Vehicle Laws - Miscellaneous

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Rental Vehicles - Security [HB-1003]
Establishing that the owner of a rental vehicle may satisfy a certain insurance requirement by maintaining a certain security that is secondary to any other valid and collectible coverage under certain circumstances and subject to a certain exception; providing that security maintained by the owner of a rental vehicle or replacement vehicle is primary under certain circumstances; requiring the owner of a rental vehicle to provide a certain notice to the renter of the rental vehicle; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dereck Davis Approved By The Governor - Chapter 471 on 05/13/2019

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Motor Vehicle Insurance - Program to Incentivize and Enable Uninsured Vehicle Owners to Be Insured [SB-888]
Establishing in the Motor Vehicle Administration the Program to Incentivize and Enable Uninsured Vehicle Owners to Be Insured; specifying the eligibility requirements; requiring the Administration to waive a portion of specified delinquent uninsured vehicle penalties; specifying the conditions under which a portion of specified delinquent uninsured vehicle penalties may be waived; requiring a specified vehicle owner to pay a specified amount owed; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley Approved By The Governor - Chapter 446 on 05/10/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Rental Vehicle Companies - Right of Subrogation [SB-751]
Establishing that a rental vehicle company or its designee has a specified right of subrogation against specified persons for specified claims paid by the rental vehicle company or the designee that arose out of the use or operation of the rental vehicle; requiring a rental vehicle company that receives a third-party claim to provide a specified notice; authorizing an insurer to assume the handling of a specified claim; requiring a rental vehicle company to handle a claim until a specified insurer assumes the handling; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle Favorable With Amendments Report By Finance on 04/11/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Application - Park Model Recreational Vehicles - Definition [SB-579]
Establishing that a park model recreational vehicle is considered to be a travel trailer for the purposes of the Maryland Vehicle Law; defining the term "park model recreational vehicle"; and making specified conforming changes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Victor Ramirez Approved By The Governor - Chapter 407 on 05/10/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Driving While License is Suspended - Prison Sentence Repeal [SB-41]
Repealing the prison sentence for driving a motor vehicle while a person's license or privilege to drive is suspended under specified provisions of State law relating to the lapse of required security, noncompliance with traffic citations, and nonpayment of fines; and repealing the prison sentences for driving a motor vehicle while a person's license or privilege to drive is suspended by another state for failure to comply with a specified notice to appear in court or to pay a specified fine; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Brochin Hearing 1/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/19/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Cats and Dogs Left Unattended - Authorized Removal [SB-36]
Altering a provision of law to authorize any person, instead of only specified persons, to use reasonable force to remove an unattended cat or dog from a motor vehicle under specified circumstances.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Simonaire Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 02/01/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

School Vehicles - Seat Belts - Requirements [SB-183]
Prohibiting specified persons from allowing pupils to stand in a school vehicle while the school vehicle is in motion; requiring school vehicles in the State to be equipped with seat belts; prohibiting a person from operating a specified school vehicle unless the person and each occupant under 16 years old are restrained by a seat belt; providing for a delayed effective date; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse Hearing 2/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/02/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Driving Records - Expungement - Refusal to Submit to Chemical Test for Intoxication [SB-152]
Requiring the Motor Vehicle Administration, at the request of a licensee, to expunge the licensee's public driving record solely with respect to the licensee's refusal to submit to a chemical test for intoxication if, at the time the request is made, the licensee has been charged with and found not guilty of a specified violation and a specified suspension or disqualification period has expired.


Sponsored by: Sen. Johnny Salling Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn on 02/08/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Task Force to Study Issues Related to the Use of Self-Driving Vehicles [SB-126]
Establishing the Task Force to Study Issues Related to the Use of Self-Driving Vehicles; requiring the Task Force to determine the most effective and appropriate best practices for governing self-driving vehicles based on a review of specified information; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; requiring the Task Force to make specified recommendations; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before January 1, 2018; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Andrew Serafini Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 02/08/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Mopeds and Motor Scooters - Failure to Carry Required Security - Penalty [SB-1122]
Providing a maximum fine of $50 for failure to carry evidence of the required security while operating a moped or motor scooter.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier Hearing 3/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/17/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Application - Park Model Recreational Vehicles - Definition [HB-922]
Establishing that a park model recreational vehicle is considered to be a travel trailer for the purposes of the Maryland Vehicle Law; defining the term "park model recreational vehicle"; and making specified conforming changes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Approved By The Governor - Chapter 408 on 05/10/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Motor Vehicle Insurance - Program to Incentivize and Enable Uninsured Vehicle Owners to Be Insured [HB-912]
Establishing in the Motor Vehicle Administration the Program to Incentivize and Enable Uninsured Vehicle Owners to Be Insured; specifying the eligibility requirements; requiring the Administration to waive 80% of a vehicle owner's delinquent uninsured vehicle penalties that became delinquent before January 1, 2014; specifying the conditions under which a portion of specified delinquent uninsured vehicle penalties may be waived; requiring a specified vehicle owner to pay a specified amount owed; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. C. William Frick Approved By The Governor - Chapter 447 on 05/10/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Unlawful Use of Off-Highway Recreational Vehicles - Repeal of Administrative Penalties [HB-817]
Repealing the requirement that a court notify the Motor Vehicle Administration if a person is convicted of unlawfully using an off-highway recreational vehicle on a highway; repealing the requirement that the Administration suspend the driver's license of a person convicted of unlawfully using an off-highway recreational vehicle on a highway; repealing the requirement that a court notify the Administration if a person is convicted of a violation related to dispensing motor fuel into a dirt bike in Baltimore City; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/14/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Task Force to Study Issues Related to the Use of Self-Driving Vehicles [HB-8]
Establishing the Task Force to Study Issues Related to the Use of Self-Driving Vehicles; requiring the Task Force to determine the most effective and appropriate best practices for governing self-driving vehicles based on a review of specified information; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; requiring the Task Force to make specified recommendations; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before January 1, 2018; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Pamela Beidle Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/14/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Electric Personal Assistive Mobility Device - Definition [HB-688]
Altering the definition of "electric personal assistive mobility device" to require that the device have a specified steering mechanism and a specified platform on which the rider stands.


Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam Hearing 3/24 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/24/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - School Vehicles - Definition [HB-681]
Altering the definition of "school vehicle"; establishing that a school vehicle includes specified vehicles that meet or comply with specified standards and requirements, were originally used to transport children, students, and teachers in another state, and are used only for transporting children to and from a Head Start program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve Hearing 3/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/29/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Cats and Dogs Left Unattended - Authorized Removal [HB-679]
Authorizing a person to use reasonable force to remove an unattended cat or dog from a motor vehicle if the person reasonably believes that the health or safety of the dog or cat is imminently endangered, provided that the person contacts law enforcement, the fire department, or 9-1-1, leaves contact information and notice that emergency services have been contacted, and remains with the cat or dog until law enforcement or the fire department arrives.


Sponsored by: Rep. April Rose Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/07/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Driving While License is Suspended - Prison Sentence Repeal [HB-348]
Repealing the prison sentence for driving a motor vehicle while a person's license or privilege to drive is suspended under specified provisions of State law relating to the lapse of required security, noncompliance with traffic citations, and nonpayment of fines; and repealing the prison sentences for driving a motor vehicle while a person's license or privilege to drive is suspended by another state for failure to comply with a specified notice to appear in court or to pay a specified fine.


Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/31/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Driving Without a License or While License is Suspended - Penalties [HB-347]
Altering the maximum penalty for driving a motor vehicle while a person's license or privilege to drive is suspended under specified provisions of State law; altering the maximum penalty for driving a motor vehicle while a person's license or privilege to drive is suspended by another state under specified circumstances; and altering the maximum penalty for driving on a highway without a license.


Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/31/2016

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Vehicle Laws - Proof of Insurance for Motor Vehicles Registered in Another State [HB-1641]
Prohibiting a person from operating or allowing to be operated a motor vehicle registered in another state if the person knows or has reason to know that the motor vehicle does not have a valid motor vehicle insurance policy; and prohibiting a person from willfully and knowingly providing false proof of insurance for a motor vehicle registered in another state.


Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 03/14/2016

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