Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact [HB-425]
Entering into the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact; establishing criteria for participating states; authorizing an advanced practice registered nurse to practice in a party state under certain scope of practice rules; establishing the Interstate Commission of APRN Compact Administrators and its duties and powers; providing for the amendment of and withdrawal from the Compact; providing that the Compact is contingent on the enacting of substantially similar legislation in six other states; etc.
HB-425: Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Referred Finance on 02/26/2024
Grant Applications and Reporting - Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council - Alterations [HB-418]
Altering the composition of the Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council by removing the Director of the Governor's Grants Office or the Director's designee and adding the Comptroller or the Comptroller's designee; requiring the Council to study and make recommendations to the Department of Budget and Management regarding the creation of a State Grants Ombudsperson by July 1, 2025; altering certain reporting requirements; and extending the termination date of the Council to June 30, 2029.
HB-418: Grant Applications and Reporting - Maryland Efficient Grant Application Council - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 28 on 04/09/2024
Prince George's County - Taxes on Telecommunications Services - Use of Revenue PG 406-24 [HB-398]
Authorizing the Prince George's County Council to impose an excise tax on certain telecommunications service in Prince George's County in addition to, or instead of, a sales and use tax; altering a certain provision of law relating to the use of certain revenue from a certain tax on telecommunications services by allowing the revenue to be used to meet certain education funding requirements for the county; requiring the county to submit an annual report detailing the expenditure of revenues generated by a tax imposed by the Act; etc.
HB-398: Prince George's County - Taxes on Telecommunications Services - Use of Revenue PG 406-24
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 970 on 05/16/2024
Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2024 [SB-362]
Altering or repealing certain required appropriations; authorizing the use of certain funds for certain purposes; altering, from December 1, 2024, to January 15, 2027, the date by which the Accountability and Implementation Board has to conduct and submit a certain independent evaluation; altering the sales and use tax rate on certain electronic smoking devices; repealing a certain small business relief tax credit; requiring interest earnings for certain special funds to accrue to the General Fund of the State during certain fiscal years; etc.
SB-362: Budget Reconciliation and Financing Act of 2024
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 717 on 05/16/2024
Maryland Department of Health - 2-1-1 Maryland - Oversight [HB-353]
Defining the term "Health and Human Services Referral System" for the purposes of certain provisions of law governing the System to mean a certain coordinated system for health and human service resources that is accessible to State residents, rather than a certain telephone service; repealing the requirement that the Maryland Department of Health evaluate the performance of certain call centers and make certain recommendations regarding the quality of service provided by call centers; etc.
HB-353: Maryland Department of Health - 2-1-1 Maryland - Oversight
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 840 on 05/16/2024
Maryland Energy Administration - Carbon Capture Opportunity Program - Establishment [SB-384]
Establishing the Carbon Capture Opportunity Program in the Maryland Energy Administration to assist nonprofit and for-profit businesses engaged in carbon capture projects or carbon capture research; and requiring the Administration to establish application procedures, provide technical assistance to participating businesses, assist participants in applying for federal and private grant funding, and publicize the availability of the Program.
SB-384: Maryland Energy Administration - Carbon Capture Opportunity Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Charles Muse
Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/07/2024
Higher Education - University of Maryland School of Medicine and MPowering Joint Steering Council - Funding [SB-376]
Requiring the Governor to include $5,000,000 in the annual budget for the University of Maryland School of Medicine to provide clinical care at the University of Maryland Capital Region Medical Center; and requiring the Governor to include in the budget for the the MPowering Joint Steering Council to use exclusively on the University of Maryland Institute for Health Computing appropriations of $1,500,000 in fiscal year 2026, $3,000,000 in fiscal year 2027, $4,500,000 in fiscal year 2028, and $6,000,000 in fiscal year 2029 and after.
SB-376: Higher Education - University of Maryland School of Medicine and MPowering Joint Steering Council - Funding
Sponsored by: Sen. Guy Guzzone
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 181 on 04/25/2024
Higher Education - MPowering Joint Steering Council - Funding [HB-334]
Requiring the Governor, beginning in fiscal year 2026, to include in the annual budget bill a certain appropriation for the MPowering Joint Steering Council to use exclusively on the University of Maryland Institute for Health Computing; and requiring the amount of the appropriation to increase each fiscal year, up to $6,000,000 in fiscal year 2029 and each fiscal year thereafter.
HB-334: Higher Education - MPowering Joint Steering Council - Funding
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Conaway
Hearing 2/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/23/2024
You have voted HB-306: Prince George's County - Economic Development - Workgroup on Independent Innovation in Prince George's County - Establishment PG 402-24.
Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact [SB-359]
Entering into the Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact; establishing criteria for participating states; authorizing an advanced practice registered nurse to practice in a party state under certain scope of practice rules; establishing the Interstate Commission of APRN Compact Administrators and its duties and powers; providing for the amendment of and withdrawal from the Compact; providing that the Compact is contingent on the enacting of substantially similar legislation in six other states; etc.
SB-359: Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Compact
Sponsored by: Sen. Antonio Hayes
Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/24/2024
County Boards of Education - Bid Advertisement Threshold and Electronic Posting of Hearing Notices and Bid Advertisements [HB-291]
Requiring county boards of education to post on the websites of certain local school systems hearing notices related to preliminary approval of a school site and advertisements for bids for school buildings, improvements, supplies, or equipment that exceed $100,000; increasing, from $25,000 to $100,000, the threshold amount of costs of school buildings, improvements, supplies, or equipment that trigger the requirement for county boards to advertise for bids; etc.
HB-291: County Boards of Education - Bid Advertisement Threshold and Electronic Posting of Hearing Notices and Bid Advertisements
Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 274 on 04/25/2024
Maryland Wiretap and Electronic Surveillance Reform Workgroup [SB-313]
Establishing the Maryland Wiretap and Electronic Surveillance Reform Workgroup to study the effectiveness of Maryland's wiretapping and electronic surveillance laws, examine current technologies, and examine ways to make certain audio and visual recordings more available; and requiring the Workgroup to report its final findings and recommendations regarding revisions to Maryland's wiretapping and electronic surveillance laws to the Governor and General Assembly on or before December 1, 2025.
SB-313: Maryland Wiretap and Electronic Surveillance Reform Workgroup
Sponsored by: Sen. William Folden
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 02/05/2024
Financial Institutions - Third-Party Service Providers - Examinations [HB-250]
Authorizing the Commissioner of Financial Regulation to examine a third-party service provider as to services and activities performed on behalf of an entity licensed or chartered by the Office of Financial Regulation; requiring the Commissioner to notify a certain licensed person of any examination of any third-party service provider who performs activities relating to financial services on behalf of the licensed person; authorizing the Commissioner to accept the results of an examination by certain entities; etc.
HB-250: Financial Institutions - Third-Party Service Providers - Examinations
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 422 on 05/09/2024
County Boards of Education - Bid Advertisement Threshold and Electronic Posting of Hearing Notices and Bid Advertisements [SB-170]
Requiring county boards of education to post certain hearing notices and bid advertisements on the websites of certain local school systems; increasing the threshold amount of costs of school buildings, improvements, supplies, and equipment that require county boards to advertise for bids from $25,000 to $100,000; and updating the reference to the State's centralized procurement platform on which county boards may advertise for bids for school buildings, improvements, supplies, or equipment.
SB-170: County Boards of Education - Bid Advertisement Threshold and Electronic Posting of Hearing Notices and Bid Advertisements
Sponsored by: Sen. Jason Gallion
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 275 on 04/25/2024
Election Law - Election Costs and Administration [SB-129]
Requiring that each member of the State Board of Elections receive a stipend as provided in the State budget; requiring the State Administrator of Elections or the procurement officer for the State Board to disclose requests for proposals, invitations for bids, and proposed procurement contracts to the State Board; establishing requirements for invoices for payment sent by the State Board to a local board of elections and payments by a local board to the State Board; etc.
SB-129: Election Law - Election Costs and Administration
Sponsored by: Sen. Cheryl Kagan
Hearing Canceled on 02/28/2024
Interstate Social Work Licensure Compact [HB-34]
Entering into the Social Work Licensure Compact for the purpose of authorizing regulated social workers who hold interstate compact licenses to practice social work in member states; establishing requirements for multistate licensure; establishing the Social Work Licensure Compact Commission; and providing for withdrawal from the Compact.
HB-34: Interstate Social Work Licensure Compact
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Referred Finance on 02/26/2024
Natural Resources - Submerged Aquatic Vegetation - Alteration or Removal Requirements [HB-109]
Authorizing certain persons to alter certain submerged aquatic vegetation in a certain manner and in accordance with certain requirements; authorizing a public utility company or telecommunications carrier to alter certain submerged aquatic vegetation in a certain manner and in accordance with certain requirements; and altering certain requirements related to the alteration or removal of certain submerged aquatic vegetation.
Charles County Board of Education - Vacancy Procedures - Timing and Video Streaming and Archiving [HB-151]
Requiring the Charles County Board of Education to fill a vacancy on the county board within 90 days after the vacancy occurs; authorizing the Board to choose not to fill a vacancy that occurs in an election year for a seat that is vacant; and requiring the county board to make publicly available through its website live video streaming and complete video recordings of public meetings during which the county board conducts interviews of applicants for a vacancy on the county board.
HB-151: Charles County Board of Education - Vacancy Procedures - Timing and Video Streaming and Archiving
Sponsored by: Rep. Edith Patterson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 162 on 04/25/2024
Education - Maryland STEM Program - Established [HB-213]
Establishing the Maryland STEM Program in the State Department of Education to provide additional compensation to educators who teach STEM classes at nonpublic schools; authorizing nonpublic schools to apply for the Program and requiring participating nonpublic schools to report certain information to the Department each year; requiring public schools to inform current and retired teachers about the Program and to submit a list of interested teachers to the superintendent of the local school system each year; etc.
HB-213: Education - Maryland STEM Program - Established
Sponsored by: Sen. Dalya Attar
Hearing 1/31 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/16/2024
Election Law - Postelection Tabulation Audits - Risk-Limiting Audits [HB-40]
Requiring the State Board of Elections, in collaboration with the local boards of elections, to conduct a risk-limiting audit after each statewide election; authorizing the State Board, in collaboration with the local boards, to conduct a risk-limiting audit after a special general election; authorizing, rather than requiring, the State Board, in collaboration with the local boards, to conduct an automated software audit after a statewide election; etc.
HB-40: Election Law - Postelection Tabulation Audits - Risk-Limiting Audits
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Referred Education, Energy, And The Environment on 02/23/2024