National Patriots Memorial Act [HB-2420]
National Patriots Memorial Act - Authorizes the Benjamin Harrison Society to establish a memorial in the District of Columbia to honor patriots of the American Revolutionary War and the War of 1812 who served in the Armed Forces or who contributed funds in support of the wars of independence, as well as allies who fought in support of the nation's freedom in such Wars.
HB-2420: National Patriots Memorial Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Eleanor Norton
Referred To The Subcommittee On Public Lands And Environmental Regulation. on 06/25/2013
Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument Preservation Act [HB-1501]
Prison Ship Martyrs' Monument Preservation Act - Directs the Secretary of the Interior to study the suitability and feasibility of designating the Prison Ship Martyr's Monument in Fort Greene Park in the New York City borough of Brooklyn as a unit of the National Park System (NPS). Requires the study to include: (1) an analysis of operational issues that should be considered if the Monument were to be designated as an NPS unit; (2) an analysis of the feasibility of administering the Monument, considering its size, configuration, and other factors
American Battlefield Protection Program Amendments Act of 2013 [HB-1033]
American Battlefield Protection Program Amendments Act of 2013 - Amends the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009 to reauthorize through FY2018 and expand the Battlefield Acquisition Grant Program to: (1) include the preservation of Revolutionary War and War of 1812 sites in the United States; and (2) permit the acquisition not only of an interest in an eligible site, but also an eligible site. Requires acquisitions of lands or interests under the Act to be from willing sellers only. Requires the Program to submit to Congress a report on activities
HB-1033: American Battlefield Protection Program Amendments Act of 2013
Sponsored by: Rep. Ted Poe
Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 398. on 05/22/2014
SR-531: A resolution commemorating the success of Team USA in the past 25 Olympic Games and supporting Team USA in the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.
Sponsored by: Sen. Amy Klobuchar
Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S5626-5627; Text As Passed Senate: Cr S5626-5627; Text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S5493-5494) on 07/26/2012
You have voted SR-531: A resolution commemorating the success of Team USA in the past 25 Olympic Games and supporting Team USA in the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games..
SR-513: A resolution recognizing the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, which was fought between the United States of American and Great Britain beginning on June 18, 1812, in response to British violations of neutral rights of the United States, seizure of ships of the United States, restriction of trade between the United States and other countries, and the impressment of sailors of the United States into the Royal Navy.
Sponsored by: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
Referred To The Committee On The Judiciary. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S4726-4727) on 06/28/2012
You have voted SR-513: A resolution recognizing the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812, which was fought between the United States of American and Great Britain beginning on June 18, 1812, in response to British violations of neutral rights of the United States, seizure of ships of the United States, restriction of trade between the United States and other countries, and the impressment of sailors of the United States into the Royal Navy..
SR-504: A resolution expressing support for the International Olympic Committee to recognize with a minute of silence at the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony the athletes and others killed at the 1972 Munich Olympics.
Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey
Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S4594; Text As Passed Senate: Cr S4594; Text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S4463-4464) on 06/25/2012
You have voted SR-504: A resolution expressing support for the International Olympic Committee to recognize with a minute of silence at the 2012 Olympics Opening Ceremony the athletes and others killed at the 1972 Munich Olympics..
SR-487: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the ambush marketing adversely affects Team USA and the Olympic and Paralympic Movements and should not be condoned.
Sponsored by: Sen. John Boozman
Referred To The Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation. (text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S3843-3844) on 06/07/2012
You have voted SR-487: A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the ambush marketing adversely affects Team USA and the Olympic and Paralympic Movements and should not be condoned..
SR-388: A resolution commemorating the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 and "The Star Spangled Banner", and recognizing the historical significance, heroic human endeavor, and sacrifice of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Revenue Marine Service, and State militias, during the War of 1812.
Sponsored by: Sen. Rob Portman
Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S1369; Text As Passed Senate: Cr S1369; Text Of Measure As Introduced: Cr S1208-1209) on 03/01/2012
You have voted SR-388: A resolution commemorating the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 and "The Star Spangled Banner", and recognizing the historical significance, heroic human endeavor, and sacrifice of the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Revenue Marine Service, and State militias, during the War of 1812..
S.883: A bill to authorize National Mall Liberty Fund D.C. to establish a memorial on Federal land in the District of Columbia to honor free persons and slaves who fought for independence, liberty, and justice for all during the American Revolution.
Sponsored by: Sen. Chuck Grassley
Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. Reported By Senator Bingaman Under Authority Of The Order Of The Senate Of 12/17/2011 Without Amendment. With Written Report No. 112-118. on 01/13/2012
You have voted S.883: A bill to authorize National Mall Liberty Fund D.C. to establish a memorial on Federal land in the District of Columbia to honor free persons and slaves who fought for independence, liberty, and justice for all during the American Revolution..
American Battlefield Protection Program Amendments Act of 2011 [S.779]
American Battlefield Protection Program Amendments Act of 2011 - Amends the Omnibus Public Land Management Act of 2009, with respect to the Battlefield Acquisition Grant Program, to: (1) expand the current definition of "battlefield report" to include the report entitled "Report to Congress on the Historic Preservation of Revolutionary War and War of 1812 Sites in the United States"; and (2) expand the Program to permit the acquisition not only of an "interest in an eligible site," but also an "eligible site." Requires acquisitions of lands or
S.779: American Battlefield Protection Program Amendments Act of 2011
Sponsored by: Sen. Christopher Coons
Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. Reported By Senator Bingaman Under Authority Of The Order Of The Senate Of 12/17/2011 Without Amendment. With Written Report No. 112-116. on 01/13/2012
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 [S.3254]
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 - Division A: Department of Defense Authorizations - Title I: Procurement - Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations - (Sec. 101) Authorizes appropriations for FY2013 for the Department of Defense (DOD) for procurement for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, Air Force, and defense-wide activities, in amounts specified in the funding table in Division D of this Act. Subtitle B: Army Programs - (Sec. 111) Authorizes the Secretary of the Army, beginning with the FY2013 program year, to enter into
S.3254: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013
Sponsored by: Sen. Carl Levin
Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Res. 829, Papers Are Returned To The Senate. on 12/12/2012
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 [S.2467]
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013 - Authorizes appropriations for the Department of Defense (DOD) for FY2013. Authorizes appropriations to DOD for: (1) procurement, including aircraft, missiles, weapons and tracked combat vehicles, ammunition, shipbuilding and conversion, and other procurement; (2) the Joint Improvised Explosive Device Defeat Fund; (3) purchases under the Defense Production Act of 1950; (4) research, development, test, and evaluation; (5) operation and maintenance; (6) active and reserve military personnel;
S.2467: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013
Sponsored by: Sen. John McCain
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr S2828) on 04/26/2012
R.M.S. Titanic Maritime Memorial Preservation Act of 2012 [S.2279]
R.M.S. Titanic Maritime Memorial Preservation Act of 2012 - Amends the R.M.S. Titanic Maritime Memorial Act of 1986 (the Act) to provide for the scope and applicability of the Act, including persons and vessels subject to U.S. jurisdiction. Makes it unlawful for any such person or vessel to: (1) engage in an activity that disturbs, removes, or damages Titanic property; (2) engage in an activity at the Titanic wreck site that poses a significant threat to public safety; (3) engage in an activity that violates any provision of the Act; (4) sell, purchase,
S.2279: R.M.S. Titanic Maritime Memorial Preservation Act of 2012
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Blumenthal
By Senator Rockefeller From Committee On Commerce, Science, And Transportation Filed Written Report. Report No. 112-247. on 12/05/2012
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 [S.1867]
National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012 - Division A: Department of Defense Authorizations - Title I: Procurement - Subtitle A: Authorization of Appropriations - (Sec. 101) Authorizes appropriations for FY2012 for the Department of Defense (DOD) for procurement for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, Air Force, and defense-wide activities, in amounts specified in the funding table in Division D of this Act. Subtitle B: Navy Programs - (Sec. 121) Authorizes the Secretary of the Navy to enter into one or more multiyear contracts, beginning
S.1867: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012
Sponsored by: Sen. Carl Levin
Considered By Senate. (consideration: Cr S8094-8138) on 12/01/2011
Newtown Battlefield Special Resource Study Act [S.1482]
Newtown Battlefield Special Resource Study Act - Directs the Secretary of the Interior, subject to the availability of appropriations, to conduct a special resource study to evaluate the significance of the Newtown Battlefield in Chemung County, New York (where the Battle of Newtown was fought on August 29, 1779, during the Revolutionary War), as well as the suitability and feasibility of the Battlefield's inclusion in the National Park System.
S.1482: Newtown Battlefield Special Resource Study Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Energy And Natural Resources. on 08/02/2011
Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 [S.1426]
Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013 - Transfers statutory responsibility for performing actuarial duties related to the Department of State's retirement systems from the Secretary of the Treasury to the Secretary of State (Secretary). Authorizes Department and Foreign Service special agents to investigate: (1) illegal passport or visa issuance or use, (2) Department-related identity theft and document fraud, and (3) federal offenses committed in the special maritime and territorial jurisdictions (nonmilitary) of the
S.1426: Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Years 2012 and 2013
Sponsored by: Sen. John Kerry
Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 07/27/2011
HR-94: Calling for an end to the violence, unlawful arrests, torture, and ill treatment perpetrated against Iranian citizens, as well as the unconditional release of all political prisoners in Iran.
Sponsored by: Sen. Marsha Blackburn
Referred To The Subcommittee On Middle East And South Asia . on 03/08/2011
You have voted HR-94: Calling for an end to the violence, unlawful arrests, torture, and ill treatment perpetrated against Iranian citizens, as well as the unconditional release of all political prisoners in Iran..
Supporting the goals and ideals of the Olympic movement. [HR-780]
Expresses support for the goals and ideals of the Olympic movement. Congratulates the U.S. Olympic Committee and the U.S. Olympic and Paralympic teams for their accomplishments during the 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games in London, England.
HR-780: Supporting the goals and ideals of the Olympic movement.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Langevin
Sponsor Introductory Remarks On Measure. (cr E1632) on 09/21/2012
You have voted HR-685: Recognizing the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 and the ensuing 200 years of peace and cooperation between the United States and Canada..
HR-663: Expressing support for the International Olympic Committee to recognize with a minute of silence at every future Olympics Opening Ceremony those who lost their lives at the 1972 Munich Olympics, and for other purposes.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald Connolly
Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held. on 06/07/2012
You have voted HR-663: Expressing support for the International Olympic Committee to recognize with a minute of silence at every future Olympics Opening Ceremony those who lost their lives at the 1972 Munich Olympics, and for other purposes..