Consumer Protection - Automatic Tip Prompt Screen - Requirements [HB-419]
Requiring certain businesses that use a point-of-sale system that automatically prompts a customer to leave a tip to disclose to whom the tip will be allocated and display a tip amount that is set at zero by default; and establishing that a violation of the Act is an unfair, abusive, or deceptive trade practice.
HB-419: Consumer Protection - Automatic Tip Prompt Screen - Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Robbyn Lewis
Hearing 3/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/19/2024
Courts - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation [HB-330]
Altering the conditions under which a lawsuit is considered a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP suit); altering the conditions under which a defendant in a SLAPP suit is not civilly liable for certain communications; establishing certain standards and requirements relating to a motion to dismiss an alleged SLAPP suit; and applying the Act prospectively.
HB-330: Courts - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Hearing Canceled on 02/05/2024
Relating To Gasoline Price Gouging. [HB-557]
Makes the sale of gasoline for an unconscionably excessive price during periods of abnormal disruption of the market an unfair trade practice. Increases penalties for violations of the law regulating unfair trade practices by the petroleum industry. Authorizes the courts to order all or a portion of any civil penalty imposed to be deposited into the energy security special fund.
HB-557: Relating To Gasoline Price Gouging.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gene Ward
Carried Over To 2024 Regular Session. on 12/11/2023
Electricity and Gas - Retail Supply - Regulation and Consumer Protection [SB-1]
Altering a certain charge that may be assessed to a public service company; providing for the recovery of certain costs through rates; establishing an energy salesperson license for certain persons that offer or sell electricity supply agreements or gas supply agreements to customers in the State; establishing an energy vendor license for certain persons that provide energy sales services in the State; prohibiting a certain electricity supplier from marketing electricity as green power unless certain conditions are met; etc.
SB-1: Electricity and Gas - Retail Supply - Regulation and Consumer Protection
Sponsored by: Sen. Malcolm Augustine
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 537 on 05/09/2024
Task Force to Study E-Commerce Monopolies in the State (E-Commerce Antimonopoly Study of 2024) [HB-53]
Establishing the Task Force to Study E-Commerce Monopolies in the State to investigate the business practices and industry impacts of e-commerce businesses that individually have annual revenue exceeding $10,000,000,000, have a presence in the State, and are engaged in selling on their own online platforms first- and third-party products; requiring the Task Force to report its findings and recommendations to the General Assembly by December 1, 2024; etc.
HB-53: Task Force to Study E-Commerce Monopolies in the State (E-Commerce Antimonopoly Study of 2024)
Sponsored by: Rep. Chao Wu
Hearing 3/19 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/15/2024
Motor Vehicles - Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements [SB-930]
Requiring recreational vehicle dealers to hold a dealer agreement with manufacturers to sell manufacturer's recreational vehicles in the State; and altering the required terms and conditions of a recreational dealer agreement, including terms and conditions related to termination and nonrenewal, transfer of dealer ownership, warranty obligations, dealer inspection and rejection of recreational vehicles, and prohibited acts, dispute resolution, and penalties.
SB-930: Motor Vehicles - Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay
Rereferred To Judicial Proceedings on 04/10/2023
Real Property - Expedited Wrongful Detainer Proceedings - Property for Sale or Lease [SB-919]
Requiring certain expedited proceedings in a wrongful detainer action if the property that is the subject of the action is, at the time of the complaint, advertised or listed for sale or lease by the complainant and requiring that notice of a hearing or appeal be served in person or, under certain circumstances, posted conspicuously on the property; etc.
SB-919: Real Property - Expedited Wrongful Detainer Proceedings - Property for Sale or Lease
Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray
First Reading Senate Rules on 02/15/2023
Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers - Allocation of Vehicles [HB-955]
Requiring that any system operated by a vehicle manufacturer, distributor, or factory branch or affiliate for allocating new vehicles to dealers be reasonable and fair for all dealers; establishing that, in any dispute over compliance with the Act, a manufacturer, distributor, or factory branch or its affiliate has the burden of proving its compliance; etc.
HB-955: Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers - Allocation of Vehicles
Sponsored by: Rep. Pamela Queen
Third Reading Passed (102-38) on 04/04/2023
Motor Vehicles - Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements [HB-1173]
Requiring recreational vehicle dealers to hold a dealer agreement with manufacturers to sell the manufacturer's recreational vehicles in the State; establishing licensing requirements for a recreational vehicle manufacturer, distributor, or factory branch; altering the required terms and conditions of a recreational dealer agreement; etc.
HB-1173: Motor Vehicles - Recreational Vehicle Dealer Agreements
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Favorable With Amendments Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/10/2023
Commercial Law - Protection of Minors From Unfiltered Tablets or Smart Phones [HB-1082]
Requiring a manufacturer of a tablet or smart phone manufactured on or after January 1, 2024 and sold or offered for sale in the State to manufacture the tablet or smart phone to automatically enable a certain filter, when activated in the State, that prevents the user from accessing or downloading material on certain networks and applications that is harmful to minors; etc.
HB-1082: Commercial Law - Protection of Minors From Unfiltered Tablets or Smart Phones
Sponsored by: Rep. William Wivell
First Reading Economic Matters on 02/10/2023
Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Automated Bill Payments [HB-1205]
Requiring a certain business that uses an automated bill payment system to provide a certain notice in electronic form to a consumer at least 2 business days before each time a payment is to be deducted from the consumer's bank account or credit card account in accordance with a certain contract.
HB-1205: Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Automated Bill Payments
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan McComas
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/08/2023
Environment – Office of Recycling – Mattress Stewardship Program – Establishment [HB-930]
Prohibiting, on and after January 1, 2028, a person from disposing of a mattress in a landfill, subject to certain exceptions; prohibiting, on and after January 1, 2028, a person from disposing of a mattress in an incinerator; requiring certain producers of mattresses sold at retail in the State or a certain representative organization to submit a plan for the establishment of a Mattress Stewardship Program in the Department of the Environment for approval on or before July 1, 2024; establishing a Mattress Stewardship Advisory Board; etc.
HB-930: Environment – Office of Recycling – Mattress Stewardship Program – Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Terri Hill
Hearing 3/09 At 1:00 P.m. (environment And Transportation) on 02/13/2023
Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Ticket Sales (Event-Goer Rights and Accountable Sales (ERAS) Act) [HB-795]
Requiring a ticket issuer, primary ticket sales platform, or secondary ticket exchange to implement a certain refund policy for tickets to certain entertainment events; prohibiting a ticket issuer or seller from restricting the resale, transfer, or offer of resale of tickets or requiring certain identification at the venue; requiring a ticket seller, primary ticket sales platform, or secondary ticket exchange platform to display certain information; etc.
HB-795: Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Ticket Sales (Event-Goer Rights and Accountable Sales (ERAS) Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Joe Vogel
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/14/2023
Public Safety - Emergency Management - Consumer Protections Against Price Gouging [HB-775]
Prohibiting a person from selling an essential good or service for more than a certain increase in price during and for a certain time after a certain state of emergency; and requiring the Secretary of State to establish an electronic notification system by which a person may register to receive information on whether a state of emergency has been declared and an executive order issued, that the provisions of the Act are in effect, and which categories of essential goods and services are covered by the executive order.
HB-775: Public Safety - Emergency Management - Consumer Protections Against Price Gouging
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 630 on 05/16/2023
Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Ticket Sales (Event-Goer Rights and Accountable Sales (ERAS) Act) [SB-852]
Requiring a ticket issuer, primary ticket sales platform, or secondary ticket exchange to implement a certain refund policy for tickets to certain entertainment events; prohibiting a ticket issuer or seller from restricting the resale, transfer, or offer of resale of tickets or requiring certain identification at the venue; requiring a ticket seller, primary ticket sales platform, or secondary ticket exchange platform to display certain information; etc.
SB-852: Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Ticket Sales (Event-Goer Rights and Accountable Sales (ERAS) Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing Canceled on 03/03/2023
Consumer Protection - Right to Repair - Farm Equipment [HB-712]
Requiring a farm equipment manufacturer to make available certain documentation, updates, or information to an independent repair provider or owner of farm equipment to allow for the diagnosis, maintenance, or repair of the farm equipment; prohibiting a farm equipment manufacturer from knowingly misrepresenting or withholding farm equipment part numbers from a customer for a certain purpose; etc.
HB-712: Consumer Protection - Right to Repair - Farm Equipment
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Ebersole
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/28/2023
Courts - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation [SB-619]
Altering the conditions under which a lawsuit is considered a strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP suit); altering the conditions under which a defendant in a SLAPP suit is not civilly liable for certain communications; establishing certain standards and requirements relating to a motion to dismiss an alleged SLAPP suit; and applying the Act prospectively.
SB-619: Courts - Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation
Sponsored by: Sen. Shelly Hettleman
Hearing 3/15 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2023