School Vehicles - Seat Belts - Requirements [SB-155]
Requiring school vehicles registered in the State and purchased on or after July 1, 2018, regardless of the date the school vehicle was manufactured or assembled, to be equipped with specified seat belts for every seat on the school vehicle; and providing for the application of specified requirements relating to seat belts on school vehicles.
SB-155: School Vehicles - Seat Belts - Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 02/06/2017
Code Revision - Maryland Vehicle Law - Penalties [SB-165]
Revising, restating, and recodifying the laws of this State relating to penalties for violations of the Maryland Vehicle Law; repealing specified redundant provisions; clarifying language; making specified technical and stylistic changes; providing for the construction of the Act; providing for the effect and construction of specified provisions of the Act; and authorizing the publisher of the Annotated Code to make specified corrections in a specified manner.
SB-165: Code Revision - Maryland Vehicle Law - Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Miller
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 55 on 04/11/2017
Motor Vehicles - Autonomous and Connected Vehicles [SB-9]
Authorizing the Motor Vehicle Administration, in consultation with the Department of State Police, to adopt regulations governing the inspection, registration, and safe testing and operation of autonomous and connected vehicles and the safe testing and operation of autonomous technologies on the highways of the State.
SB-9: Motor Vehicles - Autonomous and Connected Vehicles
Sponsored by: Sen.
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 02/13/2017
Vehicle Laws - School Vehicles - Definition [HB-23]
Altering the definition of "school vehicle" to include specified vehicles that were originally titled and used to transport children, students, and teachers in another state, comply with the regulations on transporting children enrolled in the federally funded Head Start Program, and are used only for transporting children to and from a Head Start program.
HB-23: Vehicle Laws - School Vehicles - Definition
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Hearing 1/26 At 2:00 P.m. on 01/26/2018
Private Passenger Motor Vehicle Liability Insurance - Enhanced Underinsured Motorist Coverage [HB-5]
Authorizing a specified insured to elect to obtain specified enhanced underinsured motorist coverage under a private passenger motor vehicle liability insurance policy; requiring specified insurers to offer an enhanced underinsured motorist coverage under specified circumstances; altering a specified prohibition on the recovery of benefits under specified coverages; applying the Act to each policy of private passenger motor vehicle insurance issued, sold, or delivered in the State on or after July 1, 2018; etc.
Motor Vehicle Administration - Public Records Inspections - Young Persons [HB-31]
Prohibiting the Motor Vehicle Administration from opening to public inspection specified records of specified driver's license suspensions that apply to specified young persons until the date that the suspension commences; and creating specified exceptions to the prohibition.
HB-31: Motor Vehicle Administration - Public Records Inspections - Young Persons
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 02/20/2017