Disposal Activities - Privatization Program [SB-964]
Authorizing the Department of the Environment, at the request of the Dorchester County government and the local health department or county agency in Dorchester County that has received a well or on-site sewage disposal system delegation of authority by the Department, to establish a privatization program for the performance of activities associated with the well or on-site sewage disposal system delegation of authority in Dorchester County.
SB-964: Dorchester County - Well and On-Site Sewage Disposal Activities - Privatization Program
Sponsored by: Sen.
Favorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/28/2025
Food Establishments - Portable Chemical Toilets [SB-544]
Authorizing food establishments that are businesses that conduct agritourism, Class 4 limited wineries, or Class 8 farm breweries to comply with the requirement to provide a convenient lavatory by providing a portable chemical toilet that is supplied with approved hand drying devices, kept in a sanitary condition, properly ventilated, and is placed at least 25 feet from a well.
SB-544: Food Establishments - Portable Chemical Toilets
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Jackson
Referred Economic Matters on 03/17/2025
Department of the Environment - Fees, Penalties, Funding, and Regulation [SB-250]
Altering the authorized uses of the Maryland Clean Air Fund to include certain activities relating to mitigating and reducing air pollution in the State; authorizing the Department of the Environment to charge a fee for processing and issuing on-site sewage disposal permits and individual well construction permits under certain circumstances; requiring a holder of a license to transfer oil into the State to pay a certain fee when oil owned by the licensee is first transferred into the State; establishing the Private Dam Repair Fund; etc.
SB-250: Department of the Environment - Fees, Penalties, Funding, and Regulation
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 4/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/20/2025
Forest Conservation Act – Modifications [HB-1511]
Altering the definition of "qualified conservation" for purposes of provisions of law related to forest mitigation banks; requiring the Department of Natural Resources to update a certain model local government ordinance by July 1, 2025, and adopt certain regulations relating to forest conservation on or before July 1, 2026; providing that a solar voltaic facilities granted a certificate of public convenience and necessity before July 1, 2023, may not be subject to certain afforestation requirements; etc.
HB-1511: Forest Conservation Act – Modifications
Sponsored by: Sen. Sara Love
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 457 on 05/09/2024
Environment - Coal Combustion By-Products [SB-1122]
Requiring the owner or operator of a coal combustion by-products unit to submit certain reports and plans to the Department of the Environment and the Power Plant Research Program in the Department of Natural Resources on or before certain dates; requiring the owner or operator of a coal combustion by-products unit to conduct a drinking water survey by September 30, 2025, and submit a report of the survey to the Department of the Environment and the Power Plant Research Program by December 31, 2025; etc.
Environment - Coal Combustion By-Products [HB-1193]
Requiring the owner or operator of a coal combustion by-products unit to submit certain reports and plans to the Department of the Environment and the Power Plant Research Program in the Department of Natural Resources on or before certain dates; requiring the owner or operator of a coal combustion by-products unit to conduct a drinking water survey by September 30, 2025, and submit a report of the survey to the Department of the Environment and the Power Plant Research Program by December 31, 2025; etc.
Environment - Delegated Authorities - Well and Septic Program Permits [HB-992]
Requiring a local health department or county government to which the Department of the Environment has delegated authority to administer a septic and well program to submit, by December 1, 2024, a schedule of review times for certain well and septic program permits for approval; and requiring a local health department or county government to submit well and septic program permit data to the Department for review beginning 3 months after the original schedule submission approved by the Department and every 3 months thereafter.
HB-992: Environment - Delegated Authorities - Well and Septic Program Permits
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 562 on 05/09/2024
Environment - Delegated Authorities - Well and Septic Program Permits [SB-835]
Requiring a local health department or county government to which the Department of the Environment has delegated authority to administer a septic and well program to submit, on or before December 1, 2024, a schedule of review times for certain well and septic program permits for approval; and requiring a local health department or county government to submit well and septic program permit data to the Department for review beginning 3 months after the original schedule submission approved by the Department and every 3 months thereafter.
SB-835: Environment - Delegated Authorities - Well and Septic Program Permits
Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 561 on 05/09/2024
Relating To Environmental Impact Statements. [SB-2161]
Exempts the proposed drilling, construction, or use of a well and well appurtenances on lands leased from the Department of Agriculture from environmental review requirements, provided that the land is being used to support agriculture and food production.
SB-2161: Relating To Environmental Impact Statements.
Sponsored by: Sen. Donna Kim
Introduced. on 01/18/2024
Relating To Environmental Impact Statements. [HB-699]
Exempts the proposed drilling, construction, or use of a well and well appurtenances on lands leased from the Department of Agriculture from the requirements of the environmental impact statements law, provided that the land is being used to support agriculture and food production.
HB-699: Relating To Environmental Impact Statements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cedric Gates
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Relating To Water Resources. [HB-1511]
Appropriates funds as a grant-in-aid to the City and County of Honolulu Board of Water Supply to plan, design, and construct, after consultation with the Department of Health and the Commission on Water Resource Management, 7 monitoring wells and an exploratory well. Requires the City and County of Honolulu to provide matching funds. Effective 6/30/3000. (SD2)
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Saiki
Received Notice Of Discharge Of All Conferees (hse. Com. No. 457). on 03/25/2024
Relating To Environmental Impact Statements. [SB-71]
Exempts the proposed drilling, construction, or use of a well and well appurtenances on lands leased from the Department of Agriculture from environmental review requirements, provided that the land is being used to support agriculture and food production. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD1)
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Gabbard
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Area; continued withdrawal permit for residential well. [SB-337]
Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Area; continued residential withdrawals. Directs the State Water Control Board to waive the expiration of any ground water withdrawal permit for a well that serves exclusively residential users, is located in the Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Area north of the Occoquan River, and is located within five miles of any commercial or industrial permitted ground water withdrawal. The bill provides that such waiver shall continue in force until the commercial or industrial permitted ground water withdrawals
SB-337: Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Area; continued withdrawal permit for residential well.
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Stuart
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0768) on 04/08/2024