United Kingdom

State (Texas)
Texas 89th Legislature Regular Session

Recognizing the evolving partnership between the State of Texas and the United Kingdom. [SR-85]
Recognizing the evolving partnership between the State of Texas and the United Kingdom.


Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Parker Received By The Secretary Of The Senate on 02/11/2025

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US Congress 117th Congress

HARD ROCK Act of 2022 Homeland Acceleration of Recovering Deposits and Renewing Onshore Critical Keystones Act of 2022 [S.4404]
A bill to authorize certain actions to address domestic industrial base shortfalls, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Angus King Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Banking, Housing, And Urban Affairs. on 06/14/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Fixing Our Regulatory Mayhem Upsetting Little Americans Act FORMULA Act [S.4261]
A bill to suspend duties and other restrictions on the importation of infant formula to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Chuck Grassley Received In The House. on 06/24/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Freedom to Import Infant Formula Act of 2022 [S.4252]
A bill to terminate duties and other restrictions on the importation of infant formula, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Mike Lee Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Finance. on 05/18/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

FORMULA Act Fixing Our Regulatory Mayhem Upsetting Little Americans Act [HB-7808]
To suspend duties and other restrictions on the importation of infant formula to address the shortage of infant formula in the United States, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Chris Stewart Introduced In House on 05/17/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

A resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) continues to make an invaluable contribution to the United States and international security, and recognizing that the United States will seek a successful Ninth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. [SR-611]
A resolution expressing the sense of Congress that the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) continues to make an invaluable contribution to the United States and international security, and recognizing that the United States will seek a successful Ninth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Menendez Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 05/03/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Condemning the killing of 14 individuals and violence on Bloody Sunday, one of the most tragic of days during the Troubles 50 years ago, and calling on all parties to take meaningful steps toward peace and reconciliation. [HR-888]
A resolution condemning the killing of 14 individuals and violence on Bloody Sunday, one of the most tragic of days during the Troubles 50 years ago, and calling on all parties to take meaningful steps toward peace and reconciliation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Mr. Keating Moved To Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Resolution, As Amended. on 03/17/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Defending Ukraine Sovereignty Act of 2022 [HB-6470]
To counter the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and Eastern European allies, to expedite security assistance to Ukraine to bolster Ukraine's defense capabilities, and to impose sanctions relating to the actions of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald Connolly Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 11/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Defending Ukraine Sovereignty Act of 2022 [S.3488]
A bill to counter the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and Eastern European allies, to expedite security assistance to Ukraine to bolster Ukraine's defense capabilities, and to impose sanctions relating to the actions of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Read The Second Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 251. on 01/18/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

COVID Act of 2022 Coronavirus Origin Validation, Investigation, and Determination Act of 2022 [S.3463]
A bill to impose sanctions and other measures in response to the failure of the Government of the People's Republic of China to allow an investigation into the origins of COVID-19 at suspect laboratories in Wuhan.


Sponsored by: Sen. Chuck Grassley Read The Second Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 243. on 01/18/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

A concurrent resolution condemning the October 25, 2021, military coup in Sudan and standing with the people of Sudan. [SCR-20]
A concurrent resolution condemning the October 25, 2021, military coup in Sudan and standing with the people of Sudan.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Menendez Received In The House. on 05/12/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Condemning the October 25, 2021, military coup in Sudan and standing with the people of Sudan. [HCR-59]
Condemning the October 25, 2021, military coup in Sudan and standing with the people of Sudan.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gregory Meeks Received In The Senate. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 447. on 07/18/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Expressing support for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow and reaffirming the United States commitment to international cooperation combating climate change. [HR-755]
Expressing support for the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference in Glasgow and reaffirming the United States commitment to international cooperation combating climate change.


Sponsored by: Rep. Raul Grijalva Referred To The Subcommittee On International Development, International Organizations And Global Corporate Social Impact. on 10/29/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

A resolution reiterating United States support for the people of the Republic of South Sudan in their quest for lasting peace, stability, and democracy after 10 years of independence and calling for a review of United States policy toward South Sudan. [SR-380]
A resolution reiterating United States support for the people of the Republic of South Sudan in their quest for lasting peace, stability, and democracy after 10 years of independence and calling for a review of United States policy toward South Sudan.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cory Booker Resolution Agreed To In Senate With An Amendment And An Amended Preamble By Voice Vote. (consideration: Cr S9082-9084; Text: Cr S9084-9085) on 12/09/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the political situation in Belarus. [SR-345]
A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate on the political situation in Belarus.


Sponsored by: Sen. Edward Markey Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S452-454) on 02/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

American Nuclear Infrastructure Act of 2021 [S.2373]
A bill to reestablish United States global leadership in nuclear energy, revitalize domestic nuclear energy supply chain infrastructure, support the licensing of advanced nuclear technologies, and improve the regulation of nuclear energy, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cory Booker Committee On Environment And Public Works. Hearings Held. on 02/09/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

To prohibit the issuance of F or J visas to researchers affiliated with the Chinese People's Liberation Army. [HB-4361]
To prohibit the issuance of F or J visas to researchers affiliated with the Chinese People's Liberation Army.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Gallagher Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 11/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Hong Kong People’s Freedom and Choice Act of 2021 [HB-4276]
To provide for temporary protected status for residents of Hong Kong, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald Connolly Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 11/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

COVID–19 Origins Accountability Act of 2021 [HB-4048]
To impose sanctions and other measures in response to the failure of the Government of the People's Republic of China to allow an investigation into the origins of COVID-19 at suspect laboratories in Wuhan.


Sponsored by: Rep. John Katko Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 11/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

COVID Act of 2021 Coronavirus Origin Validation, Investigation, and Determination Act of 2021 [S.2148]
A bill to impose sanctions and other measures in response to the failure of the Government of the People's Republic of China to allow an investigation into the origins of COVID-19 at suspect laboratories in Wuhan.


Sponsored by: Sen. Marco Rubio Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 06/21/2021

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