Maryland Civil Litigation Funding Act [HB-873]
Establishing requirements for a contract for nonrecourse civil litigation funding; establishing fees that may be collected by a civil litigation funding company; prohibiting specified acts; requiring each civil litigation funding company to be registered with the Secretary of State; providing that a nonrecourse civil litigation funding transaction under the Act may not be deemed to be a loan; etc.
HB-873: Maryland Civil Litigation Funding Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary Withdrawn on 03/31/2011
Consumer Protection - Free Credit Reports and Credit Scores - Prohibited [HB-738]
Prohibiting a person from offering to provide a consumer with a free credit report or credit score if the offer is contingent on the consumer making a specified purchase or enrolling in a specified program or subscription service; providing that a violation of the Act is an unfair or deceptive trade practice within the meaning of the Maryland Consumer Protection Act; etc.
Consumer Protection - Home Appliances - Warranty Enforcement [HB-715]
Requiring a manufacturer of home appliances or its agent to repair or correct a nonconformity in a home appliance at no cost to the consumer if the home appliance does not conform to the manufacturer's express warranties; requiring a manufacturer, under specified circumstances and at the option of the consumer, to replace a home appliance with a comparable home appliance or accept return of a home appliance and refund the purchase price less reasonable allowances; etc.
HB-715: Consumer Protection - Home Appliances - Warranty Enforcement
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Re-referred Finance on 04/11/2011
Commercial Law - Maryland Consumer Protection Act - Scope [HB-128]
Expanding the scope of the Maryland Consumer Protection Act by altering the definition of "consumer" to include an individual who sells or offers for sale to a merchant consumer goods or consumer realty, and altering the definition of "merchant" to include a person who directly or indirectly purchases or offers to purchase any consumer goods or consumer realty and whose business includes paying off consumer debt in connection with the purchase of consumer goods or consumer realty; etc.
HB-128: Commercial Law - Maryland Consumer Protection Act - Scope
Sponsored by: Rep. Sally Jameson
Approved By The Governor on 05/19/2011
Motor Vehicle Air Bags - Consumer Protection and Reporting Requirements [HB-1203]
Prohibiting specified acts related to the fraudulent sale or installation of motor vehicle air bags; requiring specified records to be maintained in connection with the sale or installation of motor vehicle air bags; requiring specified information to be provided or made available for inspection under specified circumstances; requiring specified accident reports and forms to contain specified information; providing a specified penalty for a violation of the Act; etc.
HB-1203: Motor Vehicle Air Bags - Consumer Protection and Reporting Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. James Malone
Hearing Cancelled on 03/21/2011
Commercial Law - Debt Settlement Services [HB-1022]
Prohibiting a person from providing debt settlement services in the State unless the person is registered as a debt settlement services provider with the Commissioner of Financial Regulation or is exempt; prohibiting a registrant from charging a debt settlement services fee until after specified actions have taken place; requiring that a debt settlement services agreement include specified information and disclosures; providing that a violation of the Act is an unfair or deceptive trade practice; terminating the Act on June 30, 2015; etc.
HB-1022: Commercial Law - Debt Settlement Services
Sponsored by: Rep. Sally Jameson
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Consumer Protection - Cable Operators - Purchase of Cable Converter Box [SB-988]
Requiring a cable operator to provide specified options to subscribers concerning purchase of a cable converter box; providing that a cable operator may continue to offer specified options; prohibiting a cable operator from discriminating between specified subscribers based on a whether a subscriber rents, leases, or owns a cable converter box; etc.
Reverse Mortgage Homeowners Protection Act [SB-878]
Providing that specified provisions of the Act do not require a lender that offers to make a reverse mortgage loan to offer a reverse mortgage loan with specified payment plans or to a specified borrower; requiring specified lenders and arrangers of financing to conform to the requirements of specified federal laws and guidelines under specified circumstances; providing that specified reverse mortgage loans are not subject to specified federal laws or guidelines; etc.
Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Refund Anticipation Loans and Checks [SB-762]
Prohibiting specified persons from soliciting the execution of, processing, receiving, or accepting an application or agreement for a refund anticipation loan or refund anticipation check or facilitating the making of a refund anticipation loan or refund anticipation check under specified circumstances; requiring a facilitator of a refund anticipation loan or refund anticipation check to display a specified schedule of fees in a specified manner; etc.
SB-762: Commercial Law - Consumer Protection - Refund Anticipation Loans and Checks
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Middleton
Hearing 4/1 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/17/2010
Commercial Law - Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices - Disclosure of Prior [SB-744]
Requiring a vehicle dealer who is required by law to make a specified disclosure to consumers regarding the prior use of a vehicle to make a reasonable inquiry about whether the vehicle formerly was used other than for specified purposes; requiring a dealer to disclose that the prior use of a vehicle is unknown under specified circumstances; establishing that a dealer may comply with the requirements of the Act by providing the consumer with a specified vehicle history report; etc.
SB-744: Commercial Law - Unfair or Deceptive Trade Practices - Disclosure of Prior
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Colburn
Hearing Cancelled on 03/02/2010
Consumer Protection - Lifetime Warranties on Consumer Goods [SB-735]
Providing that a manufacturer of a consumer good is liable to a consumer for the fulfillment of a lifetime warranty by the manufacturer on the consumer good under specified circumstances; and providing that a violation of the Act is an unfair or deceptive trade practice under the Maryland Consumer Protection Act and is subject to specified enforcement and penalty provisions.
SB-735: Consumer Protection - Lifetime Warranties on Consumer Goods
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Unfavorable Report By Finance on 03/15/2010
Commercial Law - Debt Settlement Services - Study [SB-701]
Requiring the Office of the Commissioner of Financial Regulation in the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, in consultation with the Consumer Protection Division of the Office of the Attorney General, to conduct a study of the debt settlement services industry; requiring the study to determine how best to regulate the debt settlement services industry in the State; requiring the Office, in consultation with the Division, to establish a workgroup comprising specified representatives; etc.
SB-701: Commercial Law - Debt Settlement Services - Study
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Telephone Bills - Third-Party Vendor Billing [SB-643]
Prohibiting a third-party vendor or billing agent from submitting charges to a specified telephone company or reseller for third-party vendor billing without express authorization from an ordering customer; requiring the authorization to be separate from other documents and to include specified information; requiring a third- party vendor or billing agent to retain a specified copy of the express authorization for 2 years after authorization; etc.
Credit Card Blacklisting Prevention Act [SB-523]
Prohibiting a person from including or enforcing specified provisions in specified consumer credit contracts; permitting specified information to be used to prevent or detect fraudulent activity; providing that a violation of the Act is an unfair or deceptive trade practice under the Maryland Consumer Protection Act and is subject to specified enforcement and penalty provisions; etc.
SB-523: Credit Card Blacklisting Prevention Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Approved By The Governor on 05/04/2010
Motor Vehicle Air Bags - Consumer Protection and Reporting Requirements [SB-209]
Prohibiting specified acts related to the fraudulent sale or installation of motor vehicle air bags; requiring specified records to be maintained in connection with the sale or installation of motor vehicle air bags; requiring specified information to be provided or made available for inspection under specified circumstances; requiring a person who sells or installs salvaged air bags to disclose specified information to specified persons; requiring specified accident reports and forms to contain specified information; etc.
SB-209: Motor Vehicle Air Bags - Consumer Protection and Reporting Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Unfavorable Report By Finance Withdrawn on 02/15/2010
Wireless Telephone Service - Trial Periods and Termination of Service [SB-1008]
Requiring wireless telephone service providers to provide customers with a specified trial period during which the customer may terminate service without incurring specified fees, charges, or penalties; requiring wireless telephone service providers to reduce by a specified amount specified fees and penalties related to the termination of service after the end of the trial period; etc.
SB-1008: Wireless Telephone Service - Trial Periods and Termination of Service
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Exum
Hearing 3/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/10/2010
Telephone Bills - Third-Party Vendor Billing [HB-880]
Prohibiting a third-party vendor or billing agent from submitting charges to a specified telephone company or reseller for third-party vendor billing without express authorization from an ordering customer; requiring the authorization to be separate from other documents and to include specified information; requiring a third- party vendor or billing agent to retain a specified copy of the express authorization for 2 years after authorization; etc.
Reverse Mortgage Homeowners Protection Act [HB-799]
Providing that specified provisions of the Act do not require a lender that offers to make a reverse mortgage loan to offer a reverse mortgage loan with specified payment plans or to a specified borrower; requiring specified lenders and arrangers of financing to conform to the requirements of specified federal laws and guidelines under specified circumstances; providing that specified reverse mortgage loans are not subject to specified federal laws or guidelines; etc.