Public Information Act - Denial of Part of a Public Record - Victims and Witnesses [SB-535]
Defining "contrary to the public interest" for the purposes of a certain provision of law authorizing a custodian to deny inspection of a part of a public record because the custodian believes the inspection would reveal the identity of a victim or a witness; defining the term "witness" for the purposes of certain provisions of the Act relating to inspections of part of a 9-1-1 communications record; and requiring a custodian to take certain actions before granting inspection of the part of a 9-1-1 communications record; etc.
SB-535: Public Information Act - Denial of Part of a Public Record - Victims and Witnesses
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Referred Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/28/2020
Drugs and Devices - Electronic Prescriptions - Controlled Dangerous Substances [HB-692]
Authorizing certain controlled dangerous substance prescriptions to be dispensed on an electronic prescription; requiring, except under certain circumstances, a certain health practitioner to issue a prescription for a controlled dangerous substance electronically; authorizing a certain health practitioner to issue a written or oral prescription for a controlled dangerous substance only under certain circumstances; etc.
Telehealth – Mental Health and Chronic Condition Management Services – Coverage and Pilot Program [SB-502]
Requiring the Maryland Medical Assistance Program to provide, subject to a certain limitation, mental health services appropriately delivered through telehealth to a patient in the patient's home setting; altering the definition of telehealth as it applies to certain entities; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to apply to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services for an amendment to certain waivers to implement a pilot program to provide telehealth services under the Maryland Medical Assistance Program; etc.
SB-502: Telehealth – Mental Health and Chronic Condition Management Services – Coverage and Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Sen. William Ferguson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 18 on 04/03/2020
Criminal Law - Crimes Involving Computers - Malware and Ransomware [HB-635]
Prohibiting a person from knowingly possessing certain malware or ransomware with the intent to use that malware or ransomware for the purpose of introduction into a computer, computer network, or computer system of another person without the authorization of the other person; creating a certain exception; establishing a certain penalty; and providing for the prospective application of the Act.
HB-635: Criminal Law - Crimes Involving Computers - Malware and Ransomware
Sponsored by: Rep. Dan Cox
First Reading Judiciary on 01/29/2020
State Finance and Procurement – Procedures and Pricing and Selection Committee for Preferred Providers [HB-649]
Renaming the Pricing and Selection Committee for Blind Industries and Services of Maryland and the Employment Works Program to be the Pricing and Selection Committee for Preferred Providers; requiring the Pricing and Selection Committee to determine the prevailing average market price of certain supplies and services available from Maryland Correctional Enterprises; requiring the Pricing and Selection Committee to review and verify the prevailing average market prices of certain supplies and services; etc.
HB-649: State Finance and Procurement – Procedures and Pricing and Selection Committee for Preferred Providers
Public and Nonpublic Schools - Medical Cannabis - Policy for Administration During School Hours and Events (Connor and Raina's Law) [HB-617]
Authorizing a parent or legal guardian of a medical cannabis patient under the age of 18 years to designate not more than two additional adults to be a caregiver, in addition to the parent or legal guardian; specifying that the definition of "caregiver" does not include designated school personnel; authorizing a qualified patient under the age of 18 years to obtain medical cannabis from certain designated school personnel; exempting certain caregivers and school personnel from certain penalties related to the administration of cannabis; etc.
HB-617: Public and Nonpublic Schools - Medical Cannabis - Policy for Administration During School Hours and Events (Connor and Raina's Law)
Sponsored by: Rep. Shane Pendergrass
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 624 on 05/08/2020
You have voted HB-617: Public and Nonpublic Schools - Medical Cannabis - Policy for Administration During School Hours and Events (Connor and Raina's Law).
Facial Recognition Privacy Protection Act [SB-476]
Expressing the sense of the General Assembly that facial recognition technology can present certain risks as well as provide a variety of benefits and that safeguards are necessary to allow the use of the technology in ways that benefit society; establishing certain requirements and certain prohibited actions relating to provision of facial recognition services by certain persons; prohibiting certain governmental units from using facial recognition services under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-476: Facial Recognition Privacy Protection Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Sydnor
Hearing 3/11 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2020
Income Tax Credit – Individuals Working in STEM Fields – Student Loan Payments [SB-413]
Authorizing a credit against the State income tax for certain individuals with outstanding student loan debt during the taxable year if the debt was incurred to attend an institution of higher education, an associate, bachelor's, graduate, or postgraduate degree was obtained, and the individual is employed full-time by a Maryland-based employer in a certain field; authorizing certain individuals, on or before December 1 each year, to apply for the credit; etc.
SB-413: Income Tax Credit – Individuals Working in STEM Fields – Student Loan Payments
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing Canceled on 02/10/2020
State Retirement Agency - Monitoring and Recording of Automated Outgoing Telephone Calls - Authorization [SB-463]
Altering the authority of the Board of Trustees of the State Retirement and Pension System to adopt regulations to manage, for certain purposes, the monitoring and recording of incoming telephone conversations to the Member Services division of the State Retirement Agency to include outgoing telephone conversations initiated by the automated virtual hold callback feature of the system; requiring the Board to adopt rules regarding the retention of recordings; and prohibiting the retention of recordings for longer than 10 years.
SB-463: State Retirement Agency - Monitoring and Recording of Automated Outgoing Telephone Calls - Authorization
Sponsored by: Sen. Sarah Elfreth
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 557 on 05/08/2020
Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Program and Admissions and Amusement Tax Distributions – Extensions and Alterations [SB-465]
Extending and altering through fiscal year 2026 the Maryland E-Nnovation Initiative Program; requiring the Governor to include in the annual budget bill an amount that when combined with the amount estimated to be distributed to the E-Nnovation Initiative Fund under certain provisions of law equals at least $8,500,000; altering certain requirements for certain individuals in certain positions funded by certain endowment proceeds; altering the distribution of certain revenue; providing certain contingencies; etc.
SB-465: Maryland E–Nnovation Initiative Program and Admissions and Amusement Tax Distributions – Extensions and Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/07/2020
Sales and Use Tax and Personal Property Tax - Exemptions - Data Centers [SB-397]
Providing an exemption from the sales and use tax for certain sales of certain qualified data center personal property for use at certain qualified data centers under certain circumstances; requiring an individual or a corporation to apply to the Department of Commerce for an exemption certificate for the exemption; authorizing the governing body of a county or municipal corporation to reduce or eliminate the assessment of certain personal property used in certain qualified data centers; etc.
SB-397: Sales and Use Tax and Personal Property Tax - Exemptions - Data Centers
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Peters
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 640 on 05/08/2020
Consumer Protection - Security Features for Connected Devices [SB-443]
Requiring the manufacturer of a connected device to equip the device with a certain reasonable security feature; providing that a security feature for a connected device is reasonable if the connected device is equipped with a certain means for authentication; providing that a violation of the Act is an unfair, abusive, or deceptive trade practice within the meaning of the Maryland Consumer Protection Act and is subject to certain enforcement and penalty provisions; etc.
SB-443: Consumer Protection - Security Features for Connected Devices
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Unfavorable Report By Finance; Withdrawn on 03/09/2020
Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact [SB-416]
Entering into the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact; stating the purpose of the Compact; requiring a state to meet certain requirements to participate in the Compact; requiring certain audiologists and speech-language pathologists to meet certain eligibility requirements to exercise the privilege to practice; requiring member states to recognize the right of an audiologist or a speech-language pathologist to practice via telehealth under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-416: Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2020
Health Care Practitioners – Telehealth and Shortage [SB-402]
Authorizing certain health care practitioners to establish a
practitioner-patient relationship through certain telehealth interactions under certain circumstances; requiring a health care practitioner providing telehealth services to be held to the same standards of practice that are applicable to in-person settings and, if clinically appropriate, provide or refer a patient for in-patient services or another type of telehealth service; requiring a health care practitioner to perform a certain evaluation; etc.
SB-402: Health Care Practitioners – Telehealth and Shortage
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 16 on 04/03/2020
Motor Scooter and Electric Low Speed Scooter Sharing Companies – Nonvisual Access [HB-557]
Requiring that motor scooter and electric low speed scooter sharing companies include on each motor scooter or electric low speed scooter made available to the public an embossed tactile display with contact information through which an individual who is blind or visually impaired may contact the company; requiring that motor scooter and electric low speed scooter sharing companies provide individuals with disabilities certain nonvisual access to their websites and mobile applications consistent with certain federal standards; etc.
HB-557: Motor Scooter and Electric Low Speed Scooter Sharing Companies – Nonvisual Access
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 252 on 05/08/2020
Career and Technology Education - Training in Soft Business Skills [HB-548]
Requiring career and technology programs in public schools to integrate into the academic curriculum training and exposure in soft business skills; and including in "soft business skills" employee and employer relationships, business etiquette, social and emotional awareness in the workplace, group work skills, appropriate professional communication skills, public presentation and customer service, project planning, and use of common business tools.
HB-548: Career and Technology Education - Training in Soft Business Skills
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 2/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2020
Electric Industry - Community Choice Energy - Pilot Program [HB-561]
Applying certain laws regarding net energy metering and community solar generating systems to customers served by a community choice aggregator; altering the circumstances under which counties and municipal corporations may act as an aggregator; establishing a certain Community Choice Aggregator Pilot Program; establishing a process by which, beginning on October 1, 2022, a certain county may form a community choice aggregator; requiring a certain county to develop a plan and give notice of a certain aggregation plan; etc.
HB-561: Electric Industry - Community Choice Energy - Pilot Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Referred Finance on 03/15/2020
Drugs and Devices - Electronic Prescriptions - Controlled Dangerous Substances [HB-512]
Authorizing certain controlled dangerous substance prescriptions to be dispensed on an electronic prescription; requiring, except under certain circumstances, a certain health practitioner to issue a prescription for a controlled dangerous substance electronically; authorizing an authorized prescriber to issue a written or oral prescription for a controlled dangerous substance only under certain circumstances; etc.
Election Administration – Absentee Ballot Canvass and Moratorium on Use of Wireless Network [HB-555]
Altering the time that a local board of elections may begin opening absentee ballot envelopes to canvass the absentee ballots cast in an election to before 9 a.m. on the Friday following election day instead of prior to 8 a.m. on the Wednesday following election day; and prohibiting the use of a wireless wide area network to transmit data from certain electronic poll books to the State Board of Elections or the local boards of elections during an election that is held before January 1, 2021.
HB-555: Election Administration – Absentee Ballot Canvass and Moratorium on Use of Wireless Network
Sponsored by: Rep. Nick Mosby
Favorable With Amendments Report By Education, Health, And Environmental Affairs on 03/18/2020