Department of the Environment - Fees, Penalties, Funding, and Regulation [HB-245]
Authorizing the Department of the Environment to charge a fee for processing and issuing on-site sewage disposal permits and individual well construction permits under certain circumstances; authorizing the Department to establish by regulation a fee for the Responsible Personnel Training Program Certification; requiring a holder of a license to transfer oil into the State to pay a certain fee when oil owned by the licensee is first transferred into the State; establishing the Private Dam Repair Fund; etc.
HB-245: Department of the Environment - Fees, Penalties, Funding, and Regulation
Sponsored by: Rep.
Hearing 3/26 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/21/2024
Private Well Safety Act of 2023 [SB-483]
Requiring the Department of the Environment to adopt regulations by December 31, 2026 to identify additional standards for water quality testing; requiring the Department, subject to certain funding, and in consultation with the Department of Information Technology, to utilize an online portal to receive and upload certain information and to provide public access to the information; requiring the Department of the Environment to consistently share the information collected with the Maryland Department of Health and local health departments; etc.
SB-483: Private Well Safety Act of 2023
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 586 on 05/08/2023
Relating To Water Resources. [HB-1511]
Appropriates funds as a grant-in-aid to the City and County of Honolulu Board of Water Supply to plan, design, and construct, after consultation with the Department of Health and the Commission on Water Resource Management, 7 monitoring wells and an exploratory well. Requires the City and County of Honolulu to provide matching funds. Effective 6/30/3000. (SD2)
HB-1511: Relating To Water Resources.
Sponsored by: Rep. Scott Saiki
Bill Scheduled For Conference Committee Meeting On Thursday, 04-27-23 9:30am In Conference Room 229. on 04/26/2023
Relating To Environmental Impact Statements. [HB-699]
Exempts the proposed drilling, construction, or use of a well and well appurtenances on lands leased from the Department of Agriculture from the requirements of the environmental impact statements law, provided that the land is being used to support agriculture and food production.
HB-699: Relating To Environmental Impact Statements.
Sponsored by: Rep. Cedric Gates
Referred To Agr/wal, Jha, Referral Sheet 3 on 01/30/2023
Relating To Environmental Impact Statements. [SB-71]
Exempts the proposed drilling, construction, or use of a well and well appurtenances on lands leased from the Department of Agriculture from environmental review requirements, provided that the land is being used to support agriculture and food production. Effective 7/1/2050. (SD1)
SB-71: Relating To Environmental Impact Statements.
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Gabbard
Reported From Wtl/aen (stand. Com. Rep. No. 94) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading, As Amended (sd 1) And Referral To Jdc/wam. on 02/08/2023
Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Area; continued withdrawal permit for residential well. [HB-1977]
Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Area; continued withdrawal permit for residential well. Directs the State Water Control Board to waive the expiration of any ground water withdrawal permit for a well that serves exclusively residential users, is located in the Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Area north of the Occoquan River, and is located within five miles of any commercial or industrial permitted ground water withdrawal. The bill provides that such waiver shall continue in force until the commercial or industrial permitted ground
HB-1977: Eastern Virginia Groundwater Management Area; continued withdrawal permit for residential well.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Krizek
Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 02/07/2023
Private Well Safety Act of 2023 [HB-11]
Requiring the Department of the Environment to adopt regulations by December 31, 2026, to identify additional standards for water quality testing; requiring the Department, subject to certain funding and in consultation with the Department of Information Technology, to utilize an online portal to receive and upload certain information and to provide public access to the information; requiring the Department of the Environment to consistently share the information collected with the Maryland Department of Health and local health departments; etc.
HB-11: Private Well Safety Act of 2023
Sponsored by: Rep. Vaughn Stewart
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 587 on 05/08/2023
Coal ash landfill storage; provision of public water supply, etc. [SB-1050]
Permit for coal ash landfill storage; provision of public water supply. Prohibits the Department of Environmental Quality from approving an application for a new coal ash landfill permit if the facility boundary is located within one mile of an existing residential area that is not served by municipal water supply, unless the owner or operator of the coal ash landfill has offered to provide, at its expense, (i) municipal water supply service for such residential area and (ii) any requested service connections for residential properties in existence
SB-1050: Coal ash landfill storage; provision of public water supply, etc.
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeremy McPike
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0503) on 03/24/2023
Landfill siting; proximity to private wells. [HB-1370]
Landfill siting; proximity to private wells. Prohibits the siting of a new municipal solid waste landfill within one mile upgradient of any existing private well.
HB-1370: Landfill siting; proximity to private wells.
Sponsored by: Rep. Sam Rasoul
Tabled In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources (14-y 8-n) on 01/25/2023
Relating To Environmental Impact Statements. [SB-2062]
Exempts the proposed drilling, construction, or use of a well on lands leased from the Department of Agriculture from the requirements of the environmental impact statements law, provided that the land is being used to support agriculture and food production.
SB-2062: Relating To Environmental Impact Statements.
Sponsored by: Sen. Gil Keith-agaran
Reported From Aen/wtl (stand. Com. Rep. No. 2387) With Recommendation Of Passage On Second Reading And Referral To Jdc. on 02/16/2022
Landfill siting; proximity to private wells. [HB-1200]
Landfill siting; proximity to private wells. Prohibits the siting of a new municipal solid waste landfill within one mile upgradient of any existing private well.
HB-1200: Landfill siting; proximity to private wells.
Sponsored by: Rep. Lee Ware
Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 02/15/2022