Telecommunications And Information Technology

State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Court Order to Use a Cell Site Simulator or Obtain Location Information From an Electronic Device - Procedures [SB-383]
Providing the ways in which an application for a court order authorizing or directing a law enforcement officer to use a cell site simulator or obtain location information from an electronic device may be submitted to a judge; providing the ways in which an applicant for the court order and a judge may converse about the court order application; and providing the ways in which a judge may issue the court order.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bob Cassilly Favorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/12/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Suicide Treatment Improvements Act [HB-442]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to provide training for certain staff who assist callers on a certain hotline to ensure that the staff are able to provide counseling for suicidal persons who may be in crisis; requiring certain facilities to ensure that suicidal patients and patients who have attempted suicide are treated in a certain manner; requiring certain facilities to ensure that certain staff act in a certain manner and receive certain training; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Lewis Young Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/20/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Public Health - Healthy Maryland Program - Establishment [HB-534]
Establishing the Healthy Maryland Program as a public corporation and a unit of State government; stating that the General Assembly finds that millions of dollars have been diverted or wasted as part of a multipayer health care system; stating that it is the intent of the General Assembly that Healthy Maryland be established to provide comprehensive universal health coverage for every Maryland resident and be funded by certain revenue; establishing the Healthy Maryland Board and the Healthy Maryland Public Advisory Committee; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gabriel Acevero Hearing 3/11 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/11/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Interstate Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact [HB-540]
Entering into the Interstate Occupational Therapy Licensure Compact; stating the purpose of the Compact; requiring a state to meet certain requirements to participate in the Compact; establishing certain duties of member states; authorizing a certain state to charge a certain fee for granting a certain compact privilege; requiring certain occupational therapists or occupational therapy assistants to meet certain eligibility requirements to receive certain licensure and exercise a certain privilege; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Matt Morgan Approved By The Governor - Chapter 93 on 04/13/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Public Libraries - Electronic Literary Product Licenses - Access [HB-518]
Requiring a publisher who offers to license an electronic literary product to the public to also offer to license the product to public libraries in the State on reasonable terms that would enable public libraries to provide library users with access to the electronic literary product; authorizing the terms of a license authorizing public libraries to provide access to electronic literary products to include certain limitations; defining an electronic literary product; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 411 on 05/30/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Court Order to Use a Cell Site Simulator or Obtain Location Information From an Electronic Device - Procedures [HB-477]
Providing the ways in which an application for a court order authorizing or directing a law enforcement officer to use a cell site simulator or obtain location information from an electronic device may be submitted to a judge; providing for the ways in which an applicant for the court order and a judge may converse about the court order application; and providing for the ways in which a judge may issue the court order.


Sponsored by: Rep. Jesse Pippy Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 392 on 05/30/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Personal Information - State and Local Agencies - Restrictions on Access (Maryland Driver Privacy Act) [HB-23]
Requiring an officer, an employee, an agent, or a contractor of the State or a political subdivision to deny inspection by a federal agency seeking access for certain immigration enforcement matters of a public record that contains personal information or certain photographic images unless a valid warrant is provided; prohibiting certain persons from disclosing certain information to a federal agent or a federal agency under certain circumstances; requiring a certain annual report to the General Assembly; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/26/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Congregate Care Facilities - Visitation [HB-276]
Requiring a congregate care facility to allow a patient's or resident's family member to visit the patient or resident under certain circumstances; requiring a congregate care facility to allow for an alternate means of communication with the patient or resident, such as audio or video calls, if the congregate care facility determines the presence of certain visitors presents a danger to the health and safety of patients, residents, or staff; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to adopt certain regulations; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Shaneka Henson Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/18/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Election Law - Absentee Ballots - Envelope Prohibitions, Ballot Status Information, and Signature Verification [SB-233]
Requiring that certain guidelines for absentee voting provide for voter access to information concerning the status of the voter's absentee ballot or absentee ballot application; prohibiting an envelope enclosing an absentee ballot from including language or information that visibly identifies the political party affiliation of the voter; prohibiting ballot/return and return envelopes from including language or information that visibly identifies the party affiliation of the voter; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Simonaire Hearing 2/18 At 11:00 A.m. on 02/02/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Student and Military Voter Empowerment Act [SB-283]
Requiring a local board of elections to obtain input from large residential institutional communities including institutions of higher education, continuing care retirement communities, senior communities, and military installations when establishing precinct boundaries and designating polling places; establishing a process for certain voters to submit a federal post card application electronically, which may allow the use of a common access card only for verification of identity and fulfillment of the signature requirement; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Sarah Elfreth Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 657 on 05/30/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Juveniles - Sexting [HB-180]
Establishing a certain mitigating factor in a certain juvenile court proceeding against a child for a certain violation if the violation involved or arose out of sexting; prohibiting the court from making a disposition of community detention if the violation arose out of sexting unless the court finds that extraordinary circumstances exist; authorizing the court to order a child whose violation arose out of sexting to participate in an age-appropriate educational program on the risks and consequences of sexting; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Luke Clippinger Hearing 1/21 At 1:30 P.m. on 12/23/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Major Information Technology Development Project Fund – Use of Funds [SB-235]
Requiring that certain money paid into the Major Information Technology Development Fund shall be used to support a certain State telecommunication and computer network and the Statewide Public Safety Interoperability Radio System; and authorizing the Secretary of Information Technology to determine the portion of certain funds that may be allocated to each program.


Sponsored by: Sen. Hearing 1/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 12/23/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Commercial Law - Personal Information Protection Act - Revisions [SB-112]
Requiring a business that maintains personal information of an individual residing in the State to implement and maintain certain security procedures and practices; altering the circumstances under which the owner or licensee of certain computerized data is required to notify certain individuals of a certain breach; altering the time periods within which certain notifications regarding the breach of a security system are required to be given; requiring, rather than authorizing, a certain notification to be given; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee Hearing 1/20 At 1:00 P.m. on 12/23/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Public Schools - Cyber Safety Guide and Training Course - Development, Implementation, and Reporting [SB-231]
Requiring the State Department of Education, the Behavioral Health Administration within the Maryland Department of Health, the Maryland Center for School Safety, and the Department of Information Technology jointly to develop and publish a cyber safety guide and training course on safe Internet, social media, and technology usage for certain students, parents, and school employees to be implemented beginning in the 2022-2023 school year; requiring the guide to be posted on certain websites; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Katie Hester Hearing 1/20 At 2:00 P.m. on 12/29/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Correctional Services - Inmate Cost-of-Living Report - Maryland Correctional Enterprises Diversity Report [HB-100]
Requiring the Commissioner of Correction to include in a certain annual report certain statistics related to the cost of living of inmates at certain facilities; and requiring the Division of Correction to include in an annual financial and operational report of the Maryland Correctional Enterprises certain statistics regarding the race, age, and sex of certain inmates, currently employed at certain facilities, disaggregated by job classification and wage scale.


Sponsored by: Rep. Debra Davis Hearing 1/18 At 1:30 P.m. on 12/23/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Commercial Law – Consumer Protection – Biometric Identifiers and Biometric Information Privacy [HB-218]
Requiring certain private entities in possession of biometric identifiers or biometric information to develop a written policy, made available to the public, establishing a certain retention schedule and guidelines for permanently destroying biometric identifiers and biometric information; prohibiting a private entity from being required to make publicly available a certain policy; requiring each private entity in possession of biometric identifiers or biometric information to comply with certain schedules and guidelines; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Sara Love Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/25/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Historically Black Colleges and Universities – Independence From University System of Maryland [HB-259]
Reorganizing State government by establishing Bowie State University, Coppin State University, and University of Maryland Eastern Shore as independent universities; prohibiting the inclusion of Bowie State University, Coppin State University, and University of Maryland Eastern Shore within the University System of Maryland; designating certain historically black colleges and universities as certain entities; providing that certain historically black colleges and universities have certain responsibilities; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Julian Ivey Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/22/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact [SB-183]
Entering into the Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology Interstate Compact; stating the purpose of the Compact; requiring a state to meet certain requirements to participate in the Compact; requiring certain audiologists and speech-language pathologists to meet certain eligibility requirements to exercise the privilege to practice; requiring member states to recognize the right of an audiologist or a speech-language pathologist to practice via telehealth under certain circumstances; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/28/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

State Department of Education and Maryland Department of Health - Maryland School-Based Health Center Standards - Telehealth [SB-278]
Requiring the State Department of Education and the Maryland Department of Health to authorize a certain health care practitioner at an approved school-based health center to provide health care services through telehealth under certain circumstances; prohibiting the State Department of Education and the Maryland Department of Health from establishing certain requirements for a certain school-based health center to provide health care services through telehealth; etc.


Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan Hearing 1/20 At 2:00 P.m. on 12/29/2021

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State (Maryland)
Maryland 2021 Regular Session

Commercial Law - Personal Information Protection Act - Revisions [HB-148]
Requiring a business that maintains personal information of an individual residing in the State to implement and maintain certain security procedures and practices; altering the circumstances under which the owner or licensee of certain computerized data is required to notify certain individuals of a certain breach; altering the time periods within which certain notifications are required to be given; requiring that certain substitute notice consist of notification to certain media in certain geographic areas rather than statewide; etc.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ned Carey Referred Finance on 02/24/2021

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