Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Nontransferable Ticketing Systems [HB-1114]
Prohibiting a ticket issuer from using a nontransferable ticketing system except under specified circumstances; prohibiting a purchaser or a seller of a ticket from being penalized, discriminated against, or denied access to an event under specified circumstances; authorizing a ticket issuer, an operator of a venue, or an agent of the operator to maintain and enforce specified policies, establish specified limits, revoke or restrict specified tickets, and opt not to sell tickets in a specified form under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1114: Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Nontransferable Ticketing Systems
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters; Withdrawn on 03/18/2017
Vehicle Laws - Dealers - Performance Standards [HB-1120]
Establishing that specified provisions of State law governing performance standards for vehicle dealers apply to vehicle manufacturers notwithstanding specified other agreements; requiring that the assignment of a dealer's market area meet specified standards; and requiring vehicle manufacturers to consider specified factors in assigning a market area and applying performance standards, sales objectives, or programs for measuring dealer performance.
Real Property - Rent-to-Own Agreements and Contracts - Requirements [HB-1173]
Requiring a landlord who offers a dwelling unit for rent in the State under a rent-to-own agreement on or after October 1, 2017, to use a written lease; prohibiting a landlord from entering into or offering to enter into a rent-to-own agreement with a tenant except under specified circumstances; requiring a specified landlord to deliver a copy of a specified attorney certification to a prospective tenant together with a rent-to-own contract; etc.
HB-1173: Real Property - Rent-to-Own Agreements and Contracts - Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/13/2017
Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Nontransferable Ticketing Systems [SB-892]
Prohibiting a ticket issuer from using a nontransferable ticketing system under specified circumstances; prohibiting a purchaser or a seller of a ticket from being penalized, discriminated against, or denied access to an event under specified circumstances; authorizing a ticket issuer, an operator of a venue, or an agent of the operator to maintain and enforce specified policies, establish specified limits, revoke or restrict specified tickets and opt not to sell tickets in a specified form under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-892: Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Nontransferable Ticketing Systems
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing 3/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/01/2017
Vehicle Laws - Dealers - Performance Standards [SB-1004]
Establishing that specified provisions of State law governing performance standards for vehicle dealers apply to vehicle manufacturers notwithstanding specified other agreements; requiring that the assignment of a dealer's market area meet specified standards; and requiring vehicle manufacturers to consider specified factors in assigning a market area and applying performance standards, sales objectives, or programs for measuring dealer performance.
Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers [SB-566]
Altering specified provisions of law governing the payment of warranty claims made by vehicle manufacturers to vehicle dealers; altering the time periods within which a vehicle manufacturer may charge back specified payments or credits made to vehicle dealers under warranty, incentive, or reimbursement programs; etc.
SB-566: Vehicle Laws - Manufacturers and Dealers
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 2/22 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/22/2017
Maryland Paint Stewardship Program [HB-674]
Requiring specified producers or a representative organization to submit a plan for the establishment of a Paint Stewardship Program to the Department of the Environment on or before January 1, 2018, in accordance with specified requirements; requiring the Department to review and approve specified plans, including a specified assessment, submitted in accordance with the Paint Stewardship Program; prohibiting the sale of specified architectural paint after a specified date or 3 months after plan approval; etc.
HB-674: Maryland Paint Stewardship Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Stephen Lafferty
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 03/13/2017
Bail Bond - Installment Contract - Form and Confessed Judgment Prohibition [SB-459]
Requiring an agreement to accept payment for the premium charged for a bail bond in installments to be in a form approved by the Maryland Insurance Commissioner; prohibiting the agreement from including a confessed judgment clause that waives a consumer's right to assert a specified defense; prohibiting a bail bondsman from including a specified confessed judgment clause that waives a consumer's right to assert a specified defense in an agreement to accept payment for the premium charged for a bail bond in installments; etc.
SB-459: Bail Bond - Installment Contract - Form and Confessed Judgment Prohibition
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 807 on 05/27/2017
Maryland Paint Stewardship Program [SB-168]
Requiring specified producers or a representative organization to submit a plan for the establishment of a Paint Stewardship Program to the Department of the Environment on or before January 1, 2018, and in accordance with specified requirements; requiring the Department to review and approve specified plans, including a specified assessment, submitted in accordance with the Paint Stewardship Program; prohibiting the sale of specified architectural paint under specified circumstances beginning July 1, 2018; etc.
SB-168: Maryland Paint Stewardship Program
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Hearing 1/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2017
Internet Consumer Privacy Rights Act of 2017 [SB-1200]
Making it an unfair or deceptive trade practice under the Maryland Consumer Protection Act for an Internet service provider to sell or transfer for marketing purposes a consumer's personally identifying information without the consumer's express and affirmative permission; requiring the Joint Committee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Biotechnology to monitor the enforcement and impact of provisions of the Act on consumers, Internet service providers, and other businesses in the State; requiring a specified report; etc.
SB-1200: Internet Consumer Privacy Rights Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Favorable With Amendments Report Adopted on 04/10/2017