Employment Discrimination - Fire and Rescue Public Safety Employees - Use of Medical Cannabis [SB-1023]
Prohibiting an employer from taking certain discriminatory employment actions against a fire and rescue public safety employee based on the employee's use of medical cannabis, subject to certain conditions; and requiring an employer to report an incident of a fire and rescue public safety employee reporting for work while impaired by cannabis to the State Emergency Medical Services Board.
SB-1023: Employment Discrimination - Fire and Rescue Public Safety Employees - Use of Medical Cannabis
Sponsored by: Sen. Carl Jackson
Third Reading Passed (36-8) on 03/17/2025
County Superintendents - Contracts - Required Provisions (Superintendent Buyout Limit) [HB-1317]
Requiring that a contract executed between a county board of education and a county superintendent of schools on or after July 1, 2025, include certain provisions that provide for the compensation the county superintendent shall receive on termination of the contract and the continuance of health benefits coverage for 1 year beginning on the date of termination or until the county superintendent secures new employment, whichever occurs first.
Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations [HB-1105]
Requiring child care centers and youth-serving organizations to require applicants for positions involving direct contact with minors to submit certain information; requiring county boards of education, nonpublic schools, and contracting agencies to require applicants for positions involving direct contact with minors to submit certain information relating to certain boundary-violating behavior; requiring child care centers and youth-serving organizations to follow certain procedures when hiring certain applicants; etc.
HB-1105: Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Edith Patterson
Hearing Canceled on 02/07/2025
You have voted HB-1105: Applicants for Positions Involving Direct Contact With Minors - Required Information, Review Process, and Reporting - Alterations.
Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act) [SB-977]
Prohibiting a certain person in possession of certain data, information, and records from sharing or otherwise making the data, information, and records available under certain circumstances; altering certain provisions of law to require a law enforcement agency or a unit of State or local government to deny access to certain databases, facilities, or buildings by certain individuals seeking access for the purpose of enforcing federal immigration law, under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-977: Enforcement of Federal Immigration Law - Restrictions on Access to Information (Maryland Data Privacy Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. Clarence Lam
Hearing Canceled on 03/26/2025
Public Schools and Youth Services - Crisis Support and Assistance and Workgroup Study [SB-770]
Requiring each local school system to provide crisis support to a public school when a teacher or other school employee with direct contact with minors is removed from the school due to alleged criminal activity or for student safety; requiring each county board of education to establish a crisis response team; requiring the State Department of Education to establish a workgroup to examine the impact of requiring applicants for certain positions to include information regarding the applicant's history of boundary-violating behavior; etc.
SB-770: Public Schools and Youth Services - Crisis Support and Assistance and Workgroup Study
Sponsored by: Sen. Dawn Gile
Hearing Canceled on 03/26/2025
Maryland Medical Practice Act and Maryland Physician Assistants Act - Revisions [HB-776]
Repealing obsolete and redundant language in, clarifying language in, and making language consistent across certain provisions of law governing the State Board of Physicians and the regulation of physicians, physician assistants, and allied health professionals; altering certain licensure requirements; altering the grounds for discipline for physicians, physician assistants, and allied health professionals; authorizing the Board to impose a civil penalty for a certain report made in bad faith; etc.
HB-776: Maryland Medical Practice Act and Maryland Physician Assistants Act - Revisions
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Favorable Report By Finance on 03/27/2025
SB-576: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act)
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Motion Recommit To Committee (senator Beidle) Adopted on 03/10/2025
You have voted SB-576: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act).
HB-233: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseline Pena-Melnyk
Referred Finance on 02/26/2025
You have voted HB-233: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Maryland Worker Freedom Act).
Maryland Predictable Scheduling Act [HB-1226]
Establishing certain requirements on food service establishments, hospitality establishments, and retail establishments regarding work schedules for employees, including requirements related to the provision of work schedules to employees, notifications regarding changes to the schedules, and payment of wages to employees whose work schedules are changed by the employer; authorizing certain employees to request an adjustment in a work schedule before beginning a shift; etc.
HB-1226: Maryland Predictable Scheduling Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Foley
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/16/2024
Maryland Predictable Scheduling Act [SB-994]
Establishing certain requirements on food service establishments, hospitality establishments, and retail establishments regarding work schedules for employees, including requirements related to the provision of work schedules to employees, notifications regarding changes to the schedules, and payment of wages to employees whose work schedules are changed by the employer; authorizing certain employees to request an adjustment in a work schedule before beginning a shift; etc.
SB-994: Maryland Predictable Scheduling Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing Canceled on 02/17/2024
HB-802: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Protecting Workers From Captive Audience Meetings Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Lorig Charkoudian
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/01/2024
You have voted HB-802: Labor and Employment - Mandatory Meetings on Religious or Political Matters - Employee Attendance and Participation (Protecting Workers From Captive Audience Meetings Act).
Employment Standards, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage - Employer Adverse Actions - Prohibition [SB-233]
Prohibiting employers from taking or threatening to take adverse action against an employee because the employee takes certain actions regarding rights and responsibilities, complaints, investigations, proceedings, or hearings under certain provisions of law; and authorizing the Commissioner of Labor and Industry to investigate a violation of the Act on the Commissioner's own initiative or on receipt of a written complaint.
SB-233: Employment Standards, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage - Employer Adverse Actions - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 2/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/11/2024
Employment Standards, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage - Employer Adverse Actions and Enforcement [HB-136]
Prohibiting employers from taking or threatening to take adverse action against an employee because the employee takes certain actions regarding rights and responsibilities, complaints, investigations, proceedings, or hearings; authorizing the Commissioner of Labor and Industry, within 90 days after receipt of a written complaint, to investigate a violation and attempt to resolve the issue informally through mediation; etc.
HB-136: Employment Standards, Prevailing Wage, and Living Wage - Employer Adverse Actions and Enforcement
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 207 on 04/25/2024
You have voted SB-85: Corporations and Associations - Limited Worker Cooperative Associations - Authorization (Maryland Limited Cooperative Association Act).
Real Estate Brokers - Disability or Death and Termination of Employment of a Broker [HB-1225]
Requiring an adult family member to submit a death certificate or evidence of disability to the State Real Estate Commission before the family member may carry on the business of a disabled or deceased licensed real estate broker; permitting a certain business to designate a licensed real estate broker to provide real estate brokerage services under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-1225: Real Estate Brokers - Disability or Death and Termination of Employment of a Broker
Sponsored by: Rep. Seth Howard
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 516 on 05/08/2023
Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining [SB-680]
Authorizing employees of county public libraries to form, join, and participate in an employee organization and engage in other activities related to collective bargaining; requiring library employers and certified exclusive representatives to engage in good faith bargaining; establishing a collective bargaining process for employees of county public libraries; establishing a process for resolving impasses during collective bargaining; etc.
SB-680: Public Libraries - Collective Bargaining
Sponsored by: Sen. Pamela Beidle
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/08/2023
Washington County - Deputy Sheriffs and Correctional Deputies - Employment Conditions and Collective Bargaining [HB-637]
Altering the grounds on which a deputy sheriff having a rank of major or below in Washington County may be discharged after 2 years of continuous employment; providing that a special deputy sheriff in Washington County is not a State employee for certain purposes; authorizing sworn deputy sheriffs at the rank of sergeant and below and correctional deputies at the rank of sergeant and below to engage in collective bargaining with the Washington County Sheriff and the County Administrator; etc.
HB-637: Washington County - Deputy Sheriffs and Correctional Deputies - Employment Conditions and Collective Bargaining
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 794 on 05/16/2023